Problem with My Ladies 25 Days into Flowering. Urgent!


Active Member
mate this is from an unbalanced ph...the flux in ph has caused this also what strain is it because it looks lie ur lst'ing and some sytrains dont liek to be lst they get to stressed and start to droop/unhealthy


Well-Known Member
thank you im kicking myself in the ass for this im almost certain that when u used that viniger it droped the ph down to low and then lock out happened im fucking pissed if this dosent worrk 3 months down the fucking tubes.... blaahhhhhhhh:wall:
Those plants are not locked out. They are cooked, nute overdose.


Active Member
mate this is from an unbalanced ph...the flux in ph has caused this also what strain is it because it looks lie ur lst'ing and some sytrains dont liek to be lst they get to stressed and start to droop/unhealthy
non of them acted negitivly to the lst they accually all shot up with in the day i lsted them


Well-Known Member
how often should i flush her im worried about root rot the ones i can see around the bottom of the pot are looking brown so im concerned about that...but one thing at a time gotta get these girls on the right track
i would flush as much as you can for a day or so and see what happens...look for any improvement, last flush of day use ph or distilled water


Active Member
thank you im kicking myself in the ass for this im almost certain that when u used that viniger it droped the ph down to low and then lock out happened im fucking pissed if this dosent worrk 3 months down the fucking tubes.... blaahhhhhhhh:wall:
Ya dude i hear ya, my first grow right now and i have had off and on issues the ENTIRE time. Every time i thought they were "DYING!!" Then like 2-3 days later they look better. I'm also about 11weeks in. The one thing i do do RELIGIOUSLY is ph my RO water to 6.4-6.5 and I think that it has helped a bit. If you dont have a meter you should deff grab one. I dont remember if you said you had one or not. I went and spent like fricken 85 bucks on one cuz im a sucker to good salesmen :eyesmoke: But they got ones for like 25 bucks around there. Hope this may help in any way, GOOD LUCK BRO!!! like i said, I HAVE FAITH!!


Active Member
just wndering cuz if u spray with the light on ur pants can get fucked up. I spray my nugs every night when the lights go out no probs here


Well-Known Member
First of all your ph levels are way too high. You should have your ph around 5.8-6.2..... 6.0 is perfect and what kind of water are your using? tap/ ro
If its soil the ph should be from 6.5-7.0 otherwise your gonna get nute lockout


Well-Known Member
i forgot to say man, on your last flush when you use either ph water or distilled. throw in some 1/4 flower veg nutes and that should atleast show you how shes doing. it might revive her or finish choking her out. at this point (again i dont know how the flush is going) i would go for it

The Serpent

Active Member
i wasent trying to dismiss anything i was only mentioning other factors and as far as the heat stress thats the one i was dismissing how would there be heat stress were it dosent get that hot from the cfls?
you can still get fluorescent burn. i frazzled some seedlings with it once :(


Well-Known Member
your ph is suppose to be between 6.3-6.5 that is the perfect ph for SOIL... 5.5-6.0 for hydro and coco anywhere between 5.8-6.5


Active Member
So I've now heard people swear to 6.3-6.5 and 6.5-7.0


seems everyone does it different :(

i've been doing mine at 6.5 on the nuts


Active Member
the ph in the soil should be between 5.5- 7.5 in hydro it needs to be a little more acidic so you dont get anything growing in the water and when ur growing in soil the soil acts as a barrier with the water and the plants roots and it has a ph on its own so it needs to be more basic to equalize the ph and i have a ph meter the ph is at 7.5 its been there pretty much the whole grow up untill i added the viniger and the spikes i flushed them twice so far and the ph is back at 7.5 so im gonna flush em one more time tomorrow and let em dry out and then add more nutes to see how they handle it