How to Sell and Not Get Caught

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Well-Known Member
there are limits for everything..especially when you cultivate something
Besides not capitalizing the beginning of your sentence, the use of two periods instead of a comma and lack of a period at the end of your sentence, this is the most comprehensable sentence I have seen you write!

Pat yourself on the back! You are improving your English writing skills!

Print out your post #215 and have your mommy put it on your refrigerator.

(See children, you can call this post "trolling", but I call it damn funny!"

Green Inferno

Active Member
i am not hugging no nuts bro...i snap them off like twigs :peace:
I wouldn't even waste your time on dude. He has no sense whatsoever. He called me out about 2 weeks ago
because someone he was arguing with said something funny, and I asked what that meant, after he seen I
wasn't giving in, he left, but came back and started talking about my personal life and my family to attempt to
get to me, then said racist stuff to a black person. Then left again when he seen he was outnumbered on the
race thing.

If you don't agree with him, he'll do the same thing to you. I thought I had him on my ignore list, I guess I
missed him. He's on now.


Rebel From The North
Wow this threads turned into aanother racist thread!

Guess its time to look for another forum cus this one got to much racist shit going on

Green Inferno

Active Member
Wow this threads turned into aanother racist thread!

Guess its time to look for another forum cus this one got to much racist shit going on
I haven't talked about race since 2 weeks ago. This guy is bothering me after 2 weeks after I though it was over.

I moved on, apparently he hasn't.

I was actually done with this thread until my name came up.

Anyways, peace.


Rebel From The North
Your lucky then cus its out there, im a peaceful kind of person and enjoy helping and geting help on RIU
Ive got enough drama in RL to add more from the net.


Well-Known Member
Besides not capitalizing the beginning of your sentence, the use of two periods instead of a comma and lack of a period at the end of your sentence, this is the most comprehensable sentence I have seen you write!

Pat yourself on the back! You are improving your English writing skills!

Print out your post #215 and have your mommy put it on your refrigerator.

(See children, you can call this post "trolling", but I call it damn funny!"
hahahaha see you just proved your a troll...u always got some bullshit to say to try and start some shit up..o sorry i didn't capitalize the first "H" when i said "hahaha" or when i typed "u" instead of "you"...If i cared i could press the shift key but I CAN CARE LESS KID


Rebel From The North
now pissing contests over CFL vs HPS, those pop every week(with the same arguments over and over)[/QUOTE]

What realy takes the cake is led over hid :)

Green Inferno

Active Member
Instead of this turning into a big fight different people against different people,
Let's all take a time out, and smoke a bowl! (or ever how you smoke, vape, joint whatever).

I'll be back in 30 minutes, and stoned.


Well-Known Member
So any tokers that don't grow their own shouldn't smoke? Should they be in jail too? :roll:

How to deal and not get caught. Dont deal. Blackmarket drugs clog the system. Distracting from the real benefits of this great plant. "Dealers belong in jail. Growers belong in thier gardens"..............
EDIT.... please don't tell me you are a California "caregiver"....


Well-Known Member
This looks just like a post a troll would make.... You need a break from RIU if this is how you are going to talk to others here....

Green Inferno is the fattest leprechuan on RIU. He likes to call people trolls yet he has like 550 posts this month. Yo fat boy, step away from your computer and do some sit ups. You grow with a 90 watt led, how much advice can you be providing? Your little stockpile of troll pictures is weak bro. To answer your question, I would destroy your fat ass. I am a veteran who wouldnt take your shit in the streets. Been threw two wars, and the last thing I need is some fat internet prick calling me a troll and telling me he ould stomp on my head. I hope your happy, some people on RIU are acknowledging your existence, but i guess were just trolling.

Green Inferno

Active Member
This looks just like a post a troll would make.... You need a break from RIU if this is how you are going to talk to others here....
I added him to my ignore list, not sure how he got off, but he's back on. Not going to get into the whole thing again, I'm enjoying a nice high right now.
Not going to ruin it.

I reported him, that's all I can do. Anything he posts now, I wont see. Gotta love the ignore button.


Well-Known Member
So is continuing to hash out personal issues in this thread.... you made your point what, 4 times now? we know he is on your ignore list, we know you reported him...... stop already...

I'm not sure what you said, as you're on my ignore list.
I reported you like 6 times today. Name calling is childish.
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