The UK Growers Thread!

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
I love the concept of microlight, i mean you can be flying them almost from teenage years, but the one thing that puts me off is well, all you ever read is about light aircraft crashing. 2 in the last week, pilot surviced in the one yesterday but onot the one in the lake. Dunno whether it's crap pilots, lack of maintenance, the cost of just one engine or what, but too many crashes for my liking, don't think it'd want to go up in one of them if parachuting out wasn't an option.

I'm not really scared of heights, i mean i have to walk along a 15cm ledge on the edge of a building 5 floors up to get to my smoking "balcony" and it doesn't faze me too much. I'd rather be on the edge of a cliff than in the fucking ocean though! open water scares the bajeesus out of me, just thinking about it get's my heart beating, all thanks to some liftetime family friends who thought it would be a fun idea to throw me off the side of their yatch in the niddle of the ocean and tell me to swim around teh boat else i'm not getting abck on. Bunch of CUNTS! to think they were religeous as well, guess that's the Zimbabwean humour coming through or something

Edit: you won't get me in one of those bastards! that ent no plane it's a motorized hanglider! Traditional plane for me please!

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Ok, i'll hand it to you. Fast and furious are shit :D just watched the first minute of 4 and i've already recognised the good guy from 3 who dies in a firey explosion, vin deisel then sais he used to work with han, wtf is going on with the story ya buch of rtards, han is dead!

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
u didnt watch it very well lol
What do you mean? fast and furious tokyo drift was before fast and furious 4. In tokyo drift he dies in a fiery explosion in his car, in fast and furious 4 same guy is in the very first scene. Not watched enough to udnerstand if it's a flashback or something, doesn't appear that way, but he died a film ago! The fact that they're cast as the same person as well makes me ask what the hell is going on, is faf4 supposed to be set before tokyo drift? :D This is not how i imagined a stoend drunk racing film evening, confused as fook! :D


Well-Known Member
I love the concept of microlight, i mean you can be flying them almost from teenage years, but the one thing that puts me off is well, all you ever read is about light aircraft crashing. 2 in the last week, pilot surviced in the one yesterday but onot the one in the lake. Dunno whether it's crap pilots, lack of maintenance, the cost of just one engine or what, but too many crashes for my liking, don't think it'd want to go up in one of them if parachuting out wasn't an option.

I'm not really scared of heights, i mean i have to walk along a 15cm ledge on the edge of a building 5 floors up to get to my smoking "balcony" and it doesn't faze me too much. I'd rather be on the edge of a cliff than in the fucking ocean though! open water scares the bajeesus out of me, just thinking about it get's my heart beating, all thanks to some liftetime family friends who thought it would be a fun idea to throw me off the side of their yatch in the niddle of the ocean and tell me to swim around teh boat else i'm not getting abck on. Bunch of CUNTS! to think they were religeous as well, guess that's the Zimbabwean humour coming through or something

Edit: you won't get me in one of those bastards! that ent no plane it's a motorized hanglider! Traditional plane for me please!
16 you can start training, but ya need to be 17 to get your licence. and that crash wasnt a million miles away from me lol, problem there was someone doing aerobatics that wasnt trained properly, in an unfamiliar aircraft, from what ive been told(ppl who knew the deceased regularly fly into the airfield we fly from) but it may just be hearsay.
And to give you a bit of perspective there are tens of thousand of road accident per year and about 200 aviation accidents a year for the same amount of miles covered. The most dangerous part of a flight in a light aircraft is the drive to the airfield/airport believe it or not.
I understand what you mean though, cant see it being everyones cup of tea lol

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Aye, but cars are travelling at ground level, planes tend to follow the course of gravity :D Hence my desire for a parachute haha. either way i wanna get back in the air. Fuck body scanners, at presenmt, if i say no thanks, i'm essentially stuck on this rock, i'd love to be able to tell them to go fuck themselves i'll fly myself. I can imagine governments are strongly against the concept of microlites and flying where you like when you like wihout passport and customs and security checks on your passports etc. I imagine the drug smuggling possiblities could be great, ent noone pulling over a plane now unless they somehow managed to obtaion a spare tornado to escort me down :D ubt fuck, if i pass over a big field and start slwoing down, he ent touching down there guaranteed, not in his 20 million quid jet he ent :D zoom zoom zoom!

That's one of the planes this neighbour owns, went over to the local village hall where there was a vilalge fete kinda thing, people displaying all their ww2 jeeps, art etc, and he just up and landed in the damned carpark, tis like 50 feet of seomthing batshit crazy.


