Few Questions About Soil and Water


Active Member
welll i wouldnt touch them for a few days. no watering, no feeding, no fingering, no poking. let it establish its roots first. mine sprout and dont do much for about the first week or so then once established they kick into high gear
I peeped through a hole in my PC case and saw that first real set of leaves seems to be growing.
Gonna poke it tomorrow tho, wouldnt want for it to dry out.
Also, last one of my short riders is germinating as i type, gonna plant it tomorrow next to this one.


Active Member
if your having pH probs dont flush with huge differences in pot pH too water pH. ie. if your pot is at say...7.5pH dont flush with 4.5pH too get it down, flush with 6.5pH water and let it stabilize itself out
So i have two plants growing at the moment.
The one i planted last seems do be doing good, stretched a bit too much, but i moved it closed to light.
Other one, the one i transplanted is growing really slowly, i will keep it for a wheek or so, then, if no progress, im gonna throw it out.
Will post some pictures or might start a journal soon.
Im almost finished with building my new grow cabinet and i have a question about CFL's and reflectors.
Is there a point in covering inside walls with aluminum tinfoil (mylar in not available at the moment)?
Since CFL's only works when close to plants and lights (2x 125w CFL) are fixed at the top of my cabinet (size: 1 foot deep, 2 feet wide, 3 feet high, made for growing 2 auto's at the time) i guess i should have tinfoil only at the top, where the lights are. Also ill have some low watt CFL's on side with their own reflectors.
Also, is passive intake alright with cabinet of that size? For exhaust im gonna have 8cm or 12cm PC cooling fan (havent decided on size yet.) with some DIY carbon filter.


Im almost finished with building my new grow cabinet and i have a question about CFL's and reflectors.
Is there a point in covering inside walls with aluminum tinfoil (mylar in not available at the moment)?
Since CFL's only works when close to plants and lights (2x 125w CFL) are fixed at the top of my cabinet (size: 1 foot deep, 2 feet wide, 3 feet high, made for growing 2 auto's at the time) i guess i should have tinfoil only at the top, where the lights are. Also ill have some low watt CFL's on side with their own reflectors.
Also, is passive intake alright with cabinet of that size? For exhaust im gonna have 8cm or 12cm PC cooling fan (havent decided on size yet.) with some DIY carbon filter.
Never ever, ever use tin foil. It creates hot spots, and is not that reflective. Flat white paint works almost as well as mylar. In my first box, I used 1/4 inch white styrofoam, and it worked pretty good. White contact paper will work, it you have nothing else, but it is a devil to remove. You could always thumbtack some white paper to the walls. I like white paint. You just repaint every few crops, as needed. HTG carries 4 x 25 rolls of mylar for about 15 bucks. Order it online, if you want. Good Luck.
Earlier today i read on some topic here some pretty convincing arguments (based on solid facts) that aluminium (or is it aluminum is US) is not that bad, also it raises temperature in my grow cabinet, what is needed. Cant seem to be able to find that topic now, stil im gonna stick with foil glued to cardboard to form desired shape.
So back to the original question - can plants use CFL light that has reflected travelling in total ~ 1 foot?
Once again hello everyone.
Here are some more pictures of my plants.
I transplanted them to 1.5 gal pots few days ago. During transplanting some of my healthy plants roots got ripped off but it seems like its recovering.
Heathy plant - 11 days old:
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Damaged plant - 19 days old:
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Both of them under light:
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Here are some more pictures of my plants.
Small one is 24 days old, large one is 16 days old.
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Gonna give small one her first feeding in a day or two, lets see what happens then.
I upgraded to mylar diamond few days ago and since then my plant are growing much faster.
Also, i take silence is this thread as a sign that nobody reads this and i should not post any more pictures and stuff.


Well-Known Member
Also, i take silence is this thread as a sign that nobody reads this and i should not post any more pictures and stuff.

I saw them, but didn't see any questions, so didn't comment. If you want guys to follow your grow, for the sake of growing, and comment, etc....you need to start a grow journal. In a thread titled "Few questions...." I look for questions that need answered, and by page 4, they should've already been answered, or new ones asked. :wink:
Hello everyone.
Here are some more pictures of my plants.
I upgraded my cooling system by repositioning my exhaust fan and adding DIY carbon filter and plants seem to like cooler air better.
Small, stunned one looks like she is going into flowering in a few days so my questions is what can i expect to yield from plant that is 3 inches high at the moment? :)

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Discard smaller plant, not worth the trouble for 3.5 grams dried I believe! The younger one is doing fine tho. Goodluck!
3.5 grams would be great considering that keeping her doesnt cost me anything. Ill keep her, no doubt about that. My prognosis were about 2 grams but what do i know, iv never done this before. Thank you for input tho.
Hello everyone.
I Upgraded my box today - added 150w HPS bulb hung vertically. Gonna be doing vscrog from now on.
Gonna do some temperature testing for a few days, then add 125w 2700k CFL for more light.
Fast Bud from attitude is on its way, hopefully i wont have to buy mj from a dealer for long time.
Here are some pictures:
I will post more news next week.
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Hello smokers, growers and other good people.
I added 7mm CPU cooler (Celeron D stock cooler :)) directly behind HPS bulb to keep it cooler. Hopefully cooler isnt too powerfull so that with 8mm cooler for exhaust i still have negative pressure to keep smell from leaking into room.
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Today i added a screen - past piece i needed to have actual scrog.
Here are pictures of my final setup (except that CFL you can see lying around, it will be added when plants get bigger).
Any comments and/or suggestions are welcome.
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During last night something terrible happened - largest plant hadnt been watered and it dried out.
Pictures will tell more than i could.
My area is expierencing terrible heat wave, you can see picture of thermometer showing outside and room temps, hard to believe last winter we had -4 degrees fahrenheit. Im really having trouble keeping my plants cool.

Just finished upgrading my cooling system - now i have two 7 and 8 cm in diameter PC fans for exhaust and one 12cm one for intake, blowing directly on light bulb.
Also, connected those fans to old PSU worrieing that fans might not be working with full potential when connected to my old power unit from a hair clipper.
With lights off temp in my box is around 80 degrees and with light on its around 84.

So my question is - is my plant going to recover if i keep it well fed and cool as possible?
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