Patriot Act to Be Extended 4 years


New Member

The underlying reason for this - They are scared of Ron Paul lol :)

Keep a close eye on the people who support this crap.


Well-Known Member
It amazes me they get away with this shit right under people's noses and no one says anything.
Fuck you, there is NO THREAT!


Well-Known Member
It amazes me they get away with this shit right under people's noses and no one says anything.
Fuck you, there is NO THREAT!
Agreed. The only threat is to our civil liberties. Franklin nailed it when he said "It's a Republic if you can keep it".


Well-Known Member
I thought the patriot act was to look for terrorist,now they use it on Americans. This administration thinks the terrorist are the good guys and the Americans are the crooks. And I just love all the support this idiot is getting, and when the dumbasses reelect the stupid mofo this country will go the way of the dodo bird.
There's nothing patriotic about the PATRIOT Act. It's a complete violation of our civil rights.

Oh yeah, Ron Paul 2012!