Tell Us Why You "think" You Hate Wal-Mart


Pickle Queen
I hate the place because no matter what time I'd try to go, the parking lot was crowded with people who cant drive or park for shit, and their parking lot skills directly translate to their piss poor ability to push shopping carts with respect for other shoppers. Then, it's always packed with ghetto ass people who take their whole fucking extended family because they probably all live together and the trip to walmart for them is a luxury...being in that store with gross people surrounding me makes me nausious and pissed off. The checkout lines are retarded long too, even at 2 am...fuck walmart, i'll take the barely higher prices and sanity of target any day.
lmfao only part u left out is were Ma yells across the store to pa in the automotive section, why do they always talk soo loud?


Well-Known Member
And to be exact about this, it's not the federal government, its the right wing specifically. They enacted laws to slow raises in federal minimum wage, they are the ones who are attacking unions. They think by providing tax loopholes to corporations, and giving companies incentives, somehow they will treat employees "right". What a total line of bullshit. Companies care about 1 thing, their bottom line. The don't give a rats ass about their employees, never will. Not until someone big can stand up to them, and say, enough is enough, treat people fairly or suffer consequences. But nooooo, right wing neo-cons think if you treat the bullies nicely they will be nice back.
i know, trickle down economics is such shit. no one is going to pay their employees more because they are getting tax cuts!! they are just going to put the money in their own pockets. that is capitalism though. that's what this country is built on. i don't even think they believe in treating the bullies right, they are the bullies so they treat themselves nice and well, that keeps the money in their own pocket. Then they preach this crap about cutting taxes for corporations to try to make the working class feel like these tactics are going to benefit them in some way. puhleeeeese... some of the people actually buy into this, or do they? Perhaps it is all so screwed up that it doesn't matter what people buy into, decisions are made by the people with $$$ and those people want corporate taxes low - the money in their pocket.

and that is why i think the US is a corrupt shithole of a place to live. if i can get out of here i will!


Well-Known Member
And to be exact about this, it's not the federal government, its the right wing specifically. They enacted laws to slow raises in federal minimum wage, they are the ones who are attacking unions. They think by providing tax loopholes to corporations, and giving companies incentives, somehow they will treat employees "right". What a total line of bullshit. Companies care about 1 thing, their bottom line. The don't give a rats ass about their employees, never will. Not until someone big can stand up to them, and say, enough is enough, treat people fairly or suffer consequences. But nooooo, right wing neo-cons think if you treat the bullies nicely they will be nice back.
Minimun wage does nothing but create more revunue for the Government and guarantee votes for democrats and retarded Republican. It does nothing for the worker. Minimum wage laws are a trick for the dim witted and horrible for economics. I love people that try and blame one party for the worlds problems. The problem is Government not Parties. They both are morons.


Well-Known Member
i know, trickle down economics is such shit. no one is going to pay their employees more because they are getting tax cuts!! they are just going to put the money in their own pockets. that is capitalism though. that's what this country is built on. i don't even think they believe in treating the bullies right, they are the bullies so they treat themselves nice and well, that keeps the money in their own pocket. Then they preach this crap about cutting taxes for corporations to try to make the working class feel like these tactics are going to benefit them in some way. puhleeeeese... some of the people actually buy into this, or do they? Perhaps it is all so screwed up that it doesn't matter what people buy into, decisions are made by the people with $$$ and those people want corporate taxes low - the money in their pocket.

and that is why i think the US is a corrupt shithole of a place to live. if i can get out of here i will!
With all due respect. That a pretty shitty attitude, and in my opinion, a perspective that lacks a whole lot of realty. I am not trying to be belittling but you really don't have a grasp on economic law.


Well-Known Member
With all due respect. That a pretty shitty attitude, and in my opinion, a perspective that lacks a whole lot of realty. I am not trying to be belittling but you really don't have a grasp on economic law.
has anyone taken the time to let you know that you come off as smug and hateful?

if not, let me just say: you come off as a very smug and hateful person. like an arrogant, holier-than-thou know-it-all.

is it worth it to be the first one to know it's raining up on that high horse of yours?


Well-Known Member
and to the OP, i do not hate walmart, i boycott them.

last thing we need in this country is to patronize a corporation that imports worthless chinese shit and treats their employees like commodities rather than people.

it is a big 'fuck you' right in the face of the american worker.


Well-Known Member
has anyone taken the time to let you know that you come off as smug and hateful?

if not, let me just say: you come off as a very smug and hateful person. like an arrogant, holier-than-thou know-it-all.

is it worth it to be the first one to know it's raining up on that high horse of yours?
Yup I have.... YOu know that. Just because I have a strong opinion and people make wild statement that have not been though out or been formed from any sort of research on there part doesn't make me smug. It makes me opinionated.


