Trainwreck Is In The House!!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
wow thet look great dangly!!!!!! I have heard the same about train and nutes but i would recomend letting the plant tell you what it needs. If they seem hungry feed, but i guess you can overfeed so just up anything you change slowly? It looks like what you are doing is working great!!! I Love the long buds that just grow so tall and endless on the train. How many weeks do they recomend you bloom on the seed packet? I find this plant explodes in the last two weeks and have never gotten one to finish outside in 8 weeks? Great job the plants are beautiful!!!

Lord Dangly Bits

Well-Known Member
wow thet look great dangly!!!!!! I have heard the same about train and nutes but i would recomend letting the plant tell you what it needs. If they seem hungry feed, but i guess you can overfeed so just up anything you change slowly? It looks like what you are doing is working great!!! I Love the long buds that just grow so tall and endless on the train. How many weeks do they recomend you bloom on the seed packet? I find this plant explodes in the last two weeks and have never gotten one to finish outside in 8 weeks? Great job the plants are beautiful!!!
Thanks for Dropping by Kaya, These are supposed to go for about 10 weeks. I figure they still have 5-6 weeks.
Kaya, do you still have train wreck growing at this time?

very very nice update LDB....thanks....those colas are gunna be phat!!
Hey there Tahoe,

I am hoping that they do put on some heavy weight in the last few weeks, like most strains do.
At least they have slowed down their vertical growth a lot and are putting that energy into the buds.


Well-Known Member
well i was having some overwatering issues, well more soggy just on the bottom and my plant i have in new jounal is very train looking dried. The whole bud just looks silver and they are long. I did trim this plant and tie it down so they look a bit biffrent but they tast like sour d also so who knows?


Well-Known Member
the outdoor my buddy grew was very strong flavored not fruity or anything but just very hashy is the only thing i can think of, i almost cant remember cause oafter one or two hits i was so increadably baked!!!!! How i miss that plant!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I am so happ that bertha is looking alot like train and cant wait till she is done cause the tester nugs got us ripped and its only gonna get better.

i cant wait to hear your smoke report


Well-Known Member
Here is a few pictures of my plants from today. They seem to be doing pretty well. I did lower the Ratio of (N) to (P) & (K).
Looking good dude,crystals are beginning to form nicely.
Hopefully the lowering of N will have the desired effect,less leaf,less stretch and more buds and more crystals.

Mine are starting to consume their own fan leaves now for N so i will be adding some veg feed instead for the next week and then going back to the flowering formula.
Hope it works out for you:peace::joint:

Lord Dangly Bits

Well-Known Member
Thanks Natmoon, and CaliGrown for checking up on my grow. I am very glad you both like it. I feel much better now that CaliGrown says this is the real deal. I did not think that Arjan guy would sell a fake strain and maybe tarnish his great REP.

Thanks again for the help you two.


Lord Dangly Bits

Well-Known Member

The Train is coming on strong. Still 5-6 weeks to go. As of this time in the grow, I am really liking this Arjan Train Wreck a lot. But hey, I always do well in the Veg stage, and usually always in the early flowering. If I smoke plants, and not in the good way either, it is in the second half of flowering. But i have had 3 crops with most of these nuts. The strain is new though. But I got some very good advice from Caligrown on this strain.

THANKS CALI!!!!!!!!!!! :blsmoke:



Well-Known Member
What is the genetic disposition of trainwreck? Also the sativa/indica percentages? I am leaning more for the sativa side. Trainwreck is delicious, I had some in san diego on Coronado Island while staying at the Del. Very cool place and nice herbs.


Well-Known Member
wow those are looking so nice!!!! Im headed to post some harvest pics of my latest that is very train like. I wish she didnt get overwatered and loose her vigor towards the end:(

Lord Dangly Bits

Well-Known Member
Hey there Kaya,

Caligrown had told me that train wreck does not like a lot of Nuts. He even suggested not giving nuts at all. I almost think he was triying to make his point when he said that.

I started out slow with the nuts, and built very slowly. Right now i am at 1,000 PPM and will not go any higher then that. I see that your stems are dark purple, where mine are a nice green. How high was your PPM of your Nuts. Also, I have been flushing my plants every two weeks since I entered flowering.

Best of luck with Mamma. Let me know how your smoke turns out. Take care.

Lord Dangly Bits

Well-Known Member
Check this out everyone!!!! See the Motorcycle in my avatar? I am supposed to go down and race the Baja 250 next month on it. Some Crack head or someone stole it last night. FUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

But oh well. Now I get to go down on even a better bike. A buddy of mine is going to loan me one of his bikes. It is a KTM 530 pumped for speed & power.:hump: It only weights about 250 lbs. The bike in my avatar is a KLR 650 and weights about 485 lbs.

Nice to have good friends with lots of toys.



Well-Known Member
yea the purp stems have progressivly gotten worse and it was not like that before the yellowing. i grow in soild and use big bud by fox farm, a weak fert if a plant needs it i boost with two part sensi bloom or molases.
im trimming mama right now i got plants that look like my avatar, they need the room in the bud box:)