First Indoor Grow- Aerogarden Setup


Well-Known Member
Sounds like you found the ones I got. Mine are 42 watt, yours are 40....same thing. The 125 watters you hear about are grow lights that you have to order from a garden company or something online (and it's 125 real watts not equiv). I've heard some parts of the country carry the 125w in stores, but I guess it depends on where you live...highest i ever saw in my area was 42w orange spectrum.


Well-Known Member that i think about it the light does look orange... am i gonna need anotha type of light differnt spectrum for flowering???.. i mean orange has to be in the middle of red on blue so is that on the money.....

well.... it doesnt really matter at this veeeery moment anyway, cuz i just broke the last light... i swear i gotta be the clumsiest mofo alive, or just plain retarded... :wall:


Well-Known Member
Man i'm starting to get frusterated for you... Yea the red/orange is the same thing... You use that bulb for flowering and the blue or cool one for veg. Actually, I recommend using both of them half and half. Seems to work best... and how are you breaking the lights? LOL you MUST be clumsy.


Well-Known Member
yea man you don't want them roots growing together think what happens if one plant gets root rot for some reason? Well then they might all get root rot you should get some nylon netting or separate them into their own area some how. How many air stone's do you exactly have?


Well-Known Member
i am doing an AG grow as well check out my journal in my signature maybe we can bounce ideas off each other, I have 3 sprouts going in the AG under 6 cfls so far so good, I am starting 12/12 today they are only 7 days old, good luck


Active Member
I have an AG and the leaves are starting to curve inward towards each other. not towards the stem or up but they are curving inward left and right please answer if you have seen this and know how to fix it. I would post some pictures to let yall see but i dont know what the URL of the image is


Well-Known Member
If it's not to late..try turning the sponges and raiseing the worked with the herbs to correct the lean theyhad going on...if my cat would stop eating my plants I'd be farther ahead..


Well-Known Member
I have an AG and the leaves are starting to curve inward towards each other. not towards the stem or up but they are curving inward left and right please answer if you have seen this and know how to fix it. I would post some pictures to let yall see but i dont know what the URL of the image is

Its about time for another update anyway... its looking kinda good, kinda bad on my end.

I went and EVERYTHING.. i mean everything that i needed.... i got a fan, the smaller airstone i needed (added quite a little mist in the resv), got the cfl lights (still dont have a decent way to hangem, but i'll figure it out), emergency blanket to sub. w/mylar, and a few more cords.

Whats goin on in the AG...

Well, the biggest plant in my AG is curling up just like someone mention theirs were doin....i dont know why this is doin this, the other two look live and well. I have also noticed the tips on the side of some leaves are turning a dark ugly brown. Pretty sure its not malnutrition or overfeeding, cuz i only been feeding it a large nute a week... i have to raise the lights every other day, because its growin like a monster in height.... i only have one more notch on my Ag then i have to hang it some other way....

the 2nd biggest is lookin live and well... its growing a little slower in height because i had to raise the AG lights for the other one, so i have a 40w warm cfl, and two 23 w cool cfl's right over it.

The smallest one is coming alive. It looks quite healthy, and the nodes are starting to break out even more.... may need a little more lights for her.

Penis or Vagina?

Its not looking like i will be able to think heterosexal thoughts about the biggest of my plants.... it looks like a dude.... i have grown many plants, and was fortanate enough to only have seen very few males... and this dont look like no lady...

The other two look like females.... im almost sure the 2nd biggest is goin to have a vagina, but the smallest is too early to tell... not white hairs on any yet, but the next day or so should show...

My only concern is the roots...

The last time i changed the water the roots were together... big problem huh?

It got me thinking.......

Lets say one of the three plants IS a male.. How in the blue hell am i goin to cut it down, without fucking shyt up in my resv.

If you have the answer, its imperiative i know the answer.. otherwise theirs gonna be alot of lovemaking in my AG... because i really, really dont want to start over... and i need the seeds anyway...

will post pics soon... :joint::hump::joint:


Well-Known Member
SmokeThisSmokeThat, I was wondering if you could possibly help me with a few questions I have. I'm also using an AG & this is my first grow attempt. First off, I'm using bag seed, I planted 6 days ago in my AG without germinating.

