Advice from You Guys that Know


Well-Known Member
because i have not got my inline fan yet( i do have a extraction 1 with carbon filter)but becuase im running a 600watt hps light it gets stupid hot in there so i have to leave my tent completly open with my bedroom windows wide open. will this severly mash up my grow.
hope some of you experts can help.


tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Well if it's still too hot with tent and windows open then yes, it stands to reason it would mash it up as you put it. If it's not too hot after the changes, then why would it mash it up? Other than maybe pets and children and the rare pigeon having access

I'd be more concerned about some nieghbour or pikey seeing a warm golden light and twigging on.


Well-Known Member
Yeah i know what your saying about people seeing but it dont look as suspect as it sounds ( i think ), with it all open i can get the temp down to about the 82 mark.( high i know ) but my concern is that the light thats escaping from the tent because i keep reading that all light should be locked in and the tent leak proof.


Well-Known Member
how much do they cost do you know and once i get the inline fan would that make a massive difference or just bring it down slightly? and thanks for replying mate

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
When people talk about light leaks they are talking about it being the over way around. That is to say there are leaks in the grow environment which is allowing light from outside inside when they are trying to sleep. Having the tent open will certainly mean light is being lost out into the room instead of being reflected onto the plants, but it won't hurt them in any way, maybe lower the yield a bit but that's just physics.

I run a 600w hps, if i run with the fan on (filter is very old dusty and it's causing the fans power to massively drop) then temps seem just fine, don't have a thermometer or such but they seem fine, if i turn the fan off everything dies. It makes a difference :D


Well-Known Member
The portable ac's are kinda expensive if you can afford it but alot more stealth. You can vent them to make them look like your venting a dryer which helps out a little


Well-Known Member
The portable ac's are kinda expensive if you can afford it but alot more stealth. You can vent them to make them look like your venting a dryer which helps out a little

Thanks mate. im new to all of this so im probably gonna be on here a lot as if there was a crime for killing young mj plants i would be looking at a good 10 life sentances lol. but i guess the more problems i encounter the more i learn so no doubt speak soon pal
thanks again



Well-Known Member
Yeah i know what your saying about people seeing but it dont look as suspect as it sounds ( i think ), with it all open i can get the temp down to about the 82 mark.( high i know ) but my concern is that the light thats escaping from the tent because i keep reading that all light should be locked in and the tent leak proof.

Light leaks are important in DARK PERIOD. No light leaks when its dark.


Well-Known Member
to know if it's hot or not, you have to know your temperature. get a thermometer, for starters

inline fan is less important that outline. when the outline is strong it sucks air in from wherever possible. but not having inline does lower outline efficiency and makes it break faster.


Well-Known Member
Whatever you end up doing, you'll need to tackle the heat problem before you start flowering, because you WILL need to close the tent and keep light OUT during your 12 hours of darkness, no exceptions.