Kadajett's First Grow Outdoor+Indoor (BagSeed)


Active Member
Hey everybody, my name is Kadajett and I have absolutely no idea what I am doing. :blsmoke: That is perfectly fine though, because I really do find growing interesting and it would be nice for the fiance and I to stop paying for ditch weed.

I have a set of woods a few blocks away from my house and I decided that since it is starting to get warm I should plant a few seeds. I had two patches as of about 2 weeks ago. One patch sprouted really early (:?:) and obviously it wasn't guerrilla enough because someone stomped them out. I went out there and was able to save a few plants and when I went back someone(same people or person I assume) dug a huge hole where they were. I get the message so I decided not to replant in that spot even though it is perfect. Aside from nature haters lol

This leaves me with another set of three plants. These a little father away from the beaten path. They had just sprouted a few days ago I think and I noticed some (chewing?) damage on the seedlings, so I cut up the bottles of water I use to water them and I made a dome over each plant. Bottle cap off of course. lol

I noticed that the path I take is starting to become visible so I am going to stay away for a while. Good thing we have a few days of storms coming up so I don't have to worry about the soil drying out. :bigjoint:

Sorry for going on so long about my outdoor, let us take a quick look at my indoor plants. :)

It's all a little complicated so bear with me. Right now I have a handful of clone attempts from a plant that I killed with nutes, and I have one transplant that I moved from really bad outside soil to some MG. (I know, it's bad but it was free lol) All of them are under a 24 watt cfl (curly tube lol) and a higher watt straight tube cfl. (Promise I will look at it soon :)) I am spraying all of them with straight water about every hour(To much?) and the soil plant is slightly moist, didn't want to over water until the roots got some beef to em.

I have been reading these forums for a few months and I have read a few books so I have a small idea of the theoretical concepts of growing but I have magnitudes to learn when it comes to actually nurturing a plant to fruition. So come check out my pics and my posts, maybe give me some tips that you wish you had when you started. :lol:

Start my new job on the 20th, so that should help me fund some better growing equipment. And maybe some weed cause I just ran out.

P.S. I have no idea if anybody else does this, but EVERY time I go out to see my ladies in the forest I sit down and smoke a J with them. Kind of a ritual that I like to partake in, and if you don't do it you should cause I think it has helped develop my bond with the ladies.

Peace & Pot Errbody


Active Member
Btw, my phone is dead as a doornail on account of the fact that I left my charger at my fiance's house. So no pics till tomorrow people, sorry :) Make sure you all comment and give me some feedback so I have a reason to keep posting. <3 peace and pot


Active Member
:eyesmoke: I was outside this morning and I passed by the plant that had horrible nute burn, and I noticed that the nodes that didn't make the clone cut are growing at crazy speeds. I am confused as to how this is possible as I only left two fan leaves on the ENTIRE plant. I am not complaining though, these nodes are healthy as can be so we shall see what happens with it.

On a slightly less awesome note, I am taking a week tolerance break until the 20th. So I can get destroyed when I have the money for some DANial K. :dunce:

After my fiance and I get an idea of what our apartment will cost, I will be able to allocate some money towards growing. Not a lot, but I plan to build a professional closet or wardrobe grow. Probably a 600 watt light (Id' like to go 1000 but heat might be an issue. Comments on that please) and some hanging CFLs just to help dense the nugs up a bit. I can't decide whether or not to try hydro. The only reason it is a possibility is because I would like to have a rotation going on so I harvest every two or three months.

That might be a little hard with an apartment because I would need a mother room and a clone chamber and a flowering chamber.. :finger: Sorry for thinking out loud, it's part of my writing process and it helps me plan.

Ok, so for my apartment grow, I might just have to stick with an all in one chamber that takes forever to harvest. So I would need the wardrobe or big cabinet, some Mylar, the lights, a DIY carbon filter (or a few lol) + fans, medium(Soil or hydro I haven't decided), a simple nute regimen, Ph tester, dehumidifier(If I need extra humidity, I can make a DIY water wick system), thermometer, And finally some seeds from Nirvana :)

If I am forgetting something, please do tell. I have a fund growing in size for this project but once I get this job, things will start to fall into place slowly but surely.

