I have a pile of almost black top soil that I took to the County extension office to be analyzed. The guy looks at it and says I need to mix what I am going to use it with and bring it back. He says the PH is around 6.5 give or take but the nutrients are extremely low.
I guess he is a human lab or something because he convinced me it was a waste to submit it, he could tell by looking, smelling, and feeling it.
Given he is correct what would you mix with the stuff, @ what ratio, per say I plan to add some Wal-Mart bagged manure?
I am digging 2-1/2 gallon holes with a 2-foot deep post hole in the center and will be filling it with my mix.
I guess he is a human lab or something because he convinced me it was a waste to submit it, he could tell by looking, smelling, and feeling it.
Given he is correct what would you mix with the stuff, @ what ratio, per say I plan to add some Wal-Mart bagged manure?
I am digging 2-1/2 gallon holes with a 2-foot deep post hole in the center and will be filling it with my mix.