Diablo OG In Dual Monster Plant System


Well-Known Member

No longer fresh and white, the roots have reached that rich, brown aged stage of mid to late flower. They're still drinking strong with the sprayers on constantly at about 1350ppm and falling rapidly. I've noticed with this constant feeding method, the plants have an incredible resilience to any kind of damage and will not be stopped not matter what.

The roots are all, "Oh my God, you mean there's still more space? Okay, here we go..." I've often thought of the advantages of having an individual bucket system, but I keep thinking of that tight mass of roots getting all balled up and trapped in those little buckets.



Well-Known Member
Lol. Beautiful tits, huh? I can see your point, but for me, I'm just slightly more of caboose man myself.

To question one: I have the GH feeding chart (they give it to you free at the hydro shop). I used to follow the chart almost to the letter (except PPM because the aero element of my system made them need less than what the chart said) and that worked pretty great. But as I grew more and gained more experience, I realized I could play around with the suggested proportions of base and additive to sort of customize the mixture to a given strain. These here girls are super hungry and super powerful, so I'm exaggerating the mixture proportions beyond what the chart says. The chart will suggest a solid base proportion of mix appropriate to the point of the plant's life cycle... but it's really fun when you start tweaking the mixture to suit your current grow.

To your second question, Yes, I would say I'm pretty close to harvest, but I can also say you'll probably be looking at my journal for another four weeks or so. After four more weeks, the plants you see now will be a distant memory and they will have transformed into something pretty different looking. At this point, I can only guess how they're gonna look when they're done, but what they've shown so far is very promising.

Plant gazing (especially if you're high off your ass on OG all the time like me) can get quite addictive. But after you complete a few grows, you do worry less AND stare less. But I still stare, don't get me wrong, just not nearly as much as my first few grows.
Hey, some gals have beautiful tits and bony asses and some have saggy tits and beautiful, curvy backsides. So it all depends on quality in my book. I like them both.

I wasn't planning to use Liquid Kool Bloom, but now I might, based on your results. Yeah, I've seen your colas fatten up pretty good lately. Gorgeous. I bet I can find the feeding chart posted on the company's web site somewhere.


Well-Known Member
Hey, some gals have beautiful tits and bony asses and some have saggy tits and beautiful, curvy backsides. So it all depends on quality in my book. I like them both.

I wasn't planning to use Liquid Kool Bloom, but now I might, based on your results. Yeah, I've seen your colas fatten up pretty good lately. Gorgeous. I bet I can find the feeding chart posted on the company's web site somewhere.
right, of course you can get it online. Yeah, I have to admit that my obsession for women exceeds even my obsession for cannabis.


Well-Known Member

Lookit that crazy Sativa Bullshit. Okay, Here's the deal. Based upon what I saw my last OG do (pictured above), if these plants, which have proven to be superior in speed and vigor to the plant in the pictures above, swell like the top buds did here... Hm it's still kind of hard to say. This here Platinum OG plant landed me 8.25 oz btw.

Someone stop me if you think I'm getting ahead of myself, but I see a couple of potential half ounce branches in there (in my current grow). I've seen branches greater than a quarter (dry) ounces... We'll have to see, but I'm getting a little excited.

As a dedicated OG Kush grower, it's my ultimate goal to grow a single branch that yields one solid dry ounce.

BTW, this grow was completed BEFORE I increased the oxygen in the res by almost 50%.


Well-Known Member
I looked through this journal again today to write down the nutes that you use. I also found a helpful GH chart here:


But I also noticed that you showed a bottle of Botanicare Cal-Mag in one of your photos. Looking at the label, it wasn't obvious to me how to use it (how much & which weeks). Can you enlighten me how you use that stuff?
Just stick to 1ml to 5ml per gallon depending on the condition of your water. I use a little more because my RO is what they call a 'blank canvas,' and what little trace minerals remain are quickly neutralized by the two magnetic driven pumps in my water along with six bubble discs blasting something like 45 square liters of oxygen a minute. You'll probably need less since you don't have all these mineral depleting elements in your res like I do. Supplementing your res with just a touch should be good.

Oh, and you can use it throughout your grow. Add just a little more as your plant(s) size up in flowering. But like any other additive, BE CONSERVATIVE when you introduce it to your grow, see how the plant reacts, and add more or cut back depending on what the plant tells you. Always use common sense... It's easy to fuck something up by trying to add too much too fast. Plants generally dig calmag, but too much of any good thing can cause a problem with the overall balance.

dirk d

Active Member
wow lordjin your buds are looking amazing. sweet grow. i was thinking of upgrading my eco air pumps after checking out your grow. excellent job.


Well-Known Member
wow lordjin your buds are looking amazing. sweet grow. i was thinking of upgrading my eco air pumps after checking out your grow. excellent job.
Peace, brother.

