does light schedule have to be dead on 12 on 12 off for flowering???


Active Member
i dont have a timer switch so i try to get my light on at 8 and off at 8 but sometimes im a little late like 15 mins cause i i was wondering if this would effect it?????


Active Member
I do mine manually too...I wont use timers saw 1 that almost burnt down a house...Nah a few minutes shouldnt make a difference i was almost an hr late this morning but mine r autos and set for 20/4 so more light dont bother mine...


Active Member
15 min might not be a big deal, but I feel like you'll undoubtedly fuck it up one day. Completely forget for a couple hours or something and that will be a problem. Save yourself the hassle and invest 5-10 bucks on a timer I say


A few minutes here and there isn't going to cause an issue, but if you're forgetting 15min now it will certainly get worse as time goes by. Just get a timer..

I do mine manually too...I wont use timers saw 1 that almost burnt down a house...Nah a few minutes shouldnt make a difference i was almost an hr late this morning but mine r autos and set for 20/4 so more light dont bother mine...
lol thats like saying you wont ride in a car because you saw an accident once. You can do more damage if you forget to turn on or off the timer than the timer can do.


Well-Known Member
I really doubt the fire was caused by an on off circuit not working correctly.... Basically the timer is a light switch...


Active Member
Get a timer, messing about with light cycles is one of the major things that can cause a plant to hermie.


Well-Known Member
It wont hurt them. I also do not use a timer.
I pull em out of the Veg room an put them in dark at 7 an 7.
Just try an keep em on schedual.

Remember there is no 12/12 outdoor (in the usa).


Well-Known Member
I dont use timers im up at 07.00 and switch them off and back on again at 19.00. When i have used timers in the past ive found myself checking they've switched on and off anyway so i may as well do it myself. 15mins makes no difference the only rule is not to interrupt the dark cycle.


Well-Known Member
hell no.

11.5 on 12.5 off works great.

at LEAST 12 hours darkness
I second that motion.
In Ed Rosenthal's book, 2010 edition, he suggests at least 12 off and an initial extra hour off in the beginning of flowering cycle to
help the process initiate. In my own personal experience, I don't own a timer. I turn lights on when I leave for work at 6am.
I turn them off at 6pm...roughly speaking. I've missed the on part by as much as an hour (extra darkness) and I don't see any
signs of stress at all. I guess it's safe to assume that if you're going to err, you should err on the side of less light not more.


Well-Known Member
I second that motion.
In Ed Rosenthal's book, 2010 edition, he suggests at least 12 off and an initial extra hour off in the beginning of flowering cycle to
help the process initiate. In my own personal experience, I don't own a timer. I turn lights on when I leave for work at 6am.
I turn them off at 6pm...roughly speaking. I've missed the on part by as much as an hour (extra darkness) and I don't see any
signs of stress at all. I guess it's safe to assume that if you're going to err, you should err on the side of less light not more.
nooo wrong,stretching is cool remember douche lmao


Active Member
How is a timer going to cause a fire? *blink* At the end of the day when you decided to grow weed you mutually accepted that there are certain items you REQUIRE for EVERY GROW OPERATION. A timer is one of them. If you can't afford the necessities to growing pot, then don't grow pot. Just stick to buying it and you will save yourself some headaches in that case.

However, if you insist that you are ready to grow:
Sometimes in life it's just better to spend that extra dollar.


Well-Known Member
does the sun rise/set at the exact same moment in nature? No. Therefore the plants have evolved some tolerance to changing wake/sleep times.

That being said, spend 5 frickin dollars on a timer. Too much inconsistency in sleep/wake times will get you hermies.