Colas. if you talk the talk, walk the walk. and just for curiosity what products from Advanced Nutrients do you consider "garbage"
All of them. Why? Well because they are all seperate parts of a super duper, ultra yield, ionic mega budzzz system that has been designed to keep your plants alive while draining your wallet of the maximum amount possible. They are all incomplete products that require one another to work as a system.
For example, I struggled with sensi a and b for a long time. As I began to purchase their additives things got better. By the end of it I was cooking a complicated nutrient soup, spending hundreds of dollars needlessly and getting ok results. It was complicated, constantly measuring, second guessing, having to record everyhting with regards to what I added, when I added it and how much I added. Add to that the PH fluctuation was steady and continuous.
This is ofcourse all by design. Their base line ups are all expensive. Not just dollar per gallon but also concentration. Their formulas are very watered down because water is cheap and requires you to use more of their formula, which ofcourse means more trips to the hydro store.
Ask yourself, how on earth did cannabis survive for thousands of years befor Advanced Nutrients (and mankind for that matter) existed? There wasnt anyone around to mix up formulations of Sensi AB, Big BUd, BUd Candy, Voodo, Pirahana, Turantula, Sensizyme, Amio Acids, Overdrive, Bud Blood, Rhino Skin, Bud Factor X on and on and fucking on.
The best part is, AN is so vague with how to use their products. No where on a bottle of there beneficials does it talk about the fact that tap water will render all of there bacteria products useless. Nor does it explain the difference between chlorine and chloramines with regards to distillation. The result is hobbyist growers (all of us) just pouring money down the drain.
Also, it becomes difficult to diagnose problems when you have a hundred different additives, where do you start?
All of these problems and issues vanished when I started using a cheap, nutritionally complete, highly stable, professional nutrient. My product of choice is Dyna Gro, but thhere are others