1st Outdoor Grow. Will This Work?


Hey I want to do an outdoor grow this year 20 plants nearby is an indian reservation, its one of the biggest... and we all know how much the natives love to medicate :joint:! Being that ive never done this outdoors im wondering if I can find a good enough spot what, are the chances of me being able to pull it off w/o being caught?

please im just looking for response from experienced outdoor growers w/
crops under their belt!

cool if you were wondering the same thing but useless information is, well... useless!

audios amigos:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
The better the spot you find the less likely you will get caught...look for a place that is hard to get access too and where ppl won't travel due to the tough conditions


The better the spot you find the less likely you will get caught...look for a place that is hard to get access too and where ppl won't travel due to the tough conditions
....the dog and i just got back in from the hike and WOWWW! 1, ive never walked or even thought about walking that far into the unknown! (aprox 4 miles)


i took the dog the first time just in case i encountered another "hiker" next time im bringing the good ol kona!