Hiding Crawlspace Entrance


Active Member
I'm looking to hide my crawlspace entrance from inside my house. I'm currently using the entire space to grow. Unfortunately the crawlspace entrance is right at the bottom of my basement stairs so it's awkward as hell to put something in front of the door. I'm probably looking at hiding the door in plain sight or something instead. I own the house and no one really will be down in the basement except for me, but I'd like to get the grow room entrance as hidden away as possible in case ever a plumber, electrician, or anyone else would need to walk past it. I figured there had to be at least a few others out there who have dealt with this already. Anyone have any ideas? I have attached a picture. As you can see I am dealing with a slight light leak at the door as well.



Well-Known Member
relocate the door. really would need to see more pics of framing. maybe relocting the door to somewhere else would be easy.


Active Member
Thanks for the suggestion...unfortunately due to the design of the house relocating is not possible. This is the only place where the crawlspace meets any wall of the house. It is under my basement stairs. The only other way to get in would be to enter from above which would be even more indiscreet than this is now :( I will take more pictures when I get home from work if that helps.

joe dollar

Well-Known Member
what if you out a shelf unit in front of it? Peg board with random tools hanging on it on a hinge type thing????


Active Member
Use caulk to seal the light leaks. I like the peg board idea. You can create a blind hinge with a magnetic latch.


Well-Known Member
look first off a better fucking picture is needed. i cant tell you shi ithout a better picture or a fucking blueprint.

Second off, is this the only fucking spot you got? i mean CMON MAN. you own the house. how about a closet? a closet that shares a cieling with your attic.make a ladder to the cieling. i say MAKE. not fucking bring one in. make a ladder up against the wall out of 2x4s up to the cieling. cut a hole into the attic. make a door. than remove the door/door frame to the closet. and sheet rock it. paint it. decorate with pictures. the only person who knows theres a room behind that wall would be you. and there would be only one entrance, which lies in the attic. which no one would search through unless the had reason.

Another possibility. covert a fucking fridge you get off craigslist for 50-100 bucks. into a grow op. great thing about this is heat buildup is not a problem. since a fridge has a colling system.

just some fucking ideas. take them, leave them. grow your own. but seriously next time you want some advice, yud better put more pics. a detailed layout or something. i mean cmon. were not fucking mind readers. we dont know this shit and have to ask repeatedly for info is kinda ANNOYING when ur the one who needs help.


Active Member
look first off a better fucking picture is needed. i cant tell you shi ithout a better picture or a fucking blueprint.

Second off, is this the only fucking spot you got? i mean CMON MAN. you own the house. how about a closet? a closet that shares a cieling with your attic.make a ladder to the cieling. i say MAKE. not fucking bring one in. make a ladder up against the wall out of 2x4s up to the cieling. cut a hole into the attic. make a door. than remove the door/door frame to the closet. and sheet rock it. paint it. decorate with pictures. the only person who knows theres a room behind that wall would be you. and there would be only one entrance, which lies in the attic. which no one would search through unless the had reason.

Another possibility. covert a fucking fridge you get off craigslist for 50-100 bucks. into a grow op. great thing about this is heat buildup is not a problem. since a fridge has a colling system.

just some fucking ideas. take them, leave them. grow your own. but seriously next time you want some advice, yud better put more pics. a detailed layout or something. i mean cmon. were not fucking mind readers. we dont know this shit and have to ask repeatedly for info is kinda ANNOYING when ur the one who needs help.
dude smoke a bowl and calm your ass down. We are talking ideas here, I didn't ask for blueprints or a CAD drawing.

And why you would dis my spot is beyond me. I have a nice spot. You saw a door. Chill my man. It goes back about 14 feet. I fit a lot of plants in there.

what if you out a shelf unit in front of it? Peg board with random tools hanging on it on a hinge type thing????
Man the pegboard is a great idea. I was looking to not do a shelf since it would be awkwardly close to the stairs but the peg board idea is perfect! I think I'll go with that. Thanks.


Well-Known Member
ideas. i gave you ideas.
and as far as my attitude. its how i talk bro. i talk liek samuel l jackson. even after i smoke a bowl so telling me to calm the fuck down doesnt do anything since. this is my fucking calm tone.

and i didnt diss your spot. it is a great spot. but remember. you asked for ideas. and you got them. not once did i tlak shit about your understaircase grow op. as far as the peg board idea. best yet.

but remember when you post, your going to get replys. some you might like. some you might not. and i wasnt going to give you blueprints a cad drawing or fucking isos. i wanted to know the whole picture. not just a fkin door on a wall. because i cant see the staircase so i ouldnt know what would look awkward. and as far as curtains. cmon. they work on until someone goes " hay, is this a indow under your stairs?" then moves the curtain to see a door. HIGHLY SUSPECT. but ya. ideas is what ya got compadre. sorry if i come off, abrasive.

