Kottonmouth's Multi Strain Outdoor Grow

Kottonmouth king15

Well-Known Member
3 bigger ones are in 2g and rest of clones are in 1g rt now. all the seedlings are 1/2g pots. everything going to 5g in cupl days.my buddy grew 53 in 3g last year.all between 5 1/2&8 ft tall.


New Member
what i do is start them in20 oz partycups then 1 gallon till the outgrow then 3 gallons cuz i got space issues but one day will have room for 5 gallon and skip the party cups btw im still battling those issues i showed u


Well-Known Member
IMG_1544.jpg Revegging can get really trippy lookin' huh? This is a Jack The Ripper that started flowering in a room at my brothers place, and I pulled it out to reveg it. Throwin' those single leaves, that's what I usually see.

Kottonmouth king15

Well-Known Member
whats up weezer! yah man bottom left corner of ur pic,that dark green round bayleaf lookin leaf-gots them!gonna have sooo many branches.HEY,THE SPINDLY BRANCHES AND FUKT UP OLD LEAVES,U SUPPOSE I SHOULD REMOVE THEM NOW THAT ITS REVEGGING?

Kottonmouth king15

Well-Known Member
what i do is start them in20 oz partycups then 1 gallon till the outgrow then 3 gallons cuz i got space issues but one day will have room for 5 gallon and skip the party cups btw im still battling those issues i showed u
i germ in jiffy cups,then to 12-16 oz cups,then to what ever size i decide.last grow was 12 1gl pots.before that was 2 3gl, b4 that 3 5gl pots.this time at least 13 5gl pots. have 8 seedlings im not sure what they are yet.theyll stay problly 2-3 gl thru harvest if female.


New Member
i usually go to 3 gallons when i see sex so i dont have to buy alot more soil just for males lol

i germ in jiffy cups,then to 12-16 oz cups,then to what ever size i decide.last grow was 12 1gl pots.before that was 2 3gl, b4 that 3 5gl pots.this time at least 13 5gl pots. have 8 seedlings im not sure what they are yet.theyll stay problly 2-3 gl thru harvest if female.


New Member
seems a waste since i dont want to reuse it later so i use my old soil for none canna plants because of bugs and cooking it is a pain in the ass i got a 50 gallon drum of soil from last grow

yah,theyre in .5gl pots,so they'll have to move sooner or later.ur rt tho man,i dont wanna do a gang of soil for males.


Well-Known Member
BlacKK Domina Mini-DWC


It will get a res change tomorrow, seems to be a real picky eater. Raising dosage with res change tomorrow. Taking off nicely, I might germ the rest of the seeds I got.




Well-Known Member
bro what caused them spots ? light burn? but really now looks like i old nute diffiency that u got under control

It was from when the roots hit the res, might of been a little too much. The strain seems to be real picky when it comes to feeding. I am doing a res change today so we will see what happens. Other than that its taking off, took me a while to get the roots to hit the res, its my 2nd DWC ever. I am a soil grower trying to learn DWC.

Kottonmouth king15

Well-Known Member
Yes it is a picky/sensitive strain! Im sure i mentioned it! Lol im so stoked bk! Im getn ready,the ol lady gave the ok to start getn what i need to do dwc coffee can to start off!did u see my blkk doms? They were still seeds 4/20-


Active Member
My cups started popping sat..... I have all but 4 cups with sprouts above the dirt now ! ... and they are taking off like crazy !


Well-Known Member
Wow the garden loookss sooo good!! So dark green looks really good to me. You gonna do a scrog screen or anything? Sent ya a message cant wait to see how this garden goes!


Well-Known Member
Yes it is a picky/sensitive strain! Im sure i mentioned it! Lol im so stoked bk! Im getn ready,the ol lady gave the ok to start getn what i need to do dwc coffee can to start off!did u see my blkk doms? They were still seeds 4/20-
No I havent, where are they? If you are going to do a mini DWC just get a empty coffee container, a 3 or 4 inch net pot, 1 small air pump and a air stone and you will be ready to start it. Simple!