Epsom Salt Questions


Active Member
Hi I have 5 plants growing at about 3 weeks from sprout. 1 of my plants (Barneys Farm LSD) has had yellow on most leaves since about 7 days in. I thought it was a nitrogen problem but I adjusted that and it didn't seem to work. Also, another one of my plants (Dinafem Afrodite) is a very bright green color (hint of yellow even). After further research into this problem I found myself looking into magnesium defficiencies. Anyways I now know that epsom salt can be added to watering to help fix this problem. My question is How often and how much epsom salt should be used? Should I only feed the LSD with it? Or the LSD and Afrodite? Or can I feed all 5 of my plants with it without any consequences. Thanks.


Well-Known Member
If you have some B-1 Thrive or some 20-20-20 I would give them a very light feeding. Also how how is it in the grow area? And what kind of light and how close is the light your your plants?


Active Member
If you have some B-1 Thrive or some 20-20-20 I would give them a very light feeding. Also how how is it in the grow area? And what kind of light and how close is the light your your plants?
about 80 F, 400 watt hps in a 4x4x7 tent, light is 10 inches from the LSD plant (other 4 are next to it.)

Any ideas on how I should handle the epsom salt?


Active Member
What is the temperature in the tent?
The temp in the tent is usually in the lower 80s now. But before I got an exhaust fan it was sometimes in the 90s during lighting. I just got the exhaust a few days ago. Could it be temperature that's making my plant discolored?


Well-Known Member
are you in soil? and are they 7 days into flower or vegg? If possible throw up some pics so we can see. I can tell you this that if you are indeed in soil or some kind of soil mixture that the reason that your getting this def is either lack of nutrients or your getting ph lockout in your soil. And usually its magnesium that gets locked out and fucks your ladies up


Well-Known Member
The temp in the tent is usually in the lower 80s now. But before I got an exhaust fan it was sometimes in the 90s during lighting. I just got the exhaust a few days ago. Could it be temperature that's making my plant discolored?
Yea I was thinking it could be temps but also a 400w HPS might be a little strong at 10 inches away so you might be light burning them.


Active Member
pictures pictures pictures come on we're waiting lol
I actually can't post any pics right now cuz my camera is broke. But I can tell you that they are in soil and they are more than 3 weeks from sprout. I did see the yellopw after about a week or so though. Anyways how do I treat the magnesium lockout? how much and how often should I use the epsom salt? Which plants should I apply the salt to?


Well-Known Member
I don't wanna say that your def having a mag def, not as likely to happen in veg as in flowering.. uuuummmmmmm its really hard to tell without seeing it. Do you have a camera phone?


Active Member
I don't wanna say that your def having a mag def, not as likely to happen in veg as in flowering.. uuuummmmmmm its really hard to tell without seeing it. Do you have a camera phone?
Yes but idk how to get pics online lol


Active Member
Max316420, how often and how much epsom salt do you think I should apply? Just to be safe anyways...


Well-Known Member
I would try 1 teaspoon per gallon if your watering with it and if your gonna foliar feed try 1/2 teaspoon per gallon.. And to be on the safe side back your lights off a little if you decide to foliar feed. Cause if i didn't say that someone would post that spraying water on your plants acts like a magnifying glass and will burn the leave ( in my opinion that's a myth tho)


Well-Known Member
For me I would go for 1/8 teaspoon to maybe half of 1/8 of a teaspoon. I found that some times it only needs a 1/8 or half of 1/8 of a teaspoon to fix a problem. But you are using a 400w HPS that is 10 inches away I still think the light might be to strong and is causing the problem. If you have some 4,100k temp CFL(s) you can use those with your HPS.


Well-Known Member
Not like the epsom salt is gonna hurt but if its not that then you plant could progressively get worse (not from epsom salt). Try to get some pics up so we can play Dr. MJ lol


Well-Known Member
Yes we need pics to be able to help you more. If you have a cell and you can take pics with it use a pic e-mail account send the pics to that, download the pic to your comp then upload them.


Active Member
I would try 1 teaspoon per gallon if your watering with it and if your gonna foliar feed try 1/2 teaspoon per gallon.. And to be on the safe side back your lights off a little if you decide to foliar feed. Cause if i didn't say that someone would post that spraying water on your plants acts like a magnifying glass and will burn the leave ( in my opinion that's a myth tho)
How often should I water with 1 teaspoon epsom salt per gallon though? every watering? every other watering?


Well-Known Member
If they were mine I would do every other watering. Good thing to invest in is calmag or something along the sorts but epsom salt should work just fine