Alternatives to Weed


Active Member
Used to work for BNSF. Fucking horrible hours running tracks. working the yard is where it is at.
agreed man though roads where the moneys at what are you doing now?
only relly shitty part about the job is like you said the hours on call 24/7 wears pretty thin that and the drug testing


Well-Known Member
I just moved back to Florida as of two days ago actually, I'm helping my brother with his business down here. I stopped working for BNSF long ago.

One of my good friends still works for them, pulling 36 hour shifts, sleeping for 4 hours here and 2 hours there.....great $, but it takes a toll.


Active Member
what does your friend do? because i know for a fact that if hes in transportation they are fucking him over and thats fully against the law here the max we can work in 24 hours is 18 hours


Well-Known Member
he is an engineer, I dont know if they still work him that hard, but last I seen he was a walking zombie.


Well-Known Member
thats a horribale way to go man a buddie of mine got squised between a couple of rail cars stayed alive untill they pulled them apart he had to pull the leaver too :(
wait what? A cart smashed him? And to release he had to pull lever and died? Im sorry man :(