Competition With My Dad!


Active Member
My dad and I have decided to have a tomato growing contest this summer. He does not know that I have been growing marijuana, though he knows I smoke. I am hoping to show him that I can grow quite well and if I win this contest then I will show him how I was able to beat him haha.

Was going to grow outdoors obviously but with essentially the same soil and nutes I have been using for my cannabis, will this work as well? I've heard so much that tomatoes and weed are quite similar in growing so I figured it would work just fine?

Any help guys? +rep for advice and help.


King Tut
Should work great I would think. I'm using my old soil and the same nutes that I have in my room. Wonering if I might get a root clone or two? Anyway, I would think it would work well. My dad loves to garden and since I let him know I'm growing, he's been coming to me for advice! LOL!


Active Member
I stole my parents car once thinking that once they saw that i can be responsible they would let me drive more.

My idea and yours are wrong.
Again, my parents know that I smoke and don't care, I am out of their house and all of that, just gonna surprise him with my hopeful skills that will transfer from growing cannabis. Not like I am trying to have them see me as a responsible kid or not, it's the fact that he doesn't know I grow anything, so it is going to be a fun surprise.

Should work great I would think. I'm using my old soil and the same nutes that I have in my room. Wonering if I might get a root clone or two? Anyway, I would think it would work well. My dad loves to garden and since I let him know I'm growing, he's been coming to me for advice! LOL!
That is what I am hoping will happen here, just something else to share you know? Figure that once I show him I can grow too he'll be talking more gardening with me haha.


Well-Known Member
Setup a outdoor NFT system. :)

For taste, carb load them veggies close to harvest, fruits carry alot of natural sugars and supplementing sugar will give a nice crisp, flavorful fruit.

With a bit of research, you can grow these vegatbles with tomatoes in the same hydro setup if you choose that route.

Vegetable Compatiblity Group 1
Shared pH range = 6.0 (that's it)
Shared CF level range = 20-24
Shared PPM level range = 1400 - 2800

Dizzle Frost

Well-Known Member
DO you got certain tomatoe strains picked out? or can you freeball on it? Check out "Pepper Joes" he has some kickass should run a cheater strain for the upper hand LOL


New Member
HA! I agree, you are probably gonna blow him outta the water. He's gonna be like "Beneficial microbial agents"? Rhyzzo-whatsit? What the fuck is an LST? HAHAHAHA Let us know the outcome.


Well-Known Member
How will the winner be determined? Yield per plant? You'll be growing the same strains, I guess?

A tomato scrog might be a fun experiment.

Rooting tomato cuttings is pretty much as easy as mj...very similar.


Active Member
He wants to grow purple heirlooms, as soon as I even suggested the contest he already knew what strain he wanted to grow for the summer. I am not sure how we are going to determine the winner really, probably just yield. I was thinking of fun ways to grow like a scrog grow or LST them, wasn't sure if you did that with these but why not I guess lol.

I figure that if this tomato growing thing goes well I might get a garden started as well, something to entertain me during the days.


Active Member
Hahaha, now wouldn't that be some shit? Growing up I was able to see his growing skills when it came to veggies and I have to say, and maybe it's just the kid against dad thing, but I'm pretty confident I can beat him haha. We will just have to see in the end huh? lol


Active Member
Dig a big hole. Really deep. The bigger the hole the bigger the plant. That has been my experience any how.


Active Member
Bury a tote full of rocks and gravel in the hole about foot and a half deep. Run a piece of 1 1/2" piece of PVC out of the tote a foot above the ground. Cheap water. When the roots hit the Rez. BOOM. Explosion.


King Tut
Bury a tote full of rocks and gravel in the hole about foot and a half deep. Run a piece of 1 1/2" piece of PVC out of the tote a foot above the ground. Cheap water. When the roots hit the Rez. BOOM. Explosion.
That make a HELL of a lot of sense! I'm going to be dropping a couple ladies in the ground tomorrow. And the nursery will sell me rock in 10(?) gallon buckets so all I'd have to do is drop them in the ground.