Women of RIU


Well-Known Member
@LAMB-o-GOd if it smells good and tastes good thats all that matters. NAtural or synthetic doesn't hatter to me, as long as, if there is hair, it's not thick and black.


Active Member
i think wat beansly is referring to is your half ass welcome i guess

@Shannon that sounds nice lets see some pics =) and i really dont have much to contribute but a lot of questions lol as this is only my first grow but im a fast learner so hopefully my first harvest comes out nice but thanks to all the help and advice on here my plants are looking nicer


Well-Known Member
i think wat beansly is referring to is your half ass welcome i guess

@Shannon that sounds nice lets see some pics =) and i really dont have much to contribute but a lot of questions lol as this is only my first grow but im a fast learner so hopefully my first harvest comes out nice but thanks to all the help and advice on here my plants are looking nicer
i realized that soon as i posted haha my bad
you are VERY WELCOME! i love women more than men sometimes :) funny conversations


Well-Known Member
i think wat beansly is referring to is your half ass welcome i guess

@shannon that sounds nice lets see some pics =) and i really dont have much to contribute but a lot of questions lol as this is only my first grow but im a fast learner so hopefully my first harvest comes out nice but thanks to all the help and advice on here my plants are looking nicer

ask away....:)


Active Member
Haven't read all 13 pages, but just noticed this thread and wanted to chime in.

Another lady grower here. Only 1 grow under my belt, 2 huge White Widow outdoor grow last season. Southern California MM user.
Got a late start this season, husband got ill earlier this year so dealing with that came first.

I've got 1 Red Dwarf, and 1 Quazar growing outside....Just about 3 weeks old.
Have 2 DNA auto seeds in the windowsill, waiting to sprout. They will be a closet grow.

Nice to meet ya.


Active Member
Nice to meet ya sharon pics are always welcome =) and ohh yea southern cali in the house heehee im such a proud californian 8), you grow outdoors? this is my first grow and im doing a closet grow i thought about growing outdoors but i live in a well populated area i am legal i just worry about getting jacked lol, maybe next year ill give it a try.Im sorry to hear about your husband getting sick, hope he is wayyy better now.

@shannon Nice tall girls how was your harvest? :weed:


Active Member
I'm in a beach town, and there's even a school behind us....got buzzed by helocopter pd too, they didn't do anything. My main problem was bugs. Worms, to be exact. Said many a foul word cleaning them all out. Gonna be super-vigilant this go-round.

I have pics of the grow floating around here somewhere, too stoned to concentrate on finding them right now. Batterys are dead on my camera atm, and this computer won't recognize my cell phone camera connection for some reason.

Next Wallyworld trip I'll get batterys. Won't be long, we need catfood. :)
Thanks for the well wishes for my husband. He's on disability now but doing much better.


Active Member
@max temp is 72lows and 77highs and humidity is 47%low and 59% high, yea i close it and open it and sit in the chair and admire them lol if i see the temp getting too high i open it and turn the window ac on in my room, lowers the temp down nicely. i have the lights on 18/6. but FML my ballast went out..!!! i barely bought that shit 2 weeks ago i gotta go take that shit into the damn hydro store, i got all my babies gathered under a T5 =( do you think anything will happen to them???


Well-Known Member
no you'll be fine, and looks like your on the right path and don't feel bad when i first started I would sit there and stare for hours lol what kind of ballast is it?