7500k in the mix with the 2500k for flowering

if you had 4 2500k cfls in a pc grow box but one blew, would it be okay to replace it with a 7500k bulb?

hypothetically, i have already done this.

will it mess things up/cause a hermi or will i be fine??


Well-Known Member
A mixed spectrum is ideal as a cannabis has 2 types of chloroplasts. One of them deals with red wavelengths and the other with blue wavelengths. Using only one spectrum wastes your plants ability to make as much energy for growth as it can. I would advise you to always use a mixed spectrum.


Well-Known Member
when it comes to worrying about hermie/s all you need to do is prevent any light leaks and not interrupt the dark cycle at all and youve got nothing to worry about other than the possibility of a genetic hermie.


most flowering plants like a 10,000k purple bulb to help so id immagine one 7500 would probably help the plant out