I have no idea if anyone is even reading but if you are, then thanks a lot.

Peace & Pot errbody :bigjoint:


Active Member
Hey everybody, I have some good news. :) I used my Nintendo DSi to take some pics of the ladies. I will try my best to organize them for easy reading. :bigjoint:

First of we have the horrible zombie of a nute burn attack. I plan to keep watering because this plant survived, I figure it deserves it. lol

It looks like the soil is moist, but it really isn't lol That dirt is horrible but I don't think it would survive a transplant right now. o_O Those two nute burned leaves were all that I left, and those nodes have popped up within the last few days. So go super plant lol


Next up in the list is the other nute burned one, but this one is in some MG soil trying to heal itself. lol I spray the foliage with water whenever I notice it is dry.plant1.jpgplant2.jpg


Next is a runt that I have in a folger's coffee jug. It is in just plain old organic topsoil, wish I would have added some drainage material because the soil is really hard and it doesn't drain for shit. (Adult forums allow cursing right? :P)plant4.jpg


Now I have my current project out in the woods. These ladies are still just bag seed, but I have very high expectations. Lets see if I don't mess this one up cause the plants aren't labeled. o_O Here is the patch, for starters.


They are kinda close together, but what can you do. :blsmoke: Now is for individual plants.

From left to right, this is the first plant.

The second plant from left to right.



The last from left to right. (If you didn't figure that out yet :wall:)



That is it folks, that is all my actively growing plants,(Not including my current clone attempts) and they look great! They all have those plastic bottles on them to protect them from those pesky critters. Also, I didn't think about it but the bottles act as humidity domes! Expect a bunch more pics, Friday the 20th after my first day of work.

Peace & Pot Errbody

P.S. Today was the first time I didn't smoke a Joint with my guerrilla grow, because of my tolerance break(and lack of weed lol).:finger: I'm sure they understand though lol

Oh, and I almost forgot, here is my beautiful puppy out in the woods with me! rockyforest.jpg:blsmoke:


Active Member
Hello all, Kadajett here, I am a very happy person. :eyesmoke: I was forced by my lady to wait a day on my tolerance break. Because of a newly acquired friend, I am able to get my first tastes of medical grade marijuana. For the entire time I have been smoking, I have smoked the nastiest weeds ever. Most really dark ugly shit color, very seedy(ey?), and very bricky(ey?). It was always tolerated, because it got us high. About three hours ago, my lady and myself smoked a really fat joint that was meant for three or four people. I am really higher than I have ever been, still. I am curious as to when I will go down, but I have nothing but time to look around and try to be friendly with everyone on RIU. :eyesmoke:

Back on subject, I have some pics of the nug I have left. I am to high to really tell the quality, but I think I did a good job. It tasted really strong of piney or maybe pine mint smell? But it was really pungent like gasoline.

I present So-Called* Blue cheese:

* I say So-Called because I did not grow from seed or clone myself. This could be any random strain slapped with a dank name. Friggin amazing altogether and the best high ever but you never know. :roll:

I have two other things to talk about. One is something you have got to hear.

The first and less important is this amazing song. Listen and love people[video=youtube;xx7XMOTbo20]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xx7XMOTbo20[/video]
And secondly and completely outrageous. Seriously WTF.

Complete breach of my fourth amendment rights. And everyone else in this state.

Peace & Pot Errbody!


