Interracial Relationships


Well-Known Member
Since we're all touching on some controversial topics I figured I'd throw this one out there. What do you think about interracial relationships? Ever been in one? Are you currently in one?

I don't ask questions I wouldn't answer so here I go. I am white. I lost my virginity at 15 to a black chick from my high school at a party in the woods... fun stuff. I dated a chick from Columbia for awhile she was super hot and super crazy, that lasted only acouple months before I broke it off. I met a Chinese girl several years back and now today I call her my wife. I think that sums up my stance fairly well. So hows about you?

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
My mother is Latina/Native my dad is Anglo. The only problems we've ever had are the prejudices of ignorant people.


Active Member
shouldn't happen.

just kidding, go fuck a handicap for all I care.

Seriously, I know your joking on the first part.

But on the second part well at least you used a word with respect this time.

As for the OPs question, why not, there is close to a 100% of the people on this earth that are mixed racially.


Active Member
I'm pure dutch.
I think that tells you how my immediate family feels about interracial relationships.

EDIT: this is true but also not true.


Active Member
Lost my virginity to a black girl as well, the saying "once you go black you never go back" doesn't mean shit to me cause I haven't been back to black since. Dated a couple girls that were half white half hispanic, but once I got out of high school I realized that around here if you date any girl that has some sort of hispanic in her she'll probably get pregnant if you masturbate to close to her. Old lady is white but I have no problem with interracial relationships, love who you want.


Active Member
each to their own man we are all human.

I've only ever dated white girls not through prejudice though.

I have kissed a black girl in a club once


Well-Known Member
My mother is Latina/Native my dad is Anglo. The only problems we've ever had are the prejudices of ignorant people.
Yeah my immediate family is pretty accepting. I will catch my uncles and their nephews slipping up and saying some shit at work but they're weaksauce anyways. I really only get old people looking at us in a distasteful way, the young people that stare have jealousy in their eyes, its awesome.


Well-Known Member
I dated a black girl in Jr high, unfortunately it was Texas in the 80's so it didn't work out too well for either of us. My wife is a Chicago girl, to me that's another race, I never understood Chicago people. :)

Joking aside my wife's BF is a black guy who's really cool. It's awesome she gets to hang with someone sober once in a while. My Gf is a little red headed stoner who just rocks! Personally I find very few black women attractive, notable exceptions would be Halle Berry.


Really who in their right mind wouldn't hit that man!


Well-Known Member
I'm Asian and Native American and my wife is Mexican.:blsmoke:
That's quite an eclectic mix there 420god! What part of Asia in you don't mind me asking? It's funny when you get down to brass tacks some Mexicans are actually "Native" Americans as well.:lol:


Well-Known Member
That's quite an eclectic mix there 420god! What part of Asia in you don't mind me asking? It's funny when you get down to brass tacks some Mexicans are actually "Native" Americans as well.:lol:
Japanese and my wife does look more Indian than she does Mexican, people have a hard time guessing what either one of us are.


Well-Known Member
I'm Asian and Native American .....
thats the same thing twice, bro! :)

but real talk you guys, all human beings are precisely the same; the differences we see in skin color and facial features are dictated by the climate in which that people evolved; simple as that. all other theories to the contrary are bullshit lies (i.e.- eugenics, the "white race" concept, etc etc)


Well-Known Member
I went with a chinese girl in middle school lol.She couldn't speak no english when she first came over here.Half way through the school year I had her screaming my name in english and dressing like all the other bitches.I remember her dad gave me a box with like 400 fortune cookies on halloween.
I usually stick to black girls but recently I been fucking a lot of ricans.