First Outdoor Grow


Active Member
little update.. so i guess i didnt pick a good spot. i went to check on the first four plants but the whole area was flooded so i lost them... anyways heres a picture of the northern lightsView attachment 1592084
doing my first outdoor this year guerilla style.

put out 5 fem WW and lost them all to animals in a week

got some ak48 and nothernlights outside and 4/5 are still there, one being in pretty bad shape he was pulled up when i checked on him.

think about keeping 1 of those fems as a mother so you can clone some off if you continue to lose some plots.


Well-Known Member
Those NL are looking really nice man. You can top them if you want, but I usually don't with outdoor plants. I would keep them vegging inside for a month if you can. Some 6500K cfls will keep them nice and bushy. Also, if you have the time and a few extra bucks for soil, I'd highly recommend digging some big holes and fill them with a soiless mix like promix or sunshine mix. If you already haven't, read up on pest control and general outdoor growing techniques.

Consider it a good thing that those bagseeds got ruined. You might have gotten lucky, but you have no way of knowing the genetics. That looks like Nirvana NL you picked up. They aren't the best genetics around, but are a good value for the money IMHO. At least now you know what you are growing and there are hundreds of threads on that strain. I actually grew one myself last season. I made a few mistakes, but did so-so with it. Really easy plant to grow and very low odor. Isn't really nute sensitive and isn't a nute hog either. If I remember correctly, I harvested mine first week of october. Should have gone another week, but had some issues with mold. It was a pretty wet fall. If I ever grew it again, I'd probably rather do it inside. Not that it does poorly outdoors, but it just seems better suited for indoors.

Good luck

Ronald Dregan

Active Member
doing my first outdoor this year guerilla style.

put out 5 fem WW and lost them all to animals in a week

got some ak48 and nothernlights outside and 4/5 are still there, one being in pretty bad shape he was pulled up when i checked on him.

think about keeping 1 of those fems as a mother so you can clone some off if you continue to lose some plots.
i would like to have a mother but i dont have anywhere to put it except for my grow spot. good luck on your grow!

Ronald Dregan

Active Member
Those NL are looking really nice man. You can top them if you want, but I usually don't with outdoor plants. I would keep them vegging inside for a month if you can. Some 6500K cfls will keep them nice and bushy. Also, if you have the time and a few extra bucks for soil, I'd highly recommend digging some big holes and fill them with a soiless mix like promix or sunshine mix. If you already haven't, read up on pest control and general outdoor growing techniques.

Consider it a good thing that those bagseeds got ruined. You might have gotten lucky, but you have no way of knowing the genetics. That looks like Nirvana NL you picked up. They aren't the best genetics around, but are a good value for the money IMHO. At least now you know what you are growing and there are hundreds of threads on that strain. I actually grew one myself last season. I made a few mistakes, but did so-so with it. Really easy plant to grow and very low odor. Isn't really nute sensitive and isn't a nute hog either. If I remember correctly, I harvested mine first week of october. Should have gone another week, but had some issues with mold. It was a pretty wet fall. If I ever grew it again, I'd probably rather do it inside. Not that it does poorly outdoors, but it just seems better suited for indoors.

Good luck
thanks for the advise!
i would like to get some good expensive soil but things came up and i have to spend my money on other things right now. any good cheap soils?

chronic coinoisseur

Active Member
You could mix your native soil about half and half with peat moss for a basic mix. If you have extra budget kelp meal and alfalfa meal will go a long way in the nutrient department. Depending on your soil you may need to add lime due to the peat but if your soil is naturally alkaline it will act as a buffer.


