Yemen and Syria are Killing their People, too


Well-Known Member

Two hundred Baathists resign in Syria's Deraa

(Reuters) - Two hundred members of Syria's ruling Baath Party from the province of Deraa and surrounding regions resigned on Wednesday in protest against an attack by security forces on the southern city.
"In view of the negative stance taken by the leadership of the Arab Socialist Baath Party towards the events in Syria and in Deraa, and after the death of hundreds and the wounding of thousands at the hands of the various security forces, we submit our collective resignation," said a declaration signed by the officials. (Reporting by Khaled Yacoub Oweis; Editing by Maria Golovnina


Well-Known Member
We should sell them better weapons because it sure seems like they could use them, the numbers of insurgents eliminated would be much higher and their troops would be much more effective. Look at how well Saudi did at putting down the uprising in Bahrain, that was thanks to Obamas record setting arms deal with the Saudis, we could supply other regimes it would be great for our economey and our defence contractors.


Well-Known Member
We should sell them better weapons because it sure seems like they could use them, the numbers of insurgents eliminated would be much higher and their troops would be much more effective. Look at how well Saudi did at putting down the uprising in Bahrain, that was thanks to Obamas record setting arms deal with the Saudis, we could supply other regimes it would be great for our economey and our defence contractors.
Which weapons do you mean?
What are better weapons?


Well-Known Member
Yemen becomes polarized and Civil war may erupt if Saleh will not step down.

Al Jazeera has coverage.

The Ruiner

Well-Known Member
Send them a few nukes maybe they will destroy the whole middle east. Thats a good thing
There will never be a nuclear weapon detonated in the Middle East...Nobody, absolutely nobody could benefit from it, therefore, it will never happen.

There are so many myths and BS out there about the Middle's quite amusing to see how many people never learn to look past the TV screen or "infowars" for their "information."

I would say that this is a time of great collaboration between Israel, Iran, and the US. The Saudi's are struggling themselves to keep their kingdom together. Right now we are witnessing a rebalance of power in the middle east between Iran and the rest of the Arab nations. Israel and the US have a stake in making sure that neither Iran or the Arabs come out with too great of an upper hand. Topically, it seems diffifult to discern who is behind what...but the historical records provide a great map of the key players.


Well-Known Member
I don't agree. There are nut cases in every country so given access to the bomb some whacko would.


Well-Known Member
Crown Prince of Bahrain visits White House but has to sneak in the back door and meet Obama in the kitchen ( metaphorically )

Crown Prince not even on the "official" visitor list to avoid conflicts with human rights protests!

Obama is walking a tight rope as Saudi Arabia holds oil prices over our heads.
Don't expect an increased oil supply and lower prices from Saudi Arabia over political conflicts between the USA and Saudi Arabia.


Well-Known Member
China and Saudi have an agreement to sell oil for Yuan, not dollars.
We in America need to realise that we had it as good as we have because we were Top Dog.. That meant we were the Goto leader of the "Free World" ( in my best Reagan voice)

The New Mantra is Wealth is Global and Poverty is National.

That is why people are starving in Africa and why we cannot save the Whales.

We are dumb beyond belief.

However, China is a rich culture with a somewhat different agenda then our old familiar suggestion of economics.

We will see.. We have no choice!


Well-Known Member
But, ah, what of the Oceans and the Planet?

Gotch ya.. Lifeboat Earth is under Capital Control IMO.


Well-Known Member
We in America need to realise that we had it as good as we have because we were Top Dog.. That meant we were the Goto leader of the "Free World" ( in my best Reagan voice)

The New Mantra is Wealth is Global and Poverty is National.

That is why people are starving in Africa and why we cannot save the Whales.

We are dumb beyond belief.

However, China is a rich culture with a somewhat different agenda then our old familiar suggestion of economics.

We will see.. We have no choice!

we saved the whales.

you are wrong.

pretty simple.