Well-Known Member
What do you mean? fast and furious tokyo drift was before fast and furious 4. In tokyo drift he dies in a fiery explosion in his car, in fast and furious 4 same guy is in the very first scene. Not watched enough to udnerstand if it's a flashback or something, doesn't appear that way, but he died a film ago! The fact that they're cast as the same person as well makes me ask what the hell is going on, is faf4 supposed to be set before tokyo drift? :D This is not how i imagined a stoend drunk racing film evening, confused as fook! :D
its supposed to be that tokyo drift was before no.4 and that what happened while han was running with dominic/vin diesel was what caused him to flee back to japan but they dont elaborate on that part of the story


Well-Known Member
Aye, but cars are travelling at ground level, planes tend to follow the course of gravity :D Hence my desire for a parachute haha. either way i wanna get back in the air. Fuck body scanners, at presenmt, if i say no thanks, i'm essentially stuck on this rock, i'd love to be able to tell them to go fuck themselves i'll fly myself. I can imagine governments are strongly against the concept of microlites and flying where you like when you like wihout passport and customs and security checks on your passports etc. I imagine the drug smuggling possiblities could be great, ent noone pulling over a plane now unless they somehow managed to obtaion a spare tornado to escort me down :D ubt fuck, if i pass over a big field and start slwoing down, he ent touching down there guaranteed, not in his 20 million quid jet he ent :D zoom zoom zoom!

That's one of the planes this neighbour owns, went over to the local village hall where there was a vilalge fete kinda thing, people displaying all their ww2 jeeps, art etc, and he just up and landed in the damned carpark, tis like 50 feet of seomthing batshit crazy.
basically when you go abroad you have to "clear customs" in the country you are departing( normally a bloke looking idly at your documents/flight plan before walking to the nearest window to look at your aircraft before shruggin and signing your paperwork) then when you come back to the UK you have to land at a major(ish) airport to clear customs there, but that doesnt stop you dropping anything over the side in between ;-), depending on what airport you land at you will either "clear customs" in the same manner as when you left whatever country it was or occasionally you will have a sniffer dog or customs officer come out an have a half arsed look around/inside the craft before walking off bored.

p.s. the only ppl that pull planes over in the air are the RAF(eurofighter typhoon or tornado) and like it or not if they want you to divert or land thats exactly what you will be doing, there was a bloke (in 2008) at an airfield near the one we fly from that decided to disobey them for a laugh thinking they wouldnt do anything because it a UK registered aircraft an coz of the human rights act etc, his plane is still sitting in the hanger at his airfield riddled with 30mm cannon holes from the "warning shot", he sustained shrapnel injuries over his whole upper body and died 8months later from "complications resulting from his injuries", whole story has been hushed up an is the subject of one of these "super-injunctions" that have featured in the papers quite recently


Well-Known Member
My nephew just popped in and gave me a little pollen. Proper. No need to burn and really oily. 220 an oz tho.
you lucky fucker! i love good solid more than any strain of green can get it from the dam tho at 11$ a gram or amnesia haze bubble hash that then been soaked in hash oil at 25$ a gram


Well-Known Member
basically when you go abroad you have to "clear customs" in the country you are departing( normally a bloke looking idly at your documents/flight plan before walking to the nearest window to look at your aircraft before shruggin and signing your paperwork) then when you come back to the UK you have to land at a major(ish) airport to clear customs there, but that doesnt stop you dropping anything over the side in between ;-), depending on what airport you land at you will either "clear customs" in the same manner as when you left whatever country it was or occasionally you will have a sniffer dog or customs officer come out an have a half arsed look around/inside the craft before walking off bored.

p.s. the only ppl that pull planes over in the air are the RAF(eurofighter typhoon or tornado) and like it or not if they want you to divert or land thats exactly what you will be doing, there was a bloke (in 2008) at an airfield near the one we fly from that decided to disobey them for a laugh thinking they wouldnt do anything because it a UK registered aircraft an coz of the human rights act etc, his plane is still sitting in the hanger at his airfield riddled with 30mm cannon holes from the "warning shot", he sustained shrapnel injuries over his whole upper body and died 8months later from "complications resulting from his injuries", whole story has been hushed up an is the subject of one of these "super-injunctions" that have featured in the papers quite recently
will a microlight make it to peru or columbia? lolol