Well-Known Member
and to the OP, i do not hate walmart, i boycott them.

last thing we need in this country is to patronize a corporation that imports worthless chinese shit and treats their employees like commodities rather than people.

it is a big 'fuck you' right in the face of the american worker.
The American Worker? LMFAO. Thank to you and your Statist loving American Voters, We don't have any. It's not because of Wal-MArt. I like Wal-Mart because they are a big "fuck you" in the face of the American Unions. Unions counterproductive, powerhunger, antihuman organizations.


Well-Known Member
Yup I have.... YOu know that. Just because I have a strong opinion and people make wild statement that have not been though out or been formed from any sort of research on there part doesn't make me smug. It makes me opinionated.
has your research been confined to the webpages of the john birch society and the american nazi party?


Well-Known Member
still on that insufferable 'just read ayn rand' phase, aren't you?

be sure to damn the unions on your next weekend off of work.
You somehow think Rand has the Copyrights to the word Statist. Uh...... That word has been used long before and after Rand. Why don't you tell me what Novel/Book Rand used the word Statist. Give line and Page please. Your angle is very weak, and your attempt to seem smug fails miserably.


Active Member
Walmart has a relief plane for the employees in the states of tornado stricken areas. So the employees have a choice on every check if they would like to donate money in any amount to the out of work employees who are affected by tornadoes across the country. Out of the total amount of money donated 95 percent was given by employees 5 percent from walmart. Also did you know walmart has a computer that is bigger better and stronger than the one in the pentagon ....


Well-Known Member
has your research been confined to the webpages of the john birch society and the american nazi party?
Yup you know you have won and the conversation is over when the other party pulls out the NAzi Card. You know by pulling out the NAZI card you have admitted defeat. Rookie mistake. I love it NAZI. Birch LOL. Rand! Classic Rookie moves.

I call Check and Mate.


Well-Known Member
...the conversation is over have admitted defeat... Rookie mistake....I call Check and Mate.
no surer sign that someone has "won" an argument than when one feels the need to proclaim they have done so.

and with that witty and concise comeback, i have just won (not "won") the argument.

give me a fucking cookie now.


Well-Known Member
did u kno... walmart is so evil, they r know to put life insurance policies on their elderly employee's, so when they die, they literally make millions. Meanwhile, the families have no idea, and are left to pay for funeral cost ect.


Well-Known Member
no surer sign that someone has "won" an argument than when one feels the need to proclaim they have done so.

and with that witty and concise comeback, i have just won (not "won") the argument.

give me a fucking cookie now.
Funny, how like a typical leftist (I only assume that of course) you quote me out of context. Typical. Nazi....... LAME LOL Really? NAZI? LOLOLOLOL !

And I won't be so childish as to correct typing and spelling errors because it would only make me seems as if I really have no argument. BAck to Wal-Mart.

As if Unions have given me anything exept a chrony marketplace.


Well-Known Member
Funny, how like a typical leftist (I only assume that of course) you quote me out of context. Typical. Nazi....... LAME LOL Really? NAZI? LOLOLOLOL !
funny how you try to take me out of context, but unlike you, i will explain.

you see, i ASKED if your "research" was confined to the webpages of the john birch society and the american nazi party. i did not say that you were a nazi, ASKED if your research was done on their webpages. big difference, but it seems to be lost on you.

isn't it ironic how a "victim" of public education needs to point these things out to you?

and how is my statement out of context after you called "check and mate"? were you not trying to say you won the argument? were you really now?

And I won't be so childish as to correct typing and spelling errors because it would only make me seems as if I really have no argument. BAck to Wal-Mart.
no, you won't do so because i make very few, unlike you. and when i do, it is not because i do not know how to spell a word, but rather transpose letters. are you all hypersensitave about that?

As if Unions have given me anything exept a chrony marketplace.
yeah, fuck all that 'fair wages' and 'safe working condition' nonsense that unions are responsible for.

i say, if my 12 year old child wants to labor for 14 hours a day in an unsafe mine, so be it. free market - fuck yeah!


Well-Known Member
Walmart has a relief plane for the employees in the states of tornado stricken areas. So the employees have a choice on every check if they would like to donate money in any amount to the out of work employees who are affected by tornadoes across the country. Out of the total amount of money donated 95 percent was given by employees 5 percent from walmart. Also did you know walmart has a computer that is bigger better and stronger than the one in the pentagon ....
thats fucked up how they did the employees,Walmart should of put up the most.