With every hydro grower I convince to increase oxygen, I feel like my job has been done. I like to think of myself as 'Captain O' -- fighting root rot by spreading the good word at RIU. That's what I do.


Well-Known Member

Just look at her. That's a 45 square liter per minute powerhouse buzzing away on that cinder block. Right out of the box, feeling the weight of its metal housing (and this thing has its own little air intake manifold) I knew I had something that was gonna change my grow. But it's when I plugged it in to test it and the rush of air made little little craters in my hand that I really knew it was gonna kick ass.
Oh, and for anyone who cares, this single unit replaced three jumbo four outlet Eco Air pumps -- and it's about 45 percent more air than those three aquarium units were putting out.


Well-Known Member
Just stick to 1ml to 5ml per gallon depending on the condition of your water. I use a little more because my RO is what they call a 'blank canvas,' and what little trace minerals remain are quickly neutralized by the two magnetic driven pumps in my water along with six bubble discs blasting something like 45 square liters of oxygen a minute. You'll probably need less since you don't have all these mineral depleting elements in your res like I do. Supplementing your res with just a touch should be good.

Oh, and you can use it throughout your grow. Add just a little more as your plant(s) size up in flowering. But like any other additive, BE CONSERVATIVE when you introduce it to your grow, see how the plant reacts, and add more or cut back depending on what the plant tells you. Always use common sense... It's easy to fuck something up by trying to add too much too fast. Plants generally dig calmag, but too much of any good thing can cause a problem with the overall balance.
Thanks dude! I use RO water as well, because I like having a blank canvass. (Except newbie as I am, I buy it at Wal-Mart.) I will definitely be conservative with the Cal-Mag and see how my plant reacts.


Well-Known Member

That's what they're doing when I open the doors now. I had to tie another branch back into the box. I have a feeling I'll be adding more ties as the bulking advances.

Did my weekly water change again. It's getting pretty ugly down below. I couldn't get the damned camera to focus underneath this time for some reason. But you'll take my word for it, yeah?



Well-Known Member
I like air, but not in my bud. That's why I dig OG so much. If it's a real OG, no chance of airy bud (if grown properly of course). I'm using my last grow as a continued reminder and reference of where the buds should be closer to finish.

The trichome coverage on my last grow was superb. These nugs really lived up to their 'platinum' name as they were very bright and white with crystals when cured.

When it comes to maximum trichome ooze, It's tough to beat 1000 watts.


Well-Known Member
dirk im kinda pissed at you for not stearing me over here
lordjin first time to run across your grow, im subbed up and have a lot of reading to do.. i just read a few pages of your journal and like what i see.


Well-Known Member
dirk im kinda pissed at you for not stearing me over here
lordjin first time to run across your grow, im subbed up and have a lot of reading to do.. i just read a few pages of your journal and like what i see.
Much love, bro-ham. I'm glad someone is reading this shit. Lol.


Well-Known Member

What is it about Marijuana that we all love so much? Why do we look forward to that wake and bake and a stroll in the park? Or that bowl after a shitty day at work? What drives us to plant seeds, cut branches, and pump gallons upon gallons of water? Are we hopeless daydreamers? Probably. I, personally, love that something I used to do as a kid behind my parents' back has now finally been recognized as a legitimate medicine... Something it always was... long before Merk of Pfizer ever existed.

I feel sorry for all those people who poo poo on pot, cling to their alcohol, their right wing politics, and their violent, intolerant ways. "Hey, chill out, man. Try some of this." I'd say that to every one of these people if I could. Down deep inside, even they know pot is better... They're just stubborn or stupid... or both.

See, a lot of these people still have the head-achey shwag from the seventies in mind when they think of pot, not knowing just how far the art of its cultivation has come. I'm confident that all of those alchies who are ignorant of the effects of today's high-grade strains would never go back to drinking 'to get fucked up' if they just tried a little Headband or Grand Daddy Purps. (Oh, yeah. And your eyes do not deceive you, that bud IS the size of a football. Ice from my very first grow)

The argument that our so-called 'drug use' is fueling the bloodshed in Mexico and elsewhere doesn't wash with me. I grow my own... And when I'm not smoking my own, I'm getting it from local collectives, who get it from small local growers themselves. So there. Take your 'drug war' argument and shove it. See y'all tomorrow. Peace.


Active Member
The argument that our so-called 'drug use' is fueling the bloodshed in Mexico and elsewhere doesn't wash with me. I grow my own... And when I'm not smoking my own, I'm getting it from local collectives, who get it from small local growers themselves. So there. Take your 'drug war' argument and shove it. See y'all tomorrow. Peace.
Fuck those guys. They'll see when it gets legalized in at least one state. The medicinal value shows, and there are people that can't live without it.

I wonder if Canada is going to show us how it's done :bigjoint:

Great looking plants! I'm totally jealous. Almost thinking I need to convert the entire corner into a little hydro science station hehe!

The wife would NEVER let it happen... at least, not in THIS place.