Outdoor Autos

bong face

Well-Known Member
Does anyone have any experience with autoflowers outdoors?? I just did indoor with haze auto from dinafem and yielded 70g's in 80 days with cfls.
Now i wanna try doing an outdoor.
I just purchased 3 fruit auto from dinafem, anyone grow this strain? it came with second generation haze autos, haven't decided if im gonna try to grow these cuz i dont want a couple hermies ruining my whole crop.
Thanks any input would be great


Well-Known Member
Quite a few members, including myself, grow autos outdoors. I've never grown the fruit strain. I only buy feminized seeds, so no hermies, at least not yet. It appears that indoor autos do better than outdoors. But I'm relatively new to growing, others might have a different experience.


Active Member
They work fine outdoors. Germinate them now, perfect timing to be done in July if you hurry.
I did one mid Jan and put outside mid Feb, took the shitty weather great....just finished at 15 weeks - the indoor ones only took 11. Can't tell you the weight, still drying but I'm guessing just under 2oz. You got 2-1/2 from one under cfls??




Active Member
P.S., my avatar is a macro pic of the outdoor auto, taken day before yesterday, right before I Killed her. lol.



Active Member
Quite a few members, including myself, grow autos outdoors. I've never grown the fruit strain. I only buy feminized seeds, so no hermies, at least not yet. It appears that indoor autos do better than outdoors. But I'm relatively new to growing, others might have a different experience.
for you guys who grow autos outdoors, how many hours of DIRECT sunlight are your plants getting?


Active Member
Since mine was out in Feb., only about 4-1/2 to 5 in the beginning but about 8 in the end. I'm pretty sure that's why it took nearly 15 weeks to finish.



New Member
Ive yet to grow a good auto out of 4 tries it has been pathetic, if you have the option I really suggest you do regular cannabis its 10x better easily - some people on here do okay with autos but really I dont think its worth it just my 2 cents. also yeah the haze autos are the worst of the worst lol my result with that one was like a 5gram plant the size of a basketball and this with a 400W light- just saying don't invest a lot into autos because its more of a hobbyist thing.

To be honest I can't tell a difference in buzz much but the main problem is yield with these things, ive yet to get over 15 grams or so, I will keep trying as I was given a lot of seeds for free- maybe Im just not getting the right phenos.

Dr. Yo

Active Member
I've had some success growing Autos Outdoors this Spring.

Check out my signature if you're interested.


bong face

Well-Known Member
Quite a few members, including myself, grow autos outdoors. I've never grown the fruit strain. I only buy feminized seeds, so no hermies, at least not yet. It appears that indoor autos do better than outdoors. But I'm relatively new to growing, others might have a different experience.
yeah i the haze auto was feminized... still hermied. =bad genetics, but the 'naners popped out during the last week, i don't even think they opened cuz i haven't found a seed yet!

bong face

Well-Known Member
They work fine outdoors. Germinate them now, perfect timing to be done in July if you hurry.
I did one mid Jan and put outside mid Feb, took the shitty weather great....just finished at 15 weeks - the indoor ones only took 11. Can't tell you the weight, still drying but I'm guessing just under 2oz. You got 2-1/2 from one under cfls??


haha jan and feb??!! i wish! im in new england, can't go outdoors til may (safely).

yeah man 2 and 1/2 with cfls. pleasantly surprised myself, first indoor attempt too. had one 125w 6500K with a hood, a 48w 2700K and a 50w 2700K. the top nug is 13.5g!!!

bong face

Well-Known Member
Ive yet to grow a good auto out of 4 tries it has been pathetic, if you have the option I really suggest you do regular cannabis its 10x better easily - some people on here do okay with autos but really I dont think its worth it just my 2 cents. also yeah the haze autos are the worst of the worst lol my result with that one was like a 5gram plant the size of a basketball and this with a 400W light- just saying don't invest a lot into autos because its more of a hobbyist thing.

To be honest I can't tell a difference in buzz much but the main problem is yield with these things, ive yet to get over 15 grams or so, I will keep trying as I was given a lot of seeds for free- maybe Im just not getting the right phenos.
damn thats some rough luck. this was my first indoor attempt, an the haze auto got me 70g's with only cfls. u must of just had shitty luck with genetics, or ur doing something else wrong. ive had a couple attempts outdoors with regular seeds but in my 4 attemps i got maybe 7 grams total.

the reason i wanna do autos outdoors is cuz im going back to school at the end of the summer and i wanna make sure i can harvest my crop before i leave, (left a couple plants going last year then came back to mold........) not a good surprise


Well-Known Member
Don't start your autos in party cups learned that go with 1 to 2 gal smart pots. Then transplant outside. It's what I have to do to beat pollen.

bong face

Well-Known Member
Don't start your autos in party cups learned that go with 1 to 2 gal smart pots. Then transplant outside. It's what I have to do to beat pollen.
good call, honestly i was thinking bout germinating the seed and sowing right where it will grow, or was thinking bout just growing them in green 5 gal buckets, just in case something bad happens and security is in jeopardy.

dreamy- what he means is less chance to shock the plants, causeing hermies/male bananas


Active Member
autos don't do bad outdoors, it's just they don't grow as big as they can indoors

growing outdoors is much more harder, especially if you are trying a guerilla remote grow =/

lots of thing that can ruin your grow/yield (slugs, deers, catterpillars, hunters, rippers etc.)

so if you have the chance growing autos indoors are easier than written

note: yes, don't start autos from seeds outdoors. start from pots, or face the consequences =/


Well-Known Member
I had wierd results outside last year with the Snowryder feminized variety from Sensi, it's nor a dwarf nor a "full" regular plant, somewhere in the middle, anyway, it's classified as an autoflowering strain. I planted them last year outside in mid May, they got way bigger than they were supposed to and showed no signs of autoflowering, I ended up chopping them, I did have one that matured in late September and the bud was great but I guess they got accustomed to a regulare photoperiod and didn't autoflower, whatever.

This year the exact same seeds are giving me plants 3 weeks old that are already flowering, I used the same method and same timing, strange, I think that autos respond differently to different conditions, outdoors they may not perform the same way, I prefer big regular strains, the Snowryders are just for fun.

Check out my journal from last year and the new one all about outdoor autos.



bud nugbong

Well-Known Member
i had a friend who randomly had an auto in his garden and i was very jelous seeing those nugs in the middle of summer,...IMO they are nice to have around so you dont have to wait untill the fall harvest.


Well-Known Member
Beat pollen? Please explain.
I meant that where I live Marijuana(DITCH) grows everywhere so Im started my autos indoor so they are well along almost done before land race MJ is pollinating otherwise I will end up with seeds.

Also regarding to stoopy---sometimes the autoflower genetic isn't full on with these seeds. I haven't had that happen to me yet but seen it a quite a few times on here. Sorry to see you had to chop but owell.