Just 2 Questions Please

hey stoners and marijuana lovers and creators alike... ima lil white kid with the desire to grow marijuana in my very own home-made DWC system... but i got a problem i dont know the beggining... every story has one and i cant seem to find it lol... so i germinate these fem white widows... great then i............. then i............. then i place the plant and it's roots in my hydroponic system with my hydroponic nutrients and my bubblezzz throw in some hydrotes?? idr the name lol.... but thats not important WTF are the "............." steps i cant seem to figure it out ^^ amazing considering i have ALL of the answers at my disposal but no idea how to find them lol.... chya and my next post will be my set-up and i'll ask if you guys think it is good enough for these beautiful white widow babies ^^
i got my 10gal tote with my 6 6" net pots my 2 12" air stones my 2000 cc/min dual port pump and my grow nutrients is the 2 step canna coco apparently makeing yields and thc% both nearly double(what the FUUUUCK ever) and the swollen pebbles that are my medium...

tell me... am i dishonoring the white widow name? or should i go down to K and other mids? or should i grow the very few not very good chronic, nug, and medical seeds i have... prolly only one will grow...


Active Member
hey stoners and marijuana lovers and creators alike... ima lil white kid with the desire to grow marijuana in my very own home-made DWC system... but i got a problem i dont know the beggining... every story has one and i cant seem to find it lol... so i germinate these fem white widows... great then i............. then i............. then i place the plant and it's roots in my hydroponic system with my hydroponic nutrients and my bubblezzz throw in some hydrotes?? idr the name lol.... but thats not important WTF are the "............." steps i cant seem to figure it out ^^ amazing considering i have ALL of the answers at my disposal but no idea how to find them lol.... chya and my next post will be my set-up and i'll ask if you guys think it is good enough for these beautiful white widow babies ^^

how lil are we talkin...if u dont break the 18+ mark dont expect too much help
lol totally forgot to mention my 400 watt lighting system found http://www.virtualsunhydroponics.com/Agricultural/products/VS400CRDS.asp?rt=2 keep in mind i gotta hide it from my parents untill it is already too late... and i'd like to yield a good "LB" with 4 plants... then 8...then 16...untill 99 then i maintain that... also keep in mind every time i increase plants i double everything lights... new system etc. double it all man.... can you see now? i need help lol no way in hell my 4 plants need the kinda lights im useing.... how many plants should i start with these lights... i WAS thinking 20 but idk if i want to because idk how to clone i mean i know how to i just never done it... i have the knowledge but not the experience... which you guys have ^^ hit me up!
hahaha lets assume i'm legally allowed to smoke but if you dont like assumptions then i'll clarify... i'm EXACTLY 18 ^^ as of march 17th 2011
I'm pretty damn impressed that was a ridiculously fast reply man i didnt even have time to put the rest of the info down ^^
love this site i been reading thread after thread and have gathered a pretty respectable amount of knowledge on the subject but i think we all know knowledge is nothing compared to RAW experience which is what i hope to gain long before i begin my grow operations in about a year MAYBE 2 no... DEFINITELY 1 and a HALF ^^
damn 420forever i read your first grow ^^ thats a bitch but you never said anything about that clone you was trying to set up...


Active Member
damn 420forever i read your first grow ^^ thats a bitch but you never said anything about that clone you was trying to set up...
damn....that was a LOOONNNGGG time ago....i couldnt even tell u what i did with them....all i remember is i had went out of town and all my hydro pumps got unplugged and they drown....was a sad day....if this is your first hydro grow id save ur ww seeds till u have a lil experiance(unless u have already germinated them or have plenty of them)....but its honestly not that hard....just some gettin used to....like workin on cars...once u figure out the main principle...its all basically the same
yeah i decided to read up on other people first grows and i am seriously looking forward to that feeling you marijuana creators get when you know you did a good job... yeah i decided(by reading about your dead plants lol) im gonna grow my medical, then my nug, then my chronic... cuz i'm not gonna lie... i want some more of that one hit shit lol... you ever decide to fuck around with autofem seeds that go from seed to fully mature in 10 weeks? I'm seriously considering it but the idea i think comes from the lazy part of my brain lol and not the smarter less lazy part of my brain lol so then we add a second party to the equation ^^ whata ya think? they yield only 50 grams to 100 max and that means prolly 30-40 max my first grow.... but shit man... 10 weeks on top of my growing and cureing time... i'd get to smoke a lot sooner than growers whom did not purchase autofem autofowering seeds


Active Member
yeah i decided to read up on other people first grows and i am seriously looking forward to that feeling you marijuana creators get when you know you did a good job... yeah i decided(by reading about your dead plants lol) im gonna grow my medical, then my nug, then my chronic... cuz i'm not gonna lie... i want some more of that one hit shit lol... you ever decide to fuck around with autofem seeds that go from seed to fully mature in 10 weeks? I'm seriously considering it but the idea i think comes from the lazy part of my brain lol and not the smarter less lazy part of my brain lol so then we add a second party to the equation ^^ whata ya think? they yield only 50 grams to 100 max and that means prolly 30-40 max my first grow.... but shit man... 10 weeks on top of my growing and cureing time... i'd get to smoke a lot sooner than growers whom did not purchase autofem autofowering seeds
i think u mean auto flower....autofem just mean theyre guarenteed female(which theyre not) i hear alot about them turning hermie on u.... but no i havnt really thought about it.... almost had some ak back in the day....but i prefer regular seeds...i like watching them grow and being able to have them flower when im ready.....but ya u have a good plan checkin ppls grows out (its what theyre here for lol) but u learn alot that way...good luck and post some pics...id like to check it out
i think u mean auto flower....autofem just mean theyre guarenteed female(which theyre not) i hear alot about them turning hermie on u.... but no i havnt really thought about it.... almost had some ak back in the day....but i prefer regular seeds...i like watching them grow and being able to have them flower when im ready.....but ya u have a good plan checkin ppls grows out (its what theyre here for lol) but u learn alot that way...good luck and post some pics...id like to check it out
yeah it is autofem auto flowering.... the best of BOTH worlds ^^ not just the one
of course i have read sooooo many ways to grow this shit and truely idk what is true and what is a lie lol one site tells me red spectrum helps stem growth... and blue help to make compact and large buds
and other sites tell me blue help veggitation and red helps the buds lol conflicting information but idk how much of it i actually NEED to know i mean there are people growing on this site that arent useing even half as good equipment as i am and there plants are pretty damn nice


Active Member
and other sites tell me blue help veggitation and red helps the buds lol conflicting information but idk how much of it i actually NEED to know i mean there are people growing on this site that arent useing even half as good equipment as i am and there plants are pretty damn nice
u got it right here....use blu durin veg....and red during flower....and u can use green during ur dark time without messing them up....so when u postin some pics of ur setup??
not for a long time ^^ i'm giving myself 2 years for research, experience, saving, and choosing EXACTLY what i want... nothing less... granted it prolly wont take me 2 years to get there but thats worst case... prolly set it all up in about a year or MAYBE half... no rush ^^

but i am REALLY excited about growing all kinds of diff strains lol... keep in mind i've smoke some nug about 20-30 time chronic 10-15 times medical ONCE and k and reg thousands of times... so jumping from frequent k and reg to nug chronic and medical permanently.... I have to have some time to think... i mean we are currently being told people are focusing on MO to get us legalized pot... if they dont succeed i will never get to do this so... i have to wait anyways ^^ and if i decide to grow WHILST the law is what it is... friends in my own home? definite no... that can get really old really freakin fast... this is of course because people like to fuck me over a lot ^^ better to not take the chance