3 Femd Lemon Skunks I Need Expert Help


Active Member
So i planted 3 lemon skunk seeds about 3 weeks ago, i had them under cfls for a week or so then moved them into my growroom with a 250w mh. A friend was taking care of them while i was out of town and gave them nutes at about 2 weeks old and burned them a bit, but ive been giving them straight water every feeding since. All of the leaves are drooping/curling on all 3 and its not over/underwatering because i waited until they completely dried out then fed them less water then i did the last time still drooping leaves. I checked the ph and everything is all good, so the only thing i could think of was heat stress? but my growroom temp averages 24 degrees everyday and the plants are on 18/6 so they get a cool period. I need an expert opinion as i do not want these ladies to die on me. Also im growing in sunshine mix 4 and i have 3 other bagseed plants in there about a month old with kind of the same problem. any input is greatly appreciated and i'll try and post some pics tomorrow, thanks!


Well-Known Member
what makes you think they are burned, beside the fact that he gave them nutes? it could be other problems. pics would help. If they are burned, flush the soil with water, three times the volume of the container.


Active Member
well all of the leaves were yellow and brown completely crusty and burnt plus he told me he gave them way more nutes then i ever did, and he gave nutes to my plants that were like a week and a half old. I'll try and get some pics up later i moved them another couple inches from the light and they look alot happier now so i'm assuming it was heat stress.You say to flush with water 3 times the volume of the container but won't over watering kill them opposed to them just having a couple dead looking leaves and being stunted a bit?


Well-Known Member
i dunno, it sounds pretty bad, like indeed they were burned (this is pretty rare).

over watering is not simply giving a large amount of water at once, this is called flushing. over watering means not letting your soil dry, as in watering every day. between waterings, let your soil dry thoroughly, as close as you can get to the point of wilting (when you stick your finger in and it comes out pretty clean). flushing is what you should do after nutrient burn, it's not just about the dead leaves but also a buildup of salts in your soil, this will be harshly detrimental to your plant in the future as well.

flush your soil, after that start feeding at low dosage. heat stress is not possible at 24c with 250mh, even if they are 3" from the bulb (but dont get them so close). Then again, plants that are sick are better off being kept far from the light. If they are in very bad shape and you have extra seeds, it may be better to start over in new soil, and next time give better instructions to your plant-sitters :P


Active Member
i dunno, it sounds pretty bad, like indeed they were burned (this is pretty rare).

over watering is not simply giving a large amount of water at once, this is called flushing. over watering means not letting your soil dry, as in watering every day. between waterings, let your soil dry thoroughly, as close as you can get to the point of wilting (when you stick your finger in and it comes out pretty clean). flushing is what you should do after nutrient burn, it's not just about the dead leaves but also a buildup of salts in your soil, this will be harshly detrimental to your plant in the future as well.

flush your soil, after that start feeding at low dosage. heat stress is not possible at 24c with 250mh, even if they are 3" from the bulb (but dont get them so close). Then again, plants that are sick are better off being kept far from the light. If they are in very bad shape and you have extra seeds, it may be better to start over in new soil, and next time give better instructions to your plant-sitters :P
thanks for the info that helps alot, i wasnt aware that flushing wouldn't stress them out much. The issue right now isn't so much the nute burn but the fact that my babies are drooping really bad. They are about 16" i'd say from the light and the temps in my cab have been between 24 and 26 all day never goes above. I waited until the soil was really dry and the leaves drooped a litte then i watered them. Then they sprang to life for a day or so and started drooping again but the soil is still so moist all the way through i'm using sunshine mix 4 and it holds water real well


Active Member
Also i was wondering would it even be worth it to still flush them? I haven't done so yet but they're showing signs of new healthy growth everyday, besides the drooping fact. And it only really seems to be the 3 week old lemon skunks drooping my 4 week old bagseed plants seem to be ok besides the nute burn,lol. It looks like it could be a ph problem but i check my ph and adjust accordingly so i'm not sure. The plants are on an 18/6 sched and are fed a little bit of advanced nutes micro gand grow havent really used bloom yet. They're grown in sunshine mix 4 if I haven't mentioned that already. another theory i had was they could be outgrowing the little containers theyre in I haven't been able to transplant them to they're permanent pots yet. I hope someone can help save these ladies! :)


Well-Known Member
hey dude

they don't look so bad. they actually look good - just stressed a little. i guess flushing can't hurt but it's not mandatory, especially if you transplant them soon.

the most important thing right now is to transplant - plants beyond the seedling stage (like these plants) need more than party cups to thrive. this could be why they seem overwatered even though you let it dry - not enough oxygen for the roots (and when they are tight in there they can't breathe well). so you should transplant them to better sized pots (doesn't really matter how big) and you'll see them vegging very nicely and forget about these problems. either way, they don't need saving - sound like you know what you're doing. pH is most important so keep that up.

about a day after you transplant, you can also start gradually moving the light closer. look for the HID distance reference table (it's everywhere) for accurate info on how close your lamp should be.


Active Member
hey dude

they don't look so bad. they actually look good - just stressed a little. i guess flushing can't hurt but it's not mandatory, especially if you transplant them soon.

the most important thing right now is to transplant - plants beyond the seedling stage (like these plants) need more than party cups to thrive. this could be why they seem overwatered even though you let it dry - not enough oxygen for the roots (and when they are tight in there they can't breathe well). so you should transplant them to better sized pots (doesn't really matter how big) and you'll see them vegging very nicely and forget about these problems. either way, they don't need saving - sound like you know what you're doing. pH is most important so keep that up.

about a day after you transplant, you can also start gradually moving the light closer. look for the HID distance reference table (it's everywhere) for accurate info on how close your lamp should be.
yea that makes sense man thanks alot, I'm gonna transplant asap hopefully these girls do thrive :). I'll update this thread with some pics after i transplant and let you know how things are goin!


Active Member
but then i come home from work tonight and they're drooping again. Nothing changed all day the cabinet door was wide open with cold air flowing into the cab so it can't be heat. So I don't really know i hope when i transplant them they perk up lol


Well-Known Member
yeah it's the stress probably. they are still weak. plants sometimes wilt late in their day. be cool, and proceed as planned :)


Active Member
asaph hit it right on the head! all your issues are the result of the plant being in too small of a pot. transplant, water thoroughly, and start giving them fertilizer in about a week or so.


Well-Known Member
So i planted 3 lemon skunk seeds about 3 weeks ago, i had them under cfls for a week or so then moved them into my grow room with a 250w mh. A friend was taking care of them while i was out of town and gave them nutes at about 2 weeks old and burned them a bit, but ive been giving them straight water every feeding since. All of the leaves are drooping/curling on all 3 and its not over/under watering because i waited until they completely dried out then fed them less water then i did the last time still drooping leaves. I checked the ph and everything is all good, so the only thing i could think of was heat stress? but my grow room temp averages 24 degrees everyday and the plants are on 18/6 so they get a cool period. I need an expert opinion as i do not want these ladies to die on me. Also im growing in sunshine mix 4 and i have 3 other bag seed plants in there about a month old with kind of the same problem. any input is greatly appreciated and i'll try and post some pics tomorrow, thanks!
I think they need to be feed! I give up on sunshine mix ffof and any other dirt! I'm going to go rock wool 100% then I know what to feed and when to feed. Cuz Ive had a lot of trouble with both. Before it I was legit I could buy no good dirt and I grew in rock wool for 2 years a lot less headache ! I had so many horror story I quit posting them! And going to make a video soon! here's one for now!
