Ive lost all my mates to cocaine


100% Authentic A$$Hole
:hump:You guys are wasting your drugs snorting them:hump:

You need to bang those bad boys then tell me how you like it:hump:


Well-Known Member
Cocaine isn't worth the hype. And yes it is a life ruiner but thats only for the ones who don't respect the drugs they do.


100% Authentic A$$Hole
although I am clean now for a long time, that was the mentality I had when I first ever banged....."Damn I can't believe Ive been wasting my shit all this time:hump:" I wouldn't recommend it, its a whole new meaning of addiction:hump:

420 Growper

Well-Known Member
I and my wife were cokeheads for about a year and a half, could'nt never get enough of it 50-80$ a day etc...... and one day we just looked at each other and saw what we were becoming and stopped right there.....best move I ever made in my life. that was like 5-6 years ago.

Now I just smoke my meds. and so does my wife LOL

Your friends need to really WANT help in order to use help, other wise your just wasting your efforts.

good luck-being where i am "babylon" meth is cheaper than coke and ive seen pretty much 90% of my old high school buddies turn into junkies and shit(after years of crystal and coke), or go to prison.

You have to accept your friends are becoming slowly not your friends anymore.

mr thc

Well-Known Member
You can still hang out with them...just have it set in your mind that you won't accept a line, whether its offered or physically forced upon you. And if it is then yeah..they're a lost cause. You can still smoke dope with them...they cant just powder a little white on top of the bud. XD


Well-Known Member
yeah man I came home for a party a bunch of my old high school buddies were having at new years and just about everybody there was all coked up and all I had was an eighth of dank buddha and a 12 pack. ppl were doin lines in their cars and the bathrooms then me and a couple guys were outside enjoying a blunt and the girl whose house the party was at comes out and is like "who is smoking weed out here?" all pissed off... at this point I proceeded to scream at her about there being enough coke at her house to send everybody there to federal pound me in the ass prison and she got mad ab a blunt. I don't plan on hangin around with many of them anymore, coke is not for me. Oh yea, ketamine is definitely overrated...


Well-Known Member
Ketamine is not over rated it gives you a 20 min high just like coke except Ketamine actually makes you feel fucking great. Ketamine is a drug much like Acid it gives you a whole new perspective on life. If not then your not getting the pure white K


Well-Known Member
When I was younger was in a bad car accident at 16 years old. Went into the hospital for about 5 months came out of the hospital and 99% of my friends were crack cocaine addicts.

Previous to going into the hospital we all smoked a bit of weed and drank a few beers here and there nothing awful. It was shocking to come home to that scene.

I understand how you feel its not easy especially when youve known many of the people for years upon years. The only advice I have for you is bale out. Its the best thing you can do for yourself. Otherwise you will find yourself smoking it to.

Get as far away from that scene as possible and start over.


Well-Known Member
i have had pure ketamine and it made me feel a lot like the time i smoked a couple bowls with a buddy of mine only to find out that the dumbass bought the weed from some mexican he didn't know and it was laced with pcp (always ask where ppl get their weed bf you smoke it with them and if they haven't tried it yet let them hit up a bowl by theirself if its a shaky source)...thats what the k-hole felt like to me man not to good, now acid is fun...its fuckin crazy, but its fun and I wouldn't in any way compare ketamine to acid...


Master of Mayhem
Why would anyone want to lace weed with PCP? Wouldn't that make the weed cost more? I mean aside from just plain out fucking with someones head.....


Well-Known Member
yea ya know i don't know why...I think my buddy thought he was getting some good stuff and paid for good stuff not knowing much ab weed, he was a bit of a novice as was i at the time, i think it probably did make the weed more expensive but he thouhgt he was paying the going rate...i dunno, it was not a fun experience though.


Well-Known Member
Dealers lacing weed is a fucking myth granted it does happen but they gotta either be some rich mother fuckers to do it or they want to hook their customers on their weed like come on I go buy an eighth for 25 with a fuckin half gram of cocaine sprinkled all over it I dont think so but yeah I havnt tried Acid I want too soooo fucking bad I plan on it after setting up my hydro gear I figure hey after a job well done why not fly to the fuckin moon


Well-Known Member
Dealers lacing weed is a fucking myth granted it does happen but they gotta either be some rich mother fuckers to do it or they want to hook their customers on their weed like come on I go buy an eighth for 25 with a fuckin half gram of cocaine sprinkled all over it I dont think so but yeah I havnt tried Acid I want too soooo fucking bad I plan on it after setting up my hydro gear I figure hey after a job well done why not fly to the fuckin moon
Tell you what when I was younger some people used to do that to other people just for kicks.

They would lace herb with something and sell it or give it away to someone just for a laugh.

Once had a buddy who bought some LSD. He sold me a little and the guy who actually made it and sold it to him, had made this stuff so unbelievably powerful that there was no doubt in my mind he was messing with these guys in particular.

It gave everyone who took it a bad trip including myself and I'd never had a bad trip despite over 125 experiences with LSD previous to taking this stuff.

These types of people are what you would call an asshole with too much time on his hands.

Its not a myth


Well-Known Member
Still do you really think your dealer is going to be putting his hard earned crack money into lacing your half gram with some coke? I doubt it but for the joke thing haha yeah Salvia and Weed


Well-Known Member
Dont do cocaine its to goooooood ^^

mmmmmm i love it when it goes down... AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH !

fuck man ! why u gotta talk bout this man, gotta get myself a gramm now :P