Active Member
They'll be fine in that soil. They're going into the ground. DEF don't fert them yet whoever said that oughtta be slapped silly, fuckin idiot. WTF is wrong with people on here. They see "noobs" and give them worst advice possible. If you fert them now, that young, that small, they will be dead. OR severely damaged and you will wish they died to save you all the problems to follow. Just let em keep the lights on them, if you're using cfls keep em 1-2 inches away. If they start stretching like crazy bring em in closer but it looks like you know this much because they look really good thus far. Also, just noticed your second pic. Looks like they are getting too hot. what is your temp, humidity, and what are you using for lights and what's your water PH? Tap water varies, mine here is WAY over 8 believe it or not right out of the faucet. I have to add PH down before I can even check it otherwise it don't register or it says 7.5 forever. Update us with this info, you need to get them good and healthy before they go outdoors. Now, after you get all that updated here is some more stuff to think about> Your holes should be no smaller that 2x2x2 better yet would be 3x3x3 bigger hole bigger plant. Have it close to water yet remote enough to keep lookyloo's away. Make it tough to get to them. Block of shit with pile of branches. I personally like to use red bramble cuz the shit is thorny and nobody wants to walk through unless they already know what is there...."SMELL" you can smell them from a ways off during flower keep that in mind. Sloughs are good cuz they smell like shit and mask the odor or ppl will think skunk and associate it with the slough and prolly go the opposite direction. Another good way is use dead animals. Anyways once you get your holes use good soil. MG time release is REALLY good outdoors. Lets you leave them go longer so you dont have a highway going to your crop. which reminds ALWAYS and I mean always approach from a different route. not only does it give you the advantage if someone is in the area but it don't give away a trail for deer,animals,ppl to follow. You make it easy walking and animals/ppl are bound to follow. IT's natural things always take the path of least resistance. PM if you have any more questions. I dont the outdoor thing a time or two.. lol I'LL subscribe to this to follow your trail. Good luck


Well-Known Member
i would only give them super thrive if anything waiting till your babies have a solid root system before hitting them with nutes is critical


Well-Known Member
They'll be fine in that soil. They're going into the ground. DEF don't fert them yet whoever said that oughtta be slapped silly, fuckin idiot. WTF is wrong with people on here. They see "noobs" and give them worst advice possible. If you fert them now, that young, that small, they will be dead. OR severely damaged and you will wish they died to save you all the problems to follow. Just let em keep the lights on them, if you're using cfls keep em 1-2 inches away. If they start stretching like crazy bring em in closer but it looks like you know this much because they look really good thus far. Also, just noticed your second pic. Looks like they are getting too hot. what is your temp, humidity, and what are you using for lights and what's your water PH? Tap water varies, mine here is WAY over 8 believe it or not right out of the faucet. I have to add PH down before I can even check it otherwise it don't register or it says 7.5 forever. Update us with this info, you need to get them good and healthy before they go outdoors. Now, after you get all that updated here is some more stuff to think about> Your holes should be no smaller that 2x2x2 better yet would be 3x3x3 bigger hole bigger plant. Have it close to water yet remote enough to keep lookyloo's away. Make it tough to get to them. Block of shit with pile of branches. I personally like to use red bramble cuz the shit is thorny and nobody wants to walk through unless they already know what is there...."SMELL" you can smell them from a ways off during flower keep that in mind. Sloughs are good cuz they smell like shit and mask the odor or ppl will think skunk and associate it with the slough and prolly go the opposite direction. Another good way is use dead animals. Anyways once you get your holes use good soil. MG time release is REALLY good outdoors. Lets you leave them go longer so you dont have a highway going to your crop. which reminds ALWAYS and I mean always approach from a different route. not only does it give you the advantage if someone is in the area but it don't give away a trail for deer,animals,ppl to follow. You make it easy walking and animals/ppl are bound to follow. IT's natural things always take the path of least resistance. PM if you have any more questions. I dont the outdoor thing a time or two.. lol I'LL subscribe to this to follow your trail. Good luck
listen to this guy hes legit

Ronald Dregan

Active Member
They'll be fine in that soil. They're going into the ground. DEF don't fert them yet whoever said that oughtta be slapped silly, fuckin idiot. WTF is wrong with people on here. They see "noobs" and give them worst advice possible. If you fert them now, that young, that small, they will be dead. OR severely damaged and you will wish they died to save you all the problems to follow. Just let em keep the lights on them, if you're using cfls keep em 1-2 inches away. If they start stretching like crazy bring em in closer but it looks like you know this much because they look really good thus far. Also, just noticed your second pic. Looks like they are getting too hot. what is your temp, humidity, and what are you using for lights and what's your water PH? Tap water varies, mine here is WAY over 8 believe it or not right out of the faucet. I have to add PH down before I can even check it otherwise it don't register or it says 7.5 forever. Update us with this info, you need to get them good and healthy before they go outdoors. Now, after you get all that updated here is some more stuff to think about> Your holes should be no smaller that 2x2x2 better yet would be 3x3x3 bigger hole bigger plant. Have it close to water yet remote enough to keep lookyloo's away. Make it tough to get to them. Block of shit with pile of branches. I personally like to use red bramble cuz the shit is thorny and nobody wants to walk through unless they already know what is there...."SMELL" you can smell them from a ways off during flower keep that in mind. Sloughs are good cuz they smell like shit and mask the odor or ppl will think skunk and associate it with the slough and prolly go the opposite direction. Another good way is use dead animals. Anyways once you get your holes use good soil. MG time release is REALLY good outdoors. Lets you leave them go longer so you dont have a highway going to your crop. which reminds ALWAYS and I mean always approach from a different route. not only does it give you the advantage if someone is in the area but it don't give away a trail for deer,animals,ppl to follow. You make it easy walking and animals/ppl are bound to follow. IT's natural things always take the path of least resistance. PM if you have any more questions. I dont the outdoor thing a time or two.. lol I'LL subscribe to this to follow your trail. Good luck
thanks for the info i really appreciate it

