Phone Tracing!!!!


Well-Known Member
You have to try this! It is so cool, you can find out where people are and SPY on them!! hehe


Well-Known Member
that service was new to you??? cops use it since the mid 90's and some companies offer it to the public since 2003-04... that's why my cell is of almost all the time and won't be turned on ever near a grow;)


Well-Known Member
You have to try this! It is so cool, you can find out where people are and SPY on them!! hehe
stay away from me, okay;)

...odd that this page offers the service for free, they normal charge big bucks for this... anyone tried it with them so far:confused: oh better don't, everyone has a right for privacy:roll:


Well-Known Member
stay away from me, okay;)

...odd that this page offers the service for free, they normal charge big bucks for this... anyone tried it with them so far:confused: oh better don't, everyone has a right for privacy:roll:

at least try to find yourself. i think it even works when your phone is off. it found me. then it found my wife, she was amazed. then it found her sister, i have heard back from her yet. her mom has yet to try it.


Well-Known Member
at least try to find yourself. i think it even works when your phone is off. it found me. then it found my wife, she was amazed. then it found her sister, i have heard back from her yet. her mom has yet to try it.
well not if your phone is off... see, they use the signal the phone sends out to the relay-station of the service provider. now this signal is normally received by 2 to 3 stations at leased, if not so the phone hardly works if only connected to one station. well now with the info of 3 station they can make a telemetries targeting of you. in cities this can trace you into 50' by 60' triangle square:spew: out in the open maybe still in a mile which is okay to find your camp!

I'm not joking about that!:cry:


Well-Known Member
JUST TRY IT!!!!!!!!! c'mon man, u can put any number you want in there!! do your friends, your older brother that you hate, your cousins cousin!!!! Please try it, you wount regret it, its fucked up shit.......... literally