how many plants needed??


Well-Known Member
ok i was wondering, if u plant just one plant that is a female, will it flower than make bud or do u need a male plant also?


Well-Known Member
No,you neither need or want a male plant anywhere near the female,only females produce big buds,the purpose of a male plant is to impregnate the female with pollen,after a female receives pollen from the male she will stop making bud & focus her energy on seed production.


Well-Known Member
No,you neither need or want a male plant anywhere near the female,only females produce big buds,the purpose of a male plant is to impregnate the female with pollen,after a female receives pollen from the male she will stop making bud & focus her energy on seed production.
what panhead said... the only way to have seed-free bud (sinsemilla) is to make sure no male plants have a chance to pollinate your crop.


Well-Known Member
ok i was wondering, if u plant just one plant that is a female, will it flower than make bud or do u need a male plant also?
I love you guys,hell a yr ago I was you guys:mrgreen:
I feel so smart on the newbie threads.
keep grown ace:joint:/read and asking questions
and you'll be answering questions yourself soon.


Well-Known Member
I love you guys,hell a yr ago I was you guys:mrgreen:
I feel so smart on the newbie threads.
keep grown ace:joint:/read and asking questions
and you'll be answering questions yourself soon.
Yep - you don't see me posting on the "advanced" threads :)


Well-Known Member
haha thanks guys,i smoke wed like every 2 weeks (not that much, tryn to not make it a habit) but im so fukin bored and growing plants makes me feel better and consumes my time lol thanks again and reps.....

p.s. for a minute there i was worried that i did need a male and femal to make bud hah im dum, actual all the "weed heads" from school was like "duh u need them both to make bud!" haha im gona laugh in there face! lol


Active Member
i have a question related to that too... say i plant two seeds, both grow to be males... should i proceed with the operations and deal with "not as good as it gets" or are males useless completely and should just be removed first signs.


Well-Known Member
i have a question related to that too... say i plant two seeds, both grow to be males... should i proceed with the operations and deal with "not as good as it gets" or are males useless completely and should just be removed first signs.
Personally in that situation i'd just start over.


Well-Known Member
hey insanelane, i heard that you CAN smoke male plants too but they have less THC. on one forum i saw a post where a dude smoked his male plant and got so stoned that he passed out!

in the interests of this entire forum, u shld try it and report back to us, cos this is question that everyone asks - but very few can answer. i'd love to hear how u get on.

check this chart out showing THC levels in male and female:


Active Member
well reason i asked was because i just bought a hydro system with 4 pots. I was gonna use two for now, then clone the best in the other two, kinda keep the tradition going... but i was gonna ScrOG method as well possibly, but if i ended up with males id have to cut him out of the screen. Just wondering what would happen if i left him to grow and finish since i used good nutes on him. Worth smoking? Keep in mind, where live theres no such thing as good dope, just commercial ditch weed, lol.


Well-Known Member
haha thanks guys,i smoke wed like every 2 weeks (not that much, tryn to not make it a habit) but im so fukin bored and growing plants makes me feel better and consumes my time lol thanks again and reps.....
Growing ANYTHING at all is good for the soul :blsmoke:.


Active Member
you cant smoke the males cuz they dont make buds they make pollen sacs so unless it has a lot of trichomes to make hash its not even worth it i wouldnt even bother keepin the 2 males to make hash cuz by the time they are done you couldnt had a few weeks jump start on new plants