All 7 have sprouted now but I don't know how long I should veg or when to start flowering. I've read several posts here saying to start flowering after only a week of veg but that just doesn't seem right to me (I'm assuming they're talking about clones, not from seeds). Can you clarify for me please??

Also, should I keep the pump running 24hrs when I switch the lights to 12/12??

And lastly for now, what nutes do you recommend for now & flowering??

Other then that, identifying males/females will hopefully be my next challenge...


Well-Known Member
SmokeThisSmokeThat, I was wondering if you could possibly help me with a few questions I have. I'm also using an AG & this is my first grow attempt. First off, I'm using bag seed, I planted 6 days ago in my AG without germinating.

All 7 have sprouted now but I don't know how long I should veg or when to start flowering. I've read several posts here saying to start flowering after only a week of veg but that just doesn't seem right to me (I'm assuming they're talking about clones, not from seeds). Can you clarify for me please??

Also, should I keep the pump running 24hrs when I switch the lights to 12/12??

And lastly for now, what nutes do you recommend for now & flowering??

Other then that, identifying males/females will hopefully be my next challenge...
Id love to help you Winn, but honestly im in a learning process myself. Im an outdoor grower, and though its relatively the same thing, its like playin baseball on a football field... but i can at least assist you in getting your AG off the ground.

ummmm.. is this your first grow EVER? if so, you should check the FAQS...
there hella helpful..

First off... find better seeds... plenty off ways to do that...
2nd.. i germed and sprouted 6 successful plants... 3 i germed before i put in the AG, the others i just put the seed in there... either way works...
DO NOT ADD NUTES TIL ABOUT @ND WEEK FROM SEED. Mine got nute burn early, but didnt affect overall growth in my opinion...

keep pump running 24 hours... GET A FIGURE 8 CORD FROM RADIO SHACK!!! (it looks just like the cord you plug from AG to AG lights) You need this cord to run the lights on a 24 hr cycle for at least the first two weeks. i did just that, then went to 18/6... but alot of people have left lights on for 24 hours til flower.

I just started flowering, i believe you can start flowering 2 to 4 weeks form seed, but you may have to verify that.. your gonna need CFL bulbs, and the AG nutes hould work fine...

You will be able to tell the sex once you see it... i bet my left nut theres pictures all over this site that can show you. Females have white hairs, males have nasty looking ball sacks.. easy as that...

Good luck man.... keep me posted.... pics would be lovely


Well-Known Member
Okie dokie...

I as able to snap some shots before they went to sleep, so here it is...

What you're spose to see in the pics:

In some of the pics, look at how my leaves are curling on the biggest plant.. its really weird, cause the other too look really healthy.. hmmm, any suggestions?

Some pics are of my current light setup, i did a lil shoppin today, and have plans on making it better, and adding more light...

like i said in my previous post, im pretty sure the biggest plant is a dude..

If not a dude, definatly a hermie... look at the first pic in the set... the leave splits on the middle leaf.. Very,very, peculiar...
and any advice on what im goin to do with the roots when i chop it down, would be very helpful, anyways...

i'll keep ya posted....



Well-Known Member
Id love to help you Winn, but honestly im in a learning process myself. Im an outdoor grower, and though its relatively the same thing, its like playin baseball on a football field... but i can at least assist you in getting your AG off the ground.

ummmm.. is this your first grow EVER? if so, you should check the FAQS...
there hella helpful..

First off... find better seeds... plenty off ways to do that...
2nd.. i germed and sprouted 6 successful plants... 3 i germed before i put in the AG, the others i just put the seed in there... either way works...
DO NOT ADD NUTES TIL ABOUT @ND WEEK FROM SEED. Mine got nute burn early, but didnt affect overall growth in my opinion...

keep pump running 24 hours... GET A FIGURE 8 CORD FROM RADIO SHACK!!! (it looks just like the cord you plug from AG to AG lights) You need this cord to run the lights on a 24 hr cycle for at least the first two weeks. i did just that, then went to 18/6... but alot of people have left lights on for 24 hours til flower.

I just started flowering, i believe you can start flowering 2 to 4 weeks form seed, but you may have to verify that.. your gonna need CFL bulbs, and the AG nutes hould work fine...

