Ms Big Beautiful Buds Journal


Well-Known Member
Those ones from Lowes? They have a little hanger thing too?
I've got 4 for veg myself. Using 2 with Y sockets in them, plus 2 bulbs hanging down without. a reflector. so, 6 23W 6500K


Well-Known Member
I think it was the weight of the 55 watters that pushed it over. I switched for the second one I had and used the same bulbs the rest of that grow and it was still fine at the end. Now, I'm using those clamp reflectors for supplemental veg lighting because I want my Auto to have 2700K lighting from the top down (55 watt) and the middle downward(42 watt) so I cover as much area as possible. My veg area has a 125 watt 6500K CFL as it's main lighting.


This reflector.


Active Member
Those ones from Lowes? They have a little hanger thing too?
I've got 4 for veg myself. Using 2 with Y sockets in them, plus 2 bulbs hanging down without. a reflector. so, 6 23W 6500K
I got mine from The brand was photo Basics.

And yes, those are the reflectors I have!


Active Member
very nice job-

missy. subbed.
Thank you Murfy and welcome to my Journal. Now that the weather is taking me away and outside more, I don't know how often I will post updates so hang on I will eventually get around to posting them.


Active Member
This is my Fox Farm Grow, soil mixture and fertilizers. Watered my ladies this morning, I did the grow room plant rotation so that all the plants can get the benefit of light (directly underneath the lamps and from the sides. I can't believe how fast they are growing the shortest plant from rim of the pot to the tip is 25 inches and the tallest is 32 inches (White Widow). I prefer my plants larger, not that I think I will have greater yields, but because I think they are more resistent to any harm that I might accidentally cause them. I'm not looking to grow trees either, but now that I have the head room, let there be trees! The White Widow is the only plant from seed, the other 8 are clones from my pregrow, 4 each of AK48 and Shiva Shanti.

I thought that the AK48 would be my smoke of choice, but once I tried the Shiva Shanti I changed my mind. The AK48 makes me sleepy, while the Shiva Shanti makes me want to get up and do something. I am so glad that I cloned them both. I hope that I am successful taking cuttings from my third grow, which is 7 different strains. Yeah, I know, too many different strains in one grow.

Since I was making a Journal update I quickly went and took some pictures. People like pictures, so do I. The MJ plant has so much beauty to be called a weed. I don't look at my ladies as being weeds.



Active Member
The above pictures were taken a few hours after I watered them this morning, which is why they look so radiant to me. I also added fish emulsion for the first time today, I read that the fish ferts gives the buds a nice smoking taste, I shall see. Others say that the fish ferts give off a bad smell, so far no irregular smells.:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
You wait til your flowering lights are off, then take your pics? They don't have that red hugh that most flowering pics have. Plants look great btw, i'm quite jealous. ;-)
Keep up the great work!


Active Member
You wait til your flowering lights are off, then take your pics? They don't have that red hugh that most flowering pics have. Plants look great btw, i'm quite jealous. ;-) Keep up the great work!
My ladies and I thank you for the compliment. I take pictures with the lights on (most always), unless the plants are in the vegging room. I'm not too keen on taking pictures in the dark, I might stumble around and fall, LOL. I have a difficult enough time focusing with the lights on.


Well-Known Member
My ladies and I thank you for the compliment. I take pictures with the lights on (most always), unless the plants are in the vegging room. I'm not too keen on taking pictures in the dark, I might stumble around and fall, LOL. I have a difficult enough time focusing with the lights on.
hahaha, your still using 2 400Wers?


Active Member
hahaha, your still using 2 400Wers?
Being a new grower I have been updating my equipment and supplies as I grow, and when extra money is available. I now have (3) 400 watt fixtures in my flowering room, using the CMH bulbs.


Well-Known Member
Ahhhh, No wonder! Now I see why your getting such great pictures in your flower room.
It's the CMH. ;-)
And forgive me for not being 100% current, I prob should have just read through your thread, but...sometimes it's just easier to ask...


Active Member
Ahhhh, No wonder! Now I see why your getting such great pictures in your flower room. It's the CMH. ;-) And forgive me for not being 100% current, I prob should have just read through your thread, but...sometimes it's just easier to ask...
Yeah, you could have just read through my thread, but since this is a Discussion Journal I don't mind answering questions and listening to suggestions. Besides, I like your company;-)


Well-Known Member
Yeah, you could have just read through my thread, but since this is a Discussion Journal I don't mind answering questions and listening to suggestions. Besides, I like your company;-)
;-) Why thank you.
I can quite confidently say that I enjoy being in your company as well!