First Outdoor Grow

Ronald Dregan

Active Member
this will be my first outdoor guerrilla grow so advise is welcome. i have one white widow that sprouted about 2 weeks ago and 3 other bag seed that are about 1 week old. they are under 24 hours of cfl's until it is warm enough to plant outside.

pic one: bagseed
pic two: white widow

the leaves on the white widow look to be turning a little yellow. Im not sure whats wrong.


Ronald Dregan

Active Member
yea looks like mine when i growed i done three plants also ,feed them love show them love yull be fine.
hopefully it will be fine, its gettin more yellow by the day tho...

also just got some feminised northern lights that I'm going to germinate in a couple days


Well-Known Member
looks like she's growin a couple real leaves, might be time to give a very small 1/8 strength dose of some nutes.


Well-Known Member
There's prob. something wrong with your water or soil. That's just a baby, it shouldn't need more food than is already in the soil.
Good luck this year, you doing it Guerilla or in your yard?


Well-Known Member
i say dont feed it yet, they should be able to live off the nutrients that are already in the soil for about the first 3-4 weeks, i didnt start feeding my seedlings till they hit the one month mark

Ronald Dregan

Active Member
found out the soil im using is really bad. it is miracle grow organic, i only used it because it was sitting around at my house. plants are going to the location tomorrow so i have enough room to start my northern lights


Ronald Dregan

Active Member
Grab a roll of chicken wire and you can keep rabbits/deer away from the seedling
yeah im going to do that this weekend. i thought they would be fine for a week because they are in a big grass field with plenty other things for the animals to eat

Ronald Dregan

Active Member
planted the first four out at my plot but haven't been back for a week and a half due to poor weather. but here is a little update of the northern lights about 4 days old looking and growing way better than the other 4 plants.IMG00022-20110503-2015.jpgIMG00016-20110423-1939.jpgIMG00017-20110423-1939.jpg


Active Member
Was yours MG Organic "potting" mix...or just the regular organic? Idk if there is a difference, but I have my sprouts in the potting and they are doing fine, I also used it for my autos which evidently are nute sensitive and they did great as well.

Ronald Dregan

Active Member
Was yours MG Organic "potting" mix...or just the regular organic? Idk if there is a difference, but I have my sprouts in the potting and they are doing fine, I also used it for my autos which evidently are nute sensitive and they did great as well.

they were in the mg organic choice potting soil. i dont know maybe i just got a bad batch. the new plants i have are in the normal miracle grow potting soil and are looking 10 times better as well as growing a lot faster.

and i put those plants outside when they were small because they were just bagseed and i needed room for the northern lights

Ronald Dregan

Active Member
little update.. so i guess i didnt pick a good spot. i went to check on the first four plants but the whole area was flooded so i lost them... anyways heres a picture of the northern lightsIMG00024-20110509-1644.jpg