The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
did they all survive billy after your pump failiure?, had a close call there mate few more days and they would of been brown bread. It happens tho lost a few crops myself over the years thanks to timers and pumps going tits up.


Well-Known Member
fuck knows mate i imagine so as its spores innit but hey smoking weed is bad for you fullstop right ? lol
not just damp mouldy shit tho, sprayed crap dont do you any favours. Picked up a bit of green a while ago wouldnt burn and was oily to the touch found out croppers are spraying there gear with brix plus dodgy fuckers lol


Well-Known Member
All r looking good. They had 24hrs light for the last week. Its like a fucking jungle. Went 12/12 last night. Gonae treat with the dutch, just in case. I reckon we r now talking 50+ oz


Well-Known Member
not just damp mouldy shit tho, sprayed crap dont do you any favours. Picked up a bit of green a while ago wouldnt burn and was oily to the touch found out croppers are spraying there gear with brix plus dodgy fuckers lol
lets just say i got my refund the last time i was sold spray , i wont ever smoke that.

but when ur last bit of persi turns on you and u aint got shit left , sometimes uve just gotta do these things :P


Well-Known Member
lets just say i got my refund the last time i was sold spray , i wont ever smoke that.

but when ur last bit of persi turns on you and u aint got shit left , sometimes uve just gotta do these things :P
Funny enough i got a refund too lol, the guy i get from also takes my gear he knows not to fuck about otherwise prices go up. Smoked one j of that sprayed crap and felt rough now if i aint got i dont smoke far too much dodgy crap about.


Well-Known Member
It worked for me last grow. About 4 weeks in my big nev started growing bawz. Plucked the fuckers and sprayed and sprayed again 10 days later. Perfect. U got a penetrator/wetting agent


Well-Known Member
Bad genetics or nature doing its thing or people would have u believe......STRESS. fuck knows how i havent developed a if u use femz seeds. Dutch MR is a must


Well-Known Member
30 snaps for a litre of the dutch and wetting agent. Well worth the money and will last for a few years. It can be used as prevention aswel as cure


Well-Known Member
It worked for me last grow. About 4 weeks in my big nev started growing bawz. Plucked the fuckers and sprayed and sprayed again 10 days later. Perfect. U got a penetrator/wetting agent
Ive got a wetting agent from ages ago still in my cupboard somewhere ill use that if need be can this stuff be used on its own? got no hermies anyway its just incase shit happens always better to have this stuff and not need it than to need it and not have it is the way i think.


Well-Known Member
The dutch needs a wetting agent jimmy. OTB- a wetting agent makes foliar spraying more effective. Google it. Cant be fucked typing loads on this