Active Member
ya thats what i was thinking. Im sure its going to get much worse when it ACTUALLY gets really humid out too.
So you turn your exhaust off during lights out??? does everyone do that? I've been leaving mine on all the time, as well as my fresh air being blown in. SHould i be??different strains are more resistant to mold and bud rot than others. mold can happen anytime during the grow and budrot is usually the later part of flowering when you have nice fat tight looking bud. problem is with bud rot is it starts in the middle of the bud. by the time you see it, its too late.
for best results you need the best envirionment. or as close to best as you can get.
i am having high humidity conditions due to my fresh air is outside air, but just finished week 4 of 12/12 and the dehumidifier is running when light are out. its off during lights on, no sense in running it when exhaust fan on.
whats that?no need to get an expensive dehum- get a desiccant instead.
Does RH have a direct effect on resin production? I was under the impression that more tricomes would form with a lower humidity. The analogy I read is the resin acts as a sunscreen to keep the moisture in the leaf. So lowering the humidity would cause the plant to produce more resin to protect itself.
Hmmmm.....I have known a few strains from the tropical rain forest type eviroments. I for one have my grow room in a 45-70% humidity inviroment. I HAVE to keep good air flow, with o-pen window in the house. AT least 80% of the time, or the Hunidity will spike to 70% fast. But with care, I can keep it down at 50--60% pretty easy. Works good for me. I have done crops from 5-18% RH, to 40-70% RH. And I have seen little effect. But I work with it to keep the plants happy.
I'm currently growing White Widow. Anyone know what the ideal humidity is for this strain? My RH fluxes a bit. When I open my room up in the morning to let fresh air in, it's about 55-60 (65 on bad days) and it will quickly drop down to 42-47% and hold steady. I have just installed an A/C unit next to my room to see if I can lower the ambient temp/RH.
i dont use any of that shit man. no vents, no dehumidifier, no carbonfilters, no pH meters , no humidity meters, no nothin.
just a fan and a lightbulb. turns out great. stop trippin
I'm having the same problem right now with high humidity. I've got great air flow, but can't get the RH below 60% unless I open the door and it stinks up the entire house if I do.
I just bought this thing called Damp Rid. It's prolly available at all the major stores and it was only like $18 for the thing and a pack of the silica refills. Supposed to last for 60 days. When I put it in the tent I was at 60% so I'll let you know how it works in a few hours. There's a few different sizes, but I got the 'large room' one.
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Im just finishing 4 WW now and had 55-65 for veg and 40-50 flower.