right peeps just a quick in and oot the day, got mountains of menial office shite to get through
dope never ceases to amaze me. while chopping down 2 CC x L i noticed a couple of seeds now i was gutted admittedly at first but then i realised they were isolate. like the plant knew it needed to keep going but knew i needed sensimelia too. you know the little calyx's you get under main buds well there was a bean in each one so about 5 from each plant nicely sticking out like sore thumbs.
2nd amazement... ok well, news to me but you get the drift. i took a load of clones the other day most took pretty quick some took an age i thought they were knackered so i took them out of the peat pucks n just left them in the prop. low n behold a day later they've both got lush new roots!?!? anyway enough babble.
CC x L
random frost
needed doing ive got a bud about the size of a thumbnail left