Pukka Bud's Coco Grow Journal!


Active Member
What up Pukka B? Hey bro those look perfect! I mean dam the color, shape, everything about them looks perfect! Can't wait for the light switch. Hey bro you have a dam clean looking space there also! Looks perfect and clean like an operating room! Way to go bro! Perfect plants, perfect space, that's what it's all about! Let me see if I can't send a plus rep your way. Keep it up bro! Impressive!!


Well-Known Member
damn pukka, your plants are always in perfect health, definitely got yourself a pair of green thumbs! I reckon you're gonna beast the G13 this round, Im calling it ;)


Well-Known Member
What up Pukka B? Hey bro those look perfect! I mean dam the color, shape, everything about them looks perfect! Can't wait for the light switch. Hey bro you have a dam clean looking space there also! Looks perfect and clean like an operating room! Way to go bro! Perfect plants, perfect space, that's what it's all about! Let me see if I can't send a plus rep your way. Keep it up bro! Impressive!!
Hey buddy, thanks!! i like everything clean and tidy!.....dont no about the operating room tho lol!!

damn pukka, your plants are always in perfect health, definitely got yourself a pair of green thumbs! I reckon you're gonna beast the G13 this round, Im calling it ;)
Called then bro!!.............i hope so cheers!

superb job again........but thats what we expect from you mate.............
Cheers del......dont expect to much might jinx me lol!!

gorgeous plants mate, that coctail you got them on is working wonders
Thanks mate, yeah they love the canna!!

las fingerez

Well-Known Member
crack a lacking PB bro :)

does the light move or is it fixed? if its fixed then prop the girls up on plant pots 2 get them a bit closer to the light bro :)



Well-Known Member
It moves pal got it on some para cord

Ive got it 20" just for there 1st night mate will be lowerin to around 16" tonight and then let them grow upto about 12" then ill start raising it as they grow, cheers for the help bro!!


Hi bro, thanks!!!,....... cant wait for the flowerin stage now.............i started waterin everyday after a while cos the pots were gettin abit to lite(lost more then half there weight in water) with the every other day waterin, at 1st when i 1st started doin it i was proberbly waterin a bit early but after a week i was good,.....its always better to water slightly to soon then to late in coco!
Are your pots feelin realy lite after a day or so?
Looks like these guys have helped you out on your other Q mate,.....anyway i always get rid of my runoff, you dont want your roots sittin in waste water or you'll get probs!.with these airpots im usin uve got like a void at the bottom of the pot so your roots arnt touchin the water but i still get rid!

Thanks bro, i was goin to do a little work tonight....bring the 600w in and have a little sweep out and stuff, and take pics for my update tomorow but got unexpected guests comin other so looks like it will be late tomorow night now!

Even better then the turkey thingy, ive got a water cannon what i stole off my young un lol......it sucks about 1.5 litre at a time.........you can get them from most toy shops at the min for about £2....there for havin water fights with mate lol!!
lol sounds good mate, got an even better bargain today tho after the turkey baster prompt, got me a two pice syphone pump at my local DIY store for £1.50, does the trick and i can drain my res fro my hydro grow as well Saaaweeet! DSCF1237.jpg

p.s your hunnies are looking fine as usual mate!


Well-Known Member
So beautiful thats fkn art its like you can hear the angelic music hrom above like in the movies as the grow gods smile down upon her leaves -can you hear ahhh ah ahhhhhh (to a sweeet tune)

im not quite knowing how to describe dis shit
but its good feelin down deep
when you think enough of a person to offer them sum yo beans to see wat day can d wit it
when the end results are through the roof it makes you feel good
its hard to describe almost like yo kids dong good in school
kinda up deah
arouund dat caliber

1Luv Stay True​


Well-Known Member
i thought this needed bumping. i think this should have been your entry to the 420 comp.

what a beast


Well-Known Member
lol sounds good mate, got an even better bargain today tho after the turkey baster prompt, got me a two pice syphone pump at my local DIY store for £1.50, does the trick and i can drain my res fro my hydro grow as well Saaaweeet! View attachment 1575608

p.s your hunnies are looking fine as usual mate!
Cheers bro!!.................cool ive never seen them before i may invest in 1 i thinks!!

So beautiful thats fkn art its like you can hear the angelic music hrom above like in the movies as the grow gods smile down upon her leaves -can you hear ahhh ah ahhhhhh (to a sweeet tune)

im not quite knowing how to describe dis shit
but its good feelin down deep
when you think enough of a person to offer them sum yo beans to see wat day can d wit it
when the end results are through the roof it makes you feel good
its hard to describe almost like yo kids dong good in school
kinda up deah
arouund dat caliber

1Luv Stay True​
Nice 1 brudda! lol...............I always like your posts, there always cool and make me smile cheers man!!

i thought this needed bumping. i think this should have been your entry to the 420 comp.

what a beast
I put a few up mate but i think they just chose the 1st pic of a bud, still nice but not the best out of the bunch, the 1 above is 1 of my faves also...........i think Don's pissed it, might have put up a bit of a fight with a better pic lol......wish i chucked the pint of bud pic up also into the other comp oh well!


Well-Known Member
Hey people gunna start droppin my light hours tonight, so when the light comes on at normal time it will only be on for 16/8 tonight, 14/10 tomorow and 12/12 wednesday, dont no why i do this just did it last time lol!..........so they will have had a 6week veg!
Update Wednesday!


Well-Known Member
Hi mate im waterin every other day at the min, will be everyday soon...........ive got just canna coco pro in my pots!


Well-Known Member
I put a few up mate but i think they just chose the 1st pic of a bud, still nice but not the best out of the bunch, the 1 above is 1 of my faves also...........i think Don's pissed it, might have put up a bit of a fight with a better pic lol......wish i chucked the pint of bud pic up also into the other comp oh well!
What competition do you speak of pukka? fancy lookin at some porn lol


Well-Known Member
oh alright. Why dont you just stick to watering every other day rather than everyday?
That's like saying why not give them the full Litre of nutes they will need through the grow at once. The plant has specific needs, and they change all the time.