Active Member
Hello everyone, happy Saturday the 14th. Still pretty buzzed from the bleu cheese last night. Could get used to smoking dank like this.. :bigjoint:

This morning I was looking at the one potted plant that might have a chance. It is the one in the white pot that had nute burn(not the zombie), and I transplanted it into MG which regardless of the shit people talk, is really perfect (for me) so far. Mainly because I have really clay based soil around here so drainage is a godsend. :wall: Regardless, it is finally perking up since the transplant, and I am noticing some really light green hues in all the leaves. The soil is already wet and I am horrified to use nutes cause I always burn. (Only using 1/2 tsp. with a gallon now :D) The nutes I have is 12-4-8(N-P-K) so I have a feeling that it should work to green it up, but I would rather get a professional opinion. And how much water should I put in it every time it dries out? Sorry I am asking so many questions, I can probably figure the watering amount out myself, but should I fertilize or no?plantwhitepot1.jpgplantwhitepot2.jpg

BTW, listening to the new album by Bayside. So amazing, I don't think I have listened to a band consistently for anywhere near as long as I have Bayside. Good Stuff.


That's all I gotta say, cept come read my shiz! :)

Peace & Pot Errbody!


Active Member
Obviously, my writing skills aren't to anybodies liking. It's all good though, I enjoy making this journal and it is helping me keep track of my plants. By the way, I just measured the plant in the 1 gallon white pot and it is at 5 inches now. I still don't plan on feeding it nutes for a few weeks.

For that one specifically, I was wondering if I could veg under the sun and by the time I am ready to harvest I should have enough money for a decent HID.?

Alright, I really have nothi8ng else to say on this Sunday morning.

Peace & Pot Errbody <3 (.)(.)


Active Member
I am not sure if I am supposed to post on this everyday, but I built a small new grow box to contain the little light I had and I was hoping to see some growth from Whitey. It is still at 5 inches, but we are finally having a sunny day so it is outside. Maybe the sunlight will finally get some growth so I can start lst.

Pics of the grow box Friday :)

P&P Errbody <3


Well-Known Member
I'll have to read back but nice thread. +rep.

I'm not much for conversation but I'm pretty good at answering questions.

Happy growing, keep em green!:leaf:


New Member
You said the dirt in the pot that looked flooded was horrible. High clay content? You definitely want it in something with drainage.


Active Member
Haven't posted to this inna few days, but I have had a revelation. I was wondering why my plant growth slowed dramatically, and it occurred to me that I have horrible ventilation and my plant probably isn't getting the Co2 it needs. So I found a fan and I have been blowing a large amount of air through the new box. Within 24 hours, growth picked back up and all signs of heat stress stopped growing. (Thought the MG was nute burning again but it was top down so I put two and two together)

Pics tomorrow night I promise, and for all those interested in my Party Cup grow, my seedlings are finally sprouting! :D Way behind the game, but they are sexy! Bout to go through a lifetime of low stress training!


Active Member
Hey everyone! I have an update for you all, that includes some pics and some questions. :peace:

First of all, I have some news. me and the lady went to a new smoke shop that just opened across the street. This isn't a medical state so they only sell glass and papers and tobacco stuff. We looked around for a while and we found this bubbler that the lady liked a lot. It is a hammer shaped bubbler that kisses a little more than I would like.
Here are some pics, and the price we payed.

Original Price: 35. Lowered down to 25

We also got 3 new clear(Unmatching :cry: ) bowls for the bong for free cause I broke the last one and its the same owner of the shop where we bought the bong. (He opened shop on the two busiest parts of town, smart guy)

The next bit of news, is the plants are looking pretty decent. I just found a large burn pretty high up on whity. You guys can see the pics. This is all the plants I have indoors right now, it has been raining a lot outside so no new pics of the out door grow.


I have two plants in one party cup because one looks slightly mutated. I want to kill the worst looking one once it really gets into vegging.

Ok, I have a few questions before I get back to playing Zelda :). :blsmoke: My growth has slowed down on Whity, and at first I thought it was lack of Co2 so I added a fan to circulate the air better. Well instead of getting bigger, I have noticed the new nodes are branching out. I am just curious if this was an effect of the added circulation? Next, I was wondering if plants can absorb other nutrients like vitamins or like substances. Maybe like Vitamin C or B?

Just food for thought :) And me and the lady are seriously thinking about moving. We really can't decide where so we are taking a visit to Colorado this summer to see if we like it. Maybe find a medical grower that would like to sample some crop with us. (If we are lucky :blsmoke: )

I think that is all I have to say for today except to get sunny!

