Pepper Plant Hours of Light


Well-Known Member
Does anybody know how many hours of light a peper plant needs to grow and how many to flower ?

I'm asking because my peper plant is drooping all the tiny fruits with the tail right after the flower has fallen and I read that the hours of light may be the reason.

Thanks :)


Well-Known Member
my GUESS (i do not know for sure) is at least 6 hours of full sunlight a day. the more the merrier.

my pepper plants were the last ones to wilt last year, they withstood the heat like champs.


Well-Known Member
my guess is that it was a water shortage or a temperature flux out of the ideal range of 70 to 80 degrees F during the day/60 to 70 degrees F at night during flowering that did you in, though the plant admittedly requires a ridiculous amount of light to be happy
it is a very fussy plant...if you don't meet those needs, fruit never sets, and flowers will always fall off...
took me a while to figure out i had to pollinate the plants myself indoors for the fruit to set nice too...

14/10 or 16/8 to answer your question though....
depending on the type of lamp you are using, it very well may be throwing your temp out of range...several elevations of readings should be sampled to get a better idea what the plant is really getting


Active Member
planted cukes in my room. did well till 12/12 . still got 12 good cukes .. good thing they dont crossbreed. what would you get? weed that never curesunknown strain long cylindrical good in salads.jpg.


Well-Known Member
my guess is that it was a water shortage or a temperature flux out of the ideal range of 70 to 80 degrees F during the day/60 to 70 degrees F at night during flowering that did you in, though the plant admittedly requires a ridiculous amount of light to be happy
it is a very fussy plant...if you don't meet those needs, fruit never sets, and flowers will always fall off...
took me a while to figure out i had to pollinate the plants myself indoors for the fruit to set nice too...

14/10 or 16/8 to answer your question though....
depending on the type of lamp you are using, it very well may be throwing your temp out of range...several elevations of readings should be sampled to get a better idea what the plant is really getting
Then the hours of light are fine, they are getting around 15h right now.

Yes, temps were another thing crossing my mind, during the day is a bit too high, around 30ºC (86ºF) and during the night not sure, I didn't check the min-max temps in the hygrometer for a while. Anyway yesterday I improved a little the ventilation and now the temps are down to around 27ºC (80ºF) will keep an eye on the temps for a few days :)

I'm also trying to pollinate the flowers myself, did it more thoroughly couple of days ago so I'm waiting to see the results. Hopefully one of this will be the reason and I'll be able to see some pepers grow. It's been weeks since the plant is growing flowers but all of them keep falling, it's a pity.

Thanks everybody for your replies :)


Well-Known Member
I checked out a youtube video and a guy on the video says that if the plant isn't getting enough light it will drop its flowers/fruits.


Well-Known Member
That's king of difficult to measure but I've got two 65W CFL white light bulbs for this plant and some other plants. I've got another peper plant in the balcony that is starting to grow some flowers now, I guess I'll be able to see if this plant also drops them or not in a week and maybe put both outside.