Purple Stems and Veins


Well-Known Member
Ok so first I did a search for purple stems and veins, here and google, and I saw 90 differing answers covering the whole specturm.

Basically on only a few of my babies, they have purple leaf veins, or purple stems/ striped purple stems. Now on a few with yellowing leafs I took some proper steps and it went away.

Now on a few of my babies, My Sour Alien LAW, and like 1 or 2 others, they have the praying lookin ( the happy plant finger tips slightly up ) nice new growth, the Sour Alien is bangin, just growing....... but yet her and my Skywalker both still have a purplish stalk and some of the leaves have purple veins, yet the plant looks happy.

I use B.C. Grow, well the recipe to success box ( with a slightly dosed down version of their instructions) , was using Humboldt Organics but it smells to much like dead fish for me!!!!! ( attracts bugs too )

I am just wondering if anyone has any feedback, as I have checked the PH with a soil PH meter, on all plants its between 6-7, and I checked the ph of my nute solution, which is about 6.3-6.4 I ph my water to 6.8 normally.

The last 2 waterings have been strictly water, like every other day, maybe every 3 days, and then today when they where nice and dry I feed, then will water 1-2 more times before feeding again.

Any help would be apperciated. will try get some pics up tommorrow.
Sounds like pk problems.

I will be hopefully getting pics tonight when I stop by there and check out my gear! See the issue is, my white widow is banging like lookin sweet!!! She is a nice bright green, has like 4 or 5 tops now and has awesome new growth!!

I was thinking a Mg issue, or PK problems, but I have been giving proper feedings, the B.C. grow is 1-3-6 and the boost is 3-0-2 So those seem like pretty decent PK numbers to me, not to mention I am in soil which is a mix of H.F./O.F. and it is suppose to have food for 3 weeks to a month, yet these plants are still doing the same stupid thing.

They don't look sick, and are growing well, when I had a sick bubblegum plant I knew there was issues, repotted and feed lightly and now the bubblegum and my D.J. blueberry are coming back, but this skywalker and sour alien I just can't seem to figure out, yet the growth is amazing!!!!
I will be hopefully getting pics tonight when I stop by there and check out my gear! See the issue is, my white widow is banging like lookin sweet!!! She is a nice bright green, has like 4 or 5 tops now and has awesome new growth!!

I was thinking a Mg issue, or PK problems, but I have been giving proper feedings, the B.C. grow is 1-3-6 and the boost is 3-0-2 So those seem like pretty decent PK numbers to me, not to mention I am in soil which is a mix of H.F./O.F. and it is suppose to have food for 3 weeks to a month, yet these plants are still doing the same stupid thing.

They don't look sick, and are growing well, when I had a sick bubblegum plant I knew there was issues, repotted and feed lightly and now the bubblegum and my D.J. blueberry are coming back, but this skywalker and sour alien I just can't seem to figure out, yet the growth is amazing!!!!

so yeah, before seeing pics, it sounds like it could be that there's nothing wrong with it. could be just normal or negligible esp if you say there's massive growth.
OK OK wow people have no patience, I had said pics would be coming when I had a chance to stop by and get some.

BTW I know the plants look droopy the photos where taken during lights out / sleepy time, and the plants had been asleep for like 5-6 hours before I went in to snap the pics, so that is why they are droopy.

So here are the pics:

A plant that is that old and showing that kind of coloring and having the over all health that you have I am going to say genetics. The plant looks fine does not look stressed at all even the leaves that have the veins look healthy besides the coloring. I say do nothing (why tip the boat at this point) but I will be checking to see what other experienced growers say. Nice job on the LST
Thanks for the props on the LST, I got / get a lot of shit from my partner and a buddy for "mangling and tying down my plants nad new growth" I have a shiva plant though that has 6 or 7 main tops and has never been cut / topped. My XXX OG which is one of those pics, has some awesome main tops, there are like 4 or 5 good ones, which once vegged out will leave me with some awesome main colas come flowering time.

Anyway any other feedback on this purpling issue is appreciated.
after seeing the pics, i stand by my statement

what makes you say that? I don't see anything.

what I do see is overwatering, or worse - a root problem.

RR rlease explain the calcium argument because if anything its a PK issue because of the color but not enough to warrant any drastic changes and Asaph his lights were out so they were sleepy that's all no watering issue brother.
So i checked mine against a buddy of mine, he has a couple from the same mother running, and they have the same striped stem and vein issues, and his are outdoor super happy plants.

SPARK, thanks for sticking up for me with the water issue, as photos where taken like 3 or 4 hours into lights out, so it was not a root or water issue, merely without light there is no reason for the plants to pull up in that praying position.........

I have repotted some of them, into bigger pots with fresh FFOF/ROOTS organic mix. They are super happy and pulling up nicely with the lights on.

Like I said I checked them against my buddies and I am pretty much on the page its a genetic issue, maybe a mild mild pk issue but I am not gonna change anything with how its been growing lately.
thats not calcium def. its too much phospherous and possibly a bit too much nitrogen. stalk purpling is from cold temp as you know prolly lol. or the latter.
thats not calcium def. its too much phospherous and possibly a bit too much nitrogen. stalk purpling is from cold temp as you know prolly lol. or the latter.

cold weather will turn buds purple, but i've never seen anything except calcium def. cause a purple stem. i've had lots of purple stems, and cal-mag plus ALWAYS solves the problem. they're also brittle, not just purple, so you can break branches even with light buds.
what makes you say that? I don't see anything.

what I do see is overwatering, or worse - a root problem.

pics were taken at night, so it's impossible to tell if they've been overwatered. all plants droop when the lights are out. yes, yellowing leaves could be a root problem, but when that took hold in my plant it nearly killed all the lower growth in a week, and it actually looks similar to a nitrogen deficiency. that doesn't sound much like what he's describing.
Ok so the same couple of stems are still purple, no not brittle if anything other then color nice full, solid, health, stems!!!

True think its genetics, new growth is fine!!! Temps had been a bit low..... like 55 at night and maybe 75 during day instead of like 68-70 at night to 85ish. Now temps have returned to normalish Western USA weather!!! Or beachish weather..... so yeah the purplish ones still purple, and the rest are nice.

MY white widow still rich and light green..... I am narrowing this down to temp and genetics

Thats all I gotta Say about that.