Peace & Pot Errbody!



Active Member
Hey RIU, Just poppin in with some news and a few ideas. Like always lol

Whitey is developing some major bushiness since her topping. I am convinced that topping and lst is magic. :hump: My two party cup entries have just sprouted their second node. They look fantastic and green except number two leaned itself over after a watering. The leaves have grown straight up towards the light so I think I will just leave it. (Makes CCOD LST easier :blsmoke: )

The three ladies outside are growing nicely, but they have signs of deer eating them or something. Half a leaf gone here and there ya know, but they just got their first feeding because they looked a little pale and I will go check on them in about a week. :joint:

I am horribly happy to tell you guys that I am working towards a job at a new smoke shop that just opened up down the street. I don't smoke cigs, but they have a whole room full of local glass and stash cans and whatever else you can think of.

If you guys payed enough attention you would see that I just got another job and I managed to weasel my way into straight midnights. That is opposed to getting like 15 hours a week during days, so 40 hours a week at my mcfail job and hopefully 40 hours a week at the smoke shop. College tuition here I come :mrgreen:

Now for some ideas, or an idea rather.

This ones a doozy so hold on to your bubblers.

An all green closet grow or shed grow, whatever works. It is a simple concept, everything that can be made out of recycled materials, is. So your hood for your light is old pop cans riveted and layered for maximum heat retention and reflectivity. The air tube for your light is made out of 2 liters hot glued together. And most importantly, the entire grow room is run on renewable energy like air and solar. So if you have one 1kw light, and a 40w fan, you would need to be able to produce that per hour. :blsmoke::blsmoke::blsmoke: That is slightly misleading, you would not really need to produce that every hour because the room would actually run on batteries and the batteries would be filled up by the renewable energy. So on any windy day or sunny day, you can save up enough energy to power your room for a week.

The only downside to this idea, is the extremely high start up cost. Mainly due to the market being flooded with overpriced turbines with horrible reviews due to being cheap or not generating required power. So on the low side, for a decent workable pair of turbines, you are looking at about $1,000 for a solar panel, you are looking at about $300.

For your light, I have never bought one but it seems to stay in the 200-500 range for a 1kw light.

Cheap fan is negligible

Last and definitely not least, the batteriessss.
I have no idea how much batteries cost, but I am assuming a normal car battery runs about $100 bones. We are probably looking to have at least 3-5 of them running in a separate room(due to heat)

Then seeds and soil is on a person to person basis so it is being left out of the total.

Energy source: $1,300
Lights: $600
Batteries: $500

Total Green House Cost: $2400 :blsmoke: Expensive but manageable

Compared to just buying a green house, it is a little pricey, but you get a electric bill free grow room that you can brag all over RIU with.

Peace & Pot Errbody, anyone wanna lend me $2400 dollars?
:peace: :joint:
Anything else you guys think should be included please feel free to chime in, this one needs some improvement. :peace:


Well-Known Member
I like your idea, it would probably pay itself off in a decent amount of time.

I was actually thinking about doing the wind turbine thing since I have the space.

I might get around to it someday.


Active Member
Whitey showed its first female pre flowers! :D I have never seen preflowers before so I was quite surprised! She was also topped about a week ago and it is showing HUGEEE side growth! Sorry for all the exclamations, I am a happy stoner.

To bad I am not stoned. I can't really afford to buy weed so I haven't smoked for about a week now. All good though, I am patient and I know I will get some fire from my plants.

Peace & Pot errbody.


Active Member
:D Thought people forgot about my journal lol I just got off work so I need a nap. After I get up, I will post some pics.

I have a question though. The leaves that are attached to the early node sites are all turning yellow and falling off. I noticed this on the smaller dummy nodes too. I plucked them all and kinda lolipopped my plant along with the topping that turned out amazing. If anymore yellow blotchy-ness appears I will post pics.

On an awesome note, the summer weather is finally here so I can leave my plants outside! No more teasing them with 100 watts of light :P