joe dollar

Well-Known Member
Could put the peg board on a rail system to slide down the wall and make the door bigger so you dont got to climb in. That way you can have amply room to get in and out. Think the other guy is just mad cause he didnt have any good ideas. Yeah you can talk like " samuel l jackson " but you dont got to type like it haha. Anyways best of luck man. Hope to see some pics of whatever you come up with

Later Brah


Well-Known Member
joe dollar.
mad because i dont have any good ideas. roflmao. i find your statement mother fucking funny. and i can fucking type how i fucking please. lol. as far as my ideas. lol i would show u, i would brag, but posting something online in a public forum thats supposed to be steathy. supposed to be hidden, well that would be stupid now wouldnt it.
since i live in a state where its not legal. since hiddening it serves a real purpose of keeping me from getting incarcerated. i wont show you how stupid my ideas are. but to me, you post means nothing. joe dollar, get off your motheres computer and go wash the dishes. lol

^i have no clue your age but im taking it like this because after all it was between me and the auther of this thread and since you so eagerly jumped in it and took sides like were in middle school, i assumed your nothing more than a punk ass little boy. good luck on your grow op joe dollar. you pos. :D and mad? ha you kknow nothing of my current emotional status. idiot.

joe dollar

Well-Known Member
ur talking stealthy but you want all kinds of pics. Also why the hell would you climb a later with supply's or things for your garden, but I do like you whole ladder idea ( kinda pointless when you have to haul water or soil.....but each to his own. ) I am not here to fight or point fingers, I just merely posted an idea to the guy. I answered his question like I do to any that I feel I can put any kind of good advice to. No need to jack the mans thread. Hope that you have plenty of success with your " hidden " garden. Real smart to use your computer where if they wanted to track your ip address they would end up at your house. Good thing I use my moms computer and live in my own apartment hahahaha


Well-Known Member
lol. right and im sitting in my house using my computer. totally not sitting here at starbucks using there wireless.Or perhaps using my prepaid cell phone with internet connection. no. not me. plus im the one living in the state where its illegal. not him. at least i hope not. thats would be bad. plus in order to raid someones house. you would need more than word. you would need pics. thus i never post. and when living in a spot where you risk incarceration for the rest of your life. using a ladder doesnt seem all that bad. in fact i distinctly remember using a abandon storm shelter, this being texas and in tornado alley, which had a stair case which rotted away. sometimes a LITTLE inconvience is worth it, especially when local law enforcement is a bunch of gun totting cowboys who raid before investigate. and as far as luck with my hidden garden. you actually think i would give ideas of shit i have in my house? i mean cmon man. but alas, i shall quit ranting ive wasted enough of my high on you. joe dollar


Well-Known Member
ps good luck ith that apartment you got bro one day youll be a big boy and able to afford a house like the rest of us, men.


Well-Known Member
i still think having a better understanding on where this door is would help. i know under the stairs, in the basement. but thats small door, im having problems invisioning here. and is there any plumbling in this said crawl space. usuallyin older homes this was built for a reason. as access to something. it might pose a hazard if anyone where to ever need to go in there. they also have japanese sliding doors, which the door slides into the wall for space. lots of ideas just wish i could visualize thiis. like if the pic wasnt so damn close up and if that door was open.

Best idea yet, smoke a joint with your chick, in front of that door. than pick her brain for ideas. some of my best projects where the brain child of my wife. whos not a real stoner so her opinion is truly out tha box. some fresh incite ya dig. just dont do this when she raggin. ;P


Active Member
hey guys. I'm still planning on using the pegboard idea for now. just because it seems you are curious, the grow is located under one set of stairs but not exactly the basement stairs. it's pretty complicated to explain but my house is 5 floors so there are a lot of crawl spaces. i turned one into a wine cellar and one into a grow room. the crawlspace i'm growing in is in the space on my bottom level but it's under the stairs that connect that 2nd level to my 3rd level. so when walking down the stairs it is under, you aren't even on the same floor of the house as the entrance to the crawl space. i chose this space because it was a convenient vent to my laundry shaft in the summer, and in the winter I can vent in my air duct and keep all that nice warm air in my house if I want (I have an outdoor heat pump and my bill gets EXPENSIVE in the winter whether I grow or not). I haven't done this yet but plan on experimenting next winter.

the important thing is the entrance to the crawlspace is at the very bottom level of the house, directly at the bottom of the stairs. the picture was taken from me standing on the stairs. When standing on the floor at the bottom of the basement stairs with the stairs to your back, the door is exactly on your left in plain sight.

this probably made no sense, i'm really fuckin stoned on some bubble right now. peace. thanks again for the help.

Edit: Also, the door IS small. It is only 38 inches tall by 22 inches wide or something. It is about 3.5 feet off of the ground. Also, the chick currently prefers a don't want to know about it, just want to reap the benefits approach to the whole grow thing. I have been growing since we met but she's never been really down with it, she just lives with it as long as i keep it clean and keep smell under control.