The 12-12 From Seed Thread


well last time out i used 25 ltr pots idea being bigger pots more room for the plant. didnt actually work that way, so this tim iv gone bak to 10 ltr pots at this stage i have them in bio bizz soil, and just started last night,(3 weeks in) a small feed, with some bio heaven 1ml bio grow 1 ml top max all per ltr. im gonna transfer out of the smaller pots in a week r when ever i see the tell tale sigm=ns they need replanting. i will slowly nearly weekly r two weekly up this and add some bio grow as the weeks go by. i havent had a prob with this feed type yet and its not the first time. last time i used hammerhead pk 9.0 instead of top max which i should have used as i wanted to stick to the all bio feed n soil. i did notice a differance when usin the pk 9.0 production wasnt what it should have been. btw 600 dual spec cool tube light intake fan, oscilating fan and a healthy supply of fresh air.


so even now i can change to the 12 12, 3 week in from seed? they where all fem seed would it not shock it turn then into little balls lol just i dont know if you could let me know it would be great,.


Well-Known Member
so even now i can change to the 12 12, 3 week in from seed? they where all fem seed would it not shock it turn then into little balls lol just i dont know if you could let me know it would be great,.
i doubt that will make them herm..............coco is the husk of a coconut


Active Member
how big is the lighter, hard to judge.......enough to get you well fucked but not as much as you had hoped for is my best guess................
The Lighter is just a regular BIC , her sisters are about 3 times the size and they're almost ready.... I give them about 5 more day@ the rate they've been going. I'll be picking up a scale soon so I will def have a wet and dry weight for the next batch. I've got 4 going 12/12 and I just planted 6 more seeds.


Well-Known Member
Del excellent grows and brilliant to follow.

Im doing my first CFL micro grow in coco do you think it is feasible that growing from clones in a 2.5x2.5x2.5ft box under 500watts of cfls (12bulbs) i would be able to pull off two oz per plant? and how many do you think i can grow in that space?

Any thoughts would be awsum


Well-Known Member
The Lighter is just a regular BIC , her sisters are about 3 times the size and they're almost ready.... I give them about 5 more day@ the rate they've been going. I'll be picking up a scale soon so I will def have a wet and dry weight for the next batch. I've got 4 going 12/12 and I just planted 6 more seeds.
quality over quantity i say..........give us a smoke report.


Well-Known Member
Del excellent grows and brilliant to follow.

Im doing my first CFL micro grow in coco do you think it is feasible that growing from clones in a 2.5x2.5x2.5ft box under 500watts of cfls (12bulbs) i would be able to pull off two oz per plant? and how many do you think i can grow in that space?

Any thoughts would be awsum
thanks mate and welcome.....2 1/2 feet tall? wow that is a small space.........2 oz wet or dry ? you mean wet yeah?


Well-Known Member
del.. do these price's look any good?

they do the ruck fan rhino filter combos seems like a full kit by the looks of it..

I got mine from here mate , brilliant price , they do a few diff kits and sizes from 4inch to 6inch


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
thought that was a bit steep...

damn that link is cheap - let me know once yours arrives and if its all good and i'll order! always bit cautious of egay..

**edit wait a sec that's not ruck and rhino issit?
i got 1 of those off ebay when i first mate its certainly not a ruck and rhino, ok for enviro though, dont make much noise.