yeah ive been reading a lot and i figured not to give them nutes for a while.
the temp was in the high 80s and some of them have spots on them not sure if it was from the high temp or not. i just made a couple modifications to the grow box so it should be a little cooler.
there in mg potting soil right now and i dont have any ph testers so im not sure about that. i know i need to get some
i dont know the humidity either but i know it is really dry
there under four 26 watt cfls 24 hours a day


Well-Known Member
Looks like they are off to an great start. Excellent job. Your native soil actually looks pretty damn good dude. I sometimes forget not everywhere has poor soil like around here. The area you have dug up is a good size too. About how far did you dig down and mix with peat moss?

Nutes are probably the most debated topic I could think of. Everyone has their own little method, and formula, and timetable. If it were me, depending on what kind of nutes I was using, I'd probably nute 1/4 strength next time I watered. What kind of nutes are you using and have you given them any yet? Over nuting is by far worse than under nuting at this point. In my experience they really don't need that much in early/mid veg. Late veg and especially during flowering is when they really start sucking it up. I grew just a single Nirvana NL outdoors last year and I don't remember it being that big of a feeder. Outdoors, it's a little different though. Getting something time released and working it into the top few inches of the soil would be a good idea. If you don't use too much, you can still feed liquid feed them when they seem like they need it. Remember, there are going to be times when the weather might be really wet for 2-3 weeks, so going out and hand watering would be pointless. I'm going to be using Fox Farms American Pride this year. I got it on clearance a few months ago for like $12 shipped. Miracle Gro or Osmocote are cheap and work well too. I used Osmocote last year.

Something else you might want to consider is picking up some bamboo stakes when you get a chance. I like putting them in early on to prevent too much root damage when driving them in.

Ronald Dregan

Active Member
Looks like they are off to an great start. Excellent job. Your native soil actually looks pretty damn good dude. I sometimes forget not everywhere has poor soil like around here. The area you have dug up is a good size too. About how far did you dig down and mix with peat moss?

Nutes are probably the most debated topic I could think of. Everyone has their own little method, and formula, and timetable. If it were me, depending on what kind of nutes I was using, I'd probably nute 1/4 strength next time I watered. What kind of nutes are you using and have you given them any yet? Over nuting is by far worse than under nuting at this point. In my experience they really don't need that much in early/mid veg. Late veg and especially during flowering is when they really start sucking it up. I grew just a single Nirvana NL outdoors last year and I don't remember it being that big of a feeder. Outdoors, it's a little different though. Getting something time released and working it into the top few inches of the soil would be a good idea. If you don't use too much, you can still feed liquid feed them when they seem like they need it. Remember, there are going to be times when the weather might be really wet for 2-3 weeks, so going out and hand watering would be pointless. I'm going to be using Fox Farms American Pride this year. I got it on clearance a few months ago for like $12 shipped. Miracle Gro or Osmocote are cheap and work well too. I used Osmocote last year.

Something else you might want to consider is picking up some bamboo stakes when you get a chance. I like putting them in early on to prevent too much root damage when driving them in.
Thanks. yeah its pretty good looking soil the holes are about 2 feet deep. i dont have any nutes yet i was going to go down to the local hydro store and see what they have or just buy something from home depot. do they sell osmocote at home depot or lowes?
and yeah thats a good idea to put something time release for the top layer of soil because we get a good amount of rain early in the season and i don't know how often i will actually have to water them. would miracle grow time release be good? what are some other time release brands?