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Active Member
looks like an autoflowering plant. (2 actually)
all in all they look healthy, for future reference, dont make 2 threads for the same simple question.
they might need a transplant soon.


Active Member
yes, that would have been proper procedure.
what setup are your plants in?


the seeds came from marijuana seeds .nl the set up is clf and in a hole room pleanty of ventilation and yes some r going out soon


Well-Known Member
the seeds came from marijuana seeds .nl the set up is clf and in a hole room pleanty of ventilation and yes some r going out soon

I ordered their ww, ssh, g13 haze and a freebie, never grew them out cause I read alot that the genetics weren't that good but who knows.. let us know how the smoke is


Active Member
yes there is a fan and they were big bud and they r feminized
bid bud is a notoriously unstable strain, feminization only makes it more unstable, although auto's in a regular pack of beans is a massive screw up.
my guess is that they didnt pollen-proof their breeding chambers, and a some auto pollen landed in the Big Bud room.
either way, i wish you good luck, and i hope the rest turn out normal.


Active Member
your autoflowering plants will finish with only a few more inches, the rest still look normal, so i would assume they are photoperiod triggered plants. (they flower in relation to the number of hours of darkness)
i wouldnt be surprised if they hermied at least slightly before harvest.
i understand these were the beginning of an outdoor grow?
it should still go well, only time will tell how unstable the strain really is.


Active Member
looks like some healthy girls!
white russian is on my hitlist, probably from Serious Seeds.
those peat container sure do look small for those growing beauties.
i would transplant those auto's immediately.
sure looks like a good start to a nice outdoor field.
the time has come to begin outdoor, and our Jardin is packed with little plants full of potential.


they r going out in a few days and some of each r staying in so they will b done early so i have a sample or 2