You will be able to tell the sex once you see it... i bet my left nut theres pictures all over this site that can show you. Females have white hairs, males have nasty looking ball sacks.. easy as that...

Good luck man.... keep me posted.... pics would be lovely
Yes this is my frist grow. I fully plan on purchasing seeds, I wanted to do a test run before I drop the big bucks on good seeds. Can you suggest a site to get them from, theres only about 1000 of them and I have no way of knowing who to use, I almost made a purchase from Nirvana but I'm glad I didn't because I've heard from several people here that they are no good. Also, I've been told that there are strains that are much easier to grow then others, and something about "autoflowering plants", any suggestions on which strain I should go with, considering I'm a complete beginner.

I have the figure 8 cord though I don't need it now for the 24hr cycle because I have the AG deluxe and it has a 24hr setting on it. I will need it when I switch over to 12/12 so I can keep the pump running 24hrs and the lights only running 12/12...correct?

I went out last night and picked up 4 cfl bulbs. (2) for veg - 27watt, 5500k, 1300 lumens & (2) for flowering - 42watt, 2700k, 2600 lumens. Someone said I should run all 4 bulbs together (veg & flower) the entire time for the best this correct?

I will post some pics tonight and thanks again for your help!!


Well-Known Member
What's the temp in the room? And what pump setting are you using? Looks to me like heat stress or over watering. The salad greens setting is good for the first two weeks with NO NUTES but then you should change it to either tomatoes or herbs.


Well-Known Member
What's the temp in the room? And what pump setting are you using? Looks to me like heat stress or over watering. The salad greens setting is good for the first two weeks with NO NUTES but then you should change it to either tomatoes or herbs.
Damnit.. why am i always the last to know shyt... lol... good looking W.O.W.. your like mr. miyagi at this point....

Okay... i dont think temp has anything to do with.. reason being, it has to be a good 65 - 70 in there even when the fan isnt on, although the light i just added seem to be putting out a lil more heat. My thing is, if it was temp, why arent the other two looking that...

OVERWATERING, could be, yes, i have had it on salad greens the whooole time... so switch to tomatoes ehh... check...

Like i said W.O.W, it looks like the one with defects is looking like a boy.. im going to try my darndest to take some decent close shots and you all can tell me if you agree... cuz its if its a boy, im ready to pluck it, and focus my light and time on daddys little girls...:mrgreen:

I'd also like to throw in, that my roots are looking healthy as a ox... i blame the airstone.. once i dropped that bad boy in, the roots just started exploded out of the side of the sponge... white as ever too... no signs of root rot.

will post those pics soon...


Well-Known Member
Aiiight, I'm finally learning how to use this website. I went to Home Depot last night and picked up some supplies to mount my lights close to my AG. I'm pretty happy with the end results (basically converted an old end table into a portable growroom with fully adjustable lights - see pics). The guy who told me which bulbs to get for veg & flower said I should run them together so that's what I'm doing that correct??

Thanks again for your assistance...



Well-Known Member
Winn where in the blue hell did you get that nifty lil light fixture... i would love that for my next grow... your looking perrty damn good, just nute after two weeks, and keep the light as close as possible without burning. and get an airstone...

Everything is lookin perrty norml... STILL no signs of sex... as i said before, the only one that looks male is the biggest.. but im starting not to care becasue the other to are really catchin up, and look way more healthier than its bigger cuzin.

anyways, i will post a pic right after i givem a nap..


Well-Known Member
Winn where in the blue hell did you get that nifty lil light fixture... i would love that for my next grow... your looking perrty damn good, just nute after two weeks, and keep the light as close as possible without burning. and get an airstone...

Everything is lookin perrty norml... STILL no signs of sex... as i said before, the only one that looks male is the biggest.. but im starting not to care becasue the other to are really catchin up, and look way more healthier than its bigger cuzin.

anyways, i will post a pic right after i givem a nap..
Thanks, it turned out alot better than I thought it would. I mounted a 4 foot board on each corner of an old end table and it gives me something to clip each light to, and it's very easy to move the lights up as they grow.

What is airstone and where do i get it? Is that what you put in your reservoir?