New Grow - From Seed - Cataract Skunk and Short Bus


Active Member
Greather420, Desertsativa, and Sr. Verde - thanks!

Today it seems my first issue has arisen, although I guess it could be worse lol. Remember that one seedling I had in a cup and then transplanted into a bag? Well apparently the seed that occupied the bag prior wasn't completely a dud - 8 days later than everyone else it has popped! Little bastard! I almost instinctively pulled it out, seeing as how it's behind everyone else and would just fuck w first girls root space and whatnot. it does happen to be a cataract skunk....which would put me at an even 8 and 8 for each strain. So...I'm undecided.

I probed down in the soil a little cuz I was just gunna put her in her own bag, but it seems that although underneath soil for the last 8 days, she's been workin on a root system. Feel like I would def fuck things up if I tried to pull her out and tp...

What do you guys think? Let her go? Both in the same container, and just transplant to a HUGE fucking pot down the road....or just kill it I guess? Or try and fuck with digging just the smaller sprout out and tp and hope for the best...sigh. Decisions decisions. Like I said, could be worse I guess...:lol:



Well-Known Member
Greather420 and Desertsativa - thanks!

Today it seems my first issue has arisen, although I guess it could be worse lol. Remember that one seedling I had in a cup and then transplanted into a bag? Well apparently the seed that occupied the bag prior wasn't completely a dud - 8 days later than everyone else it has popped! Little bastard! I almost instinctively pulled it out, seeing as how it's behind everyone else and would just fuck w first girls root space and whatnot. it does happen to be a cataract skunk....which would put me at an even 8 and 8 for each strain. So...I'm undecided.

I probed down in the soil a little cuz I was just gunna put her in her own bag, but it seems that although underneath soil for the last 8 days, she's been workin on a root system. Feel like I would def fuck things up if I tried to pull her out and tp...

What do you guys think? Let her go? Both in the same container, and just transplant to a HUGE fucking pot down the road....or just kill it I guess? Or try and fuck with digging just the smaller sprout out and tp and hope for the best...sigh. Decisions decisions. Like I said, could be worse I guess...:lol:

Personally, I would try and dig the little one out and re-pot it. If you just pull it, it will die, and the worst that can happen is it dies from re-potting, so I would go for it.


Active Member
Personally, I would try and dig the little one out and re-pot it. If you just pull it, it will die, and the worst that can happen is it dies from re-potting, so I would go for it.
I agree with DesertaSativa. Just try and dig a parameter around it so you don't disturb the roots it might have growing. Then transplant to a container of your choice and watch the little one for a while.


Active Member
Alright guys, that's what I'm goin with. Seems like the smartest choice. Thanks for the quick responses! Will update soon with results.

Sr. Verde

Well-Known Member
i'd just pull the little one... or tug it out by its tiny roots and try to replant it :lol:

just dont fuck with the big healthy one


Well-Known Member
lol .... I got half from your packs TAE, so I guess I'm subbed as well ..... :) be interested to see what they do.


Active Member
Yo guys - all is well here. Seedlings coming along nicely. Only complaint is that on one plant, one leaf is showing some yellowing? Completely random, and has had the exact same treatment as everyone else. Seems to be an isolated incident though so I'm not to worried. Can't tell much of a difference yet between the two strains. Fat leaves all around though, so I believe the 80% indica claims on the guys site.

The one with the yellowing on it....?

Days 56/37 in the flower tent. The Ultra Sonja is getting close. The 2 NYCDs in the back - their buds look great. But I must have fucked these plants up somewhere along the line. A big majority of their leaves have turned like STRAIGHT purple. Also, looks like they have been super heat stressed, but I just don't believe it. Temps stay under 82 at all times. Usually at 79. The ONE exception is one night (the osc fans are plugged into an extension cord that runs to right between my bed and wall.) during the night I managed to somehow unplug the osc fans. But still, carbon filter remained on and the fan air cooling my light stayed on, temps got up to 83.4 - like I said though, buds look great so whatever. And then there's NYCD #3 - the one on day 37 in the front right. She is my favorite, and I am most looking forward to her harvest. I think what happened with the 2 in the back is initially I overfed them - burned em pretty bad. Then I think I starved them, afraid of burning again. So yeah, just a rough life for them. But #3, the one in the front right, has been on easy street since day one. No problems. I bet she outproduces everyone in the tent. We'll see. But yeah - that's it for now I guess. :mrgreen:

An example of the fucked up, purple, curled up leaves. Can't really see the color with the hps.

The group (they are thirsty - watered right after took pics)

OH - forgot - that one rouge seedling - When I went to dig it out, turns out it was a fluke after all. No roots. It must have germed, opened up, and then just never had enough energy to break through the soil and flaked out. So still workin with 15 seedlings.


Well-Known Member
for future reference within the post (for searchers):

Shortbus = 20/80 Sativa/Indica
Flowering Time = 8-9wks
Lineage = UK Cheese x Recon x UK Cheese

Cataract Skunk = 20/80 Sativa/Indica
Flowering Time = 8-9wks
Lineage = LA x OG Kush x Lemon Skunk


Well-Known Member
Lookn good bro. That looks like its gonna be a hell of a harvest, then another lol. Those buds lookn super dense tho for sure. I'm not sure on the yellow but I do kno about the purp a lil. on my lemon skunk the stems were purple, it was a Cal/mg deficiency. maybe its gotten bad to where the leaves are turnin purp, or maybe its just natural for it, I'm not sure on that.


Active Member
they should be blowing up any day now
I sure hope so! :mrgreen:

Not much new to report. Seedlings are chuggin along. The T5's they're under are keepin em short and fat! I'm lovin how close together these nodes are so far. These are going to be some fucking BUSHES!

Have been getting kind of frustrated with my flower tent. With it getting hotter outside, I'm starting to have more of a problem controlling temps, even with the air-cooled light and the carbon filter extracting air. Whatever - the Ultra Sonja will be coming down any day now. The NYCDs won't be to far behind her. And then... announcement time... I'll be movin into a new house! Gunna be buildin a whole new operation from the ground up, and it's gunna be fucking legit. Ya'll will get to see it all go down here seeing as how that is going to be the final home for all these new seedlings. Can't wait. Eventually will prob just use this tent as a veg tent to supply the flower room. We'll see - but I'm done rambling for now. bongsmilie
Days 58/39
Ultra Sonja - maybe 5-7 more days?


Well-Known Member
Lookn very nice bro. I'm still super jealous of ur flowering plants. Those babies r lookn mean and green also. Before u kno it it'll be flowering time for them. I bet ur hella excited about the new house, sounds like ull have lots of room for em. Congrats bro


Well-Known Member
Everything is looking good bro.. looking forward to watching your babies grow up and become fine Ladies :)