How Long Can I Get Away with Not Having a Dehumidifier? Day 10 Flower 65% Rh

Ya man, everyday thats passing during flowering the humidity is just gonna keep rising. Getting your environment right is the Number #1 priority.
different strains are more resistant to mold and bud rot than others. mold can happen anytime during the grow and budrot is usually the later part of flowering when you have nice fat tight looking bud. problem is with bud rot is it starts in the middle of the bud. by the time you see it, its too late.

for best results you need the best envirionment. or as close to best as you can get.

i am having high humidity conditions due to my fresh air is outside air, but just finished week 4 of 12/12 and the dehumidifier is running when light are out. its off during lights on, no sense in running it when exhaust fan on.
different strains are more resistant to mold and bud rot than others. mold can happen anytime during the grow and budrot is usually the later part of flowering when you have nice fat tight looking bud. problem is with bud rot is it starts in the middle of the bud. by the time you see it, its too late.

for best results you need the best envirionment. or as close to best as you can get.

i am having high humidity conditions due to my fresh air is outside air, but just finished week 4 of 12/12 and the dehumidifier is running when light are out. its off during lights on, no sense in running it when exhaust fan on.
So you turn your exhaust off during lights out??? does everyone do that? I've been leaving mine on all the time, as well as my fresh air being blown in. SHould i be??
Does RH have a direct effect on resin production? I was under the impression that more tricomes would form with a lower humidity. The analogy I read is the resin acts as a sunscreen to keep the moisture in the leaf. So lowering the humidity would cause the plant to produce more resin to protect itself.

Hmmmm.....I have known a few strains from the tropical rain forest type eviroments. I for one have my grow room in a 45-70% humidity inviroment. I HAVE to keep good air flow, with o-pen window in the house. AT least 80% of the time, or the Hunidity will spike to 70% fast. But with care, I can keep it down at 50--60% pretty easy. Works good for me. I have done crops from 5-18% RH, to 40-70% RH. And I have seen little effect. But I work with it to keep the plants happy.
Hmmmm.....I have known a few strains from the tropical rain forest type eviroments. I for one have my grow room in a 45-70% humidity inviroment. I HAVE to keep good air flow, with o-pen window in the house. AT least 80% of the time, or the Hunidity will spike to 70% fast. But with care, I can keep it down at 50--60% pretty easy. Works good for me. I have done crops from 5-18% RH, to 40-70% RH. And I have seen little effect. But I work with it to keep the plants happy.

I'm currently growing White Widow. Anyone know what the ideal humidity is for this strain? My RH fluxes a bit. When I open my room up in the morning to let fresh air in, it's about 55-60 (65 on bad days) and it will quickly drop down to 42-47% and hold steady. I have just installed an A/C unit next to my room to see if I can lower the ambient temp/RH.
i have my exhaust wired in with a timer and a thermostat. so it is automatic. if either the timer comes on or the temp gets too high, then my exhaust will come on. i run my lights at night cause of the cooler temps, and lights out during the day. during lights out i have the exhaust come on once for 15 minutes during the 12 hr off and the temp doesnt get high enough yet for the exhaust to come on. my ocsilating fan stays on 24 hours a day. during the hot summer months my exhaust will run 24 hours a day.
i dont think you need to exchange the air in the room as much during lights off as you do during lights on. its just that my situation with location of my op and the time of the year, i need to make adjustments accordingly. it is so humid outside that if i bring in outside air all the time, my dehumidifier will never catch up.
if you can run your exh. 24 hours a day then i would too. more air exchange the better. you just need to do what is best for your situation. i have tried stuff like damp rid and it seems to help, but in no way it is going to keep up with a bunch of plants transpiring in a small room. along with everytie you water the humidity will go up.

i run several strains at the same time and i have had budrot before, so i know the importance of keeping the humidity down during flowering. example: all my plants were fine but after a little more inspection, i found 1 plant with budrot. it was a white rhino with very dense buds.
I'm currently growing White Widow. Anyone know what the ideal humidity is for this strain? My RH fluxes a bit. When I open my room up in the morning to let fresh air in, it's about 55-60 (65 on bad days) and it will quickly drop down to 42-47% and hold steady. I have just installed an A/C unit next to my room to see if I can lower the ambient temp/RH.

Im just finishing 4 WW now and had 55-65 for veg and 40-50 flower.
i dont use any of that shit man. no vents, no dehumidifier, no carbonfilters, no pH meters , no humidity meters, no nothin.

just a fan and a lightbulb. turns out great. stop trippin
i dont use any of that shit man. no vents, no dehumidifier, no carbonfilters, no pH meters , no humidity meters, no nothin.

just a fan and a lightbulb. turns out great. stop trippin

Some of us have really harsh tap water and extreme climates. You might have won the Grower's Lottery in life and have gained the perfect climate. To some extent, I do agree with you that we do tend to over worry and stress out, but even from my own little experience, I have seen what happens when you constantly run pH too high or two low -- haven't seen what dmg humidity can reap tho. And striving for perfection isn't that bad of a concept.
I'm having the same problem right now with high humidity. I've got great air flow, but can't get the RH below 60% unless I open the door and it stinks up the entire house if I do.

I just bought this thing called Damp Rid. It's prolly available at all the major stores and it was only like $18 for the thing and a pack of the silica refills. Supposed to last for 60 days. When I put it in the tent I was at 60% so I'll let you know how it works in a few hours. There's a few different sizes, but I got the 'large room' one.
During the begining of my first and current grow I had a battle with Powdery Mildew.. and my RH was not high.. im in socal and they RH hardly ever went above 45%... I tried a dehumidifier .. got it down to a constant 35%.. the mildew still came back.. I sprayed with sulfer dust.. increased my intake fan to a 350 cfm.. increased my exhaust to 470cfm and I have 3 fans just moving air in my tent.. one blowing under the plants to move the moisture between the soil and bottom of plant.. the other two are on each side keeping air moving in the corners. the PM NEVER came back.. I since turned off my dehumidifier to see what would happen.. My humidity is now at 40-55% with no new outbreaks of PM.. So i guess what im getting at.. is the RH is important.. but even more important is AIR MOVEMENT. From my experience if you have a slight amount of air movement in all areas.. they mildew wont grow. And the strength in the plants is a extra bonus when moving the air constantly.
I'm having the same problem right now with high humidity. I've got great air flow, but can't get the RH below 60% unless I open the door and it stinks up the entire house if I do.

I just bought this thing called Damp Rid. It's prolly available at all the major stores and it was only like $18 for the thing and a pack of the silica refills. Supposed to last for 60 days. When I put it in the tent I was at 60% so I'll let you know how it works in a few hours. There's a few different sizes, but I got the 'large room' one.
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We got something similar and I didn't notice any's obviously doing something as the salt stones are melting away --- or whatever it is they're doing. We tried kitty litter...didn't work so well. We tried opening a window in the morning and evening (only when the bugs aren't flyin around) and that worked the best. Just got an A/C and that's workin great as it dehumidifies the air as it cools.