if i tell them i got it from my local club and they go and see if i puchased it there and my card # is not on the books. its my ass 4 lying... .you make zero sense..you really need some fresh air...and you are a snitch? wtf..."i say joe blow on the corner" ...tell me dummy how are people in non med states supposed to get their meds? stop dodging the question
they must be cuz one just got busted here..is your club a " drug dealer" selling marijuana/hash?? they deserve prison? cops in a med state asking "where did you get this" cmon man...you even think before you post this garbage? answer my question people in 20 plus states in this country ..how do they get their meds? just admit you took a dumb stand on a subject and lets move on.
a fucking cop can do what they want. and when i go and renew my sript they tell that story all the fucking time.. so u cumon manis your club a " drug dealer" selling marijuana/hash?? they deserve prison? cops in a med state asking "where did you get this" cmon man...you even think before you post this garbage? answer my question people in 20 plus states in this country ..how do they get their meds? just admit you took a dumb stand on a subject and lets move on.
medical marijuana patiants are not alowwd to sell there meds. they use the word DONATE to TRY and GET around the LAW..so you are pleased, they were "drug dealers" selling drugs..throw them in prison! right?
i have answerd ur ? alreadystill ducking my question i see
and she asks who...View attachment 1574050
thought this was appropriate
you have? where?... tell me how 20 plus states of people are supposed to get their meds in non med states? and don't say "grow your own" because only a fool with brain of 12 year old child thinks that is the best option for most people...possesion of half ounce = misdemeanor ...cultivation = jail time and felonies...so tell me againi have answerd ur ? already
grow ur own meds or have sum one grow for u...you have? Where?... Tell me how 20 plus states of people are supposed to get their meds in non med states? And don't say "grow your own" because only a fool with brain of 12 year old child thinks that is the best option for most people...possesion of half ounce = misdemeanor ...cultivation = jail time and felonies...so tell me again
holy shit! you mean you are capable of getting dumber? that is a scary scary thought my friend, yeah who the fuck is going to grow for me and take that huge risk for no reward? lmao... please just when you do eventually step away from the computer after weeks of spewing retarded thoughts..put an empty half dog in your pocket so people will think you are drunk and not retarded :>}me either. im holding back
now you are calling names.. tick tick tick shame.. yep, i'l be the better man and walk away lay back and watch this thread get shut down and you bannd.holy shit! you mean you are capable of getting dumber? that is a scary scary thought my friend, yeah who the fuck is going to grow for me and take that huge risk for no reward? lmao... please just when you do eventually step away from the computer after weeks of spewing retarded thoughts..put an empty half dog in your pocket so people will think you are drunk and not retarded :>}