Doc.....You da bomb. That one snow white looks like a fucking minora! HA. Can't wait to see these ladies show their nips off! WHOOOOOO! Seriously, looking AMAZING my fine-feathered friend.
As I suspected I wasn't able to do any "grandma gardening". Every time she asks if I'll come help with some project, she just sits and talks to me and makes me food.
"Grams, let's hit the nursery, get some shrubs and get crackin'!"
"Well bushy, ya know, I'd really like to research before I go buying plants willy-nilly. I need a plant that grows 8 feet tall. But no taller than 8 feet. And it can't have roots that are too big beacuse my neighbor had a ficus and that ficus grew RIGHT into their plumbing system. Did you know that all houses used to used septic tanks? Anyway, they had to PAY to have the ficus removed! I love bird of paradise plants, but my neighbor said they are so messy. Do you want another flax-seed smoothie?"
4 hours of that.