The UK Growers Thread!

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
I'm smokin bubble and drinking oriental beers, you'll get no more sense outta me tonight! Y'add to that some red dwarf adn there's no reason to stay sane, just roll with it :D

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
what a mindfuck of a dilema. Bacon or mussels, it all started off so innocently enough, and then i thought bacon with mussel butter drizzled on top. Bad man no no no. One or the other or none! Dohhhhhhh. Another bottle and maybe i'll foget that one. Flatmate brought me over a bottle of his local wine, i've tried it before and it's honestly the best red i've ever tried, costs about £2.20 at current rates and is 2007 vintage, not bad going :D I dont like thelanguage or the greasy lookin people, but i now see why mr marks had a house there. mmmmmm


Well-Known Member
what a mindfuck of a dilema. Bacon or mussels, it all started off so innocently enough, and then i thought bacon with mussel butter drizzled on top. Bad man no no no. One or the other or none! Dohhhhhhh. Another bottle and maybe i'll foget that one. Flatmate brought me over a bottle of his local wine, i've tried it before and it's honestly the best red i've ever tried, costs about £2.20 at current rates and is 2007 vintage, not bad going :D I dont like thelanguage or the greasy lookin people, but i now see why mr marks had a house there. mmmmmm
half understanable well at lest bout the bacon or mussels then ya lost me bout the greasy people lol

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Hold the news readers nose squarely waiter, or friendly milk will countermand my trousers.

Stephen fry is a crazy man. Jailed for credit card theft yet went and got into cambridge


Well-Known Member
Im out ma tattie. 3.5g of shitty ching. Loads of booze. My jaw is swinging. Hermie is easily solved. Dutch Master Reverse. It works. One of my nevs hermied. Treated with the Dutch. Problem solved. Pick all the balls off and spray. Its used to make graapes and grapefruots without seed.. my eyes r heavy. Another line. Sniff. Oh yeah


Well-Known Member
hahah are you chewing your face off? i remember once i was fucking rocked and i decided it would be a good idea to spit in the missus face whilst.. you know.. well that ended abruptly...

some mates just left, too much beer and mortal kombat 9... ultra violent.. ultra fukken awesome

i'm off to bed man.. shame i feel for you --- you not going to sleep for a while if you're still tooting... if you weren't so damn far away i would join you hah

night bro

Its cut with e. I cant control the jaw. Want to do nasty things to the bird but shes wrecked. Wot the fuck u doing up


Well-Known Member
thought you lads might like a gander at this----[video=youtube;hVTq32Tp2dc][/video]