Ocean Forest or Happy Frog


Active Member
Well, I can only speak of FFOF soil. Some say it is too hot but in my personal experience I have grown from seed to harvest with no problems.

I also added a table spoon of crushed dolomite lime per gallon of soil. I think it's too expensive, honestly that is my only grip about it.

chief blunts

Active Member
do you like apples or oranges?

for a real response out west i used happy frog for all my indoor/outdoor grows and loved it...

on the east coast indoors im using the oceans forest- it is a little "barky" and the drainage isn't great- but it still has a solid base of microbes/micro's

so i say again, do you like apples or oranges?


WTH are you talking about 'flame ass soils', OP? And what are you talking about barky and the drainage isn't great Mr. Blunts?

I am so damned confused about where people get their impressions about Ocean Forest. How can it appear to me to be a such a consistent, high quality and well draining soil mix?

IDK, but I like Ocean Forest. OF is more of a true soil than other brands of potting mix, while the Happy Frog is more like a soil-less mix although both contain humus and earthworm castings. The Happy Frog potting soil also seems lighter/less diverse on the organic fertilizing amendments. Basically the earthworm castings and bat guano are the only really nutrient rich ingredients; compared with the Ocean Forest which has a lot more in that department (Pacific Northwest sea-going fish, crab meal, shrimp meal, earthworm castings, vermicultural compost, fossilized bat guano, granite dust, Norwegian kelp meal).

Usually the only thing I add to OF is some coco coir, instead of perlite. For more mature plants I add in more dry organic fertilizer. When you plant into any soil it should be moist from the start; soil should never be allowed to dry out completely or else it wont drain properly.

chief blunts

Active Member
you're on the east coast, go grab a bag of ff of and look at how much "bark" is in the bag...

next time you're on the west coast go and buy a bag of ff of and compare the two, west coast has far less bark/mulch in it.....

also it appears that the drainage and water retention of the east coast stuff is inferior to that of the west....

nullis, you are very intelligent, i give you that- but calm it down(or dumb it down for that matter) don't take offense to everything on the site, you come off like a bitch...

i too like the ff of, but being from the west coast i just don't like the quality of the east coast stuff, i however still think it's top notch and also put it above others- and am also currently using it..

if you can't figure out that "flame ass soil" means a nice soil, just give up, you're book smarts outweigh the street-smarts and you come off like a bitch.....

i do enjoy your posts, i have actually learned a lot from you're in depth posts- and truly appreciate you're words- but step off the high horse and calm it down.....


you're on the east coast, go grab a bag of ff of and look at how much "bark" is in the bag...

next time you're on the west coast go and buy a bag of ff of and compare the two, west coast has far less bark/mulch in it.....

also it appears that the drainage and water retention of the east coast stuff is inferior to that of the west....

nullis, you are very intelligent, i give you that- but calm it down(or dumb it down for that matter) don't take offense to everything on the site, you come off like a bitch...

i too like the ff of, but being from the west coast i just don't like the quality of the east coast stuff, i however still think it's top notch and also put it above others- and am also currently using it..

if you can't figure out that "flame ass soil" means a nice soil, just give up, you're book smarts outweigh the street-smarts and you come off like a bitch.....

i do enjoy your posts, i have actually learned a lot from you're in depth posts- and truly appreciate you're words- but step off the high horse and calm it down.....
Bro, we're on the internet. I write words based on personal experience, whatever tone you come up while reading them is your issue. And how exactly is it you're able to gauge my 'street smarts' based on internet posts? I wish that you could see me right now, and how utterly calm I am. Just quit e-punking you little friend, it's still a loser-ish thing to do on your part (hey you started it).

So terribly sorry that I put some effort into making sure that my comments here aren't rampant with BS. Sit on your ass an talk shit... at least I have some photos and intelligible input for those interested. I am just interested in exactly what issue it is people are referring to. I heard someone else say the OF they got had more 'twigs' in it and so on, and I heard someone else say that they only make FF soils in one place and of course others say differently. Everybody can't be right. Show me a picture of exactly wtf it is you have a problem it, that's all. I'd just like to know. Calm down.

Here are some of my East Coast OF, which I highly suspect originates from CA. I am just not seeing a problem with this, but I've enclosed a photo with size comparison of what I can only suppose another person might take issue with.
ff_OF_sample1.jpg ff_of_sample_lg.jpg

I had to take out a considerable amount of soil before I found anything that remotely resembled a 'twig', but the other little item featured in the image might be the 'bark' you are referring to. This is just organic matter, if you have an issue with it OF probably isn't the medium for you.

chief blunts

Active Member
quite possible it was the bag's or the "batch" i had, maybe that pallet had more bark in it and yes my bags were lousy with the stuff, in ref to being an internet gangster my sincere apologies- in calling you out- i did nothing other than put myself in the same category- so again i apologize, but i stick with you're tone being condescending in nature, regardless of being written text or not..

again i just want to say MOST of you're posts i thoroughly enjoy reading... others not so much, were all here to further our knowledge of mj and dial in our skills, most of us are not here to brush up on our grammar or be politically correct, can you dig it?

i too am calm as can be, not flustered in the least(maybe a tad if i took the time to reply) and i'll leave you with this, saying something along the lines of "flame ass soil" may not be p.c but most of us can figure it out, smoke a joint and laugh, you don't have to address everything not up to par with you're intellect.....

also, fox farm now has an east coast plant, meaning it is different than that of its counterparts on the west....

also i know i started in the name calling so I apologize- but you take it to the next level-

peace and pot.

chief blunts

Active Member
sorry op, both soils are great mediums if you have the money to pick them up.. i've used both and enjoy both on dif fronts.


Active Member
looks like i have to get the cheapest apples and oranges i can find than, prices are outrageous:?that blackgold stuff definitely caught my eyes tho...


Well-Known Member
it's cheap to..cant really go wrong with organic potting soil..i never use it alone though, i mix it with FFOF and perlite.


Well-Known Member
ffof sucks it burned my plants. i didnt do anything wrong to cause this,only conclusion is that it was the soil,this works for some ppl and alot of ppl agree with me
go with happy frog or light warrior, but dont listen to me beacuse i listend to ppl on here about ffof and fucked my plants.
but do some research before u buy,but eitherway i did research on ffof,said it worked and ueah,so just my expirience kid.


Well-Known Member
yea right lol i bet u can litte kid..and if it doesnt take a genius to grow mj then what do mean when u said your plants got fuked up by FFOF? dumb ass lol


Well-Known Member
well u just said it,dumbass u got a fried brain from smoking too much booboo weed,u dont even notice it u just made urself look stupid lol duece