Worst Drug?

Puffer Fish

Well-Known Member
Wow Pig Tails ...
No wonder Karma left ... you do not know much in your young age !
You should stop caring what people think ... put a pair of shades on and let yourself enjoy !!
You look worse during your period ... than you look while high on E .... trust me ...
And this 'period' typically lasts how long for you ?? .... (like a week ?)
Plus the mood swings ....
Bahhh ...


Still love You my Canadian Sister !!


Active Member
I live in a drug infested area and seems like people here like to commit suicide. Worste drug to me is crystal meth then heroin than crack. From what I have seen. Yet they still like to do a lot of anti marijuana bullshit .


bud bootlegger
what on earth is dude talking about saying ex, a term i hate, it's e, has the most crap in it?? if you get good e, it should be nothing more than plain old mdma, which in itself is one of the least harmful drugs out there..
now if you're taking some garbage cut pills, that is another story, but yet they don't have the most crap on them of all drugs, far from it.. how do you think cocaine is synthesized?? that's right, they use kersonsene, good stuff to be sticking up you're nose..
and not so long ago in my local city, the heroin was being cut with phentynal, another lovely substance, far worse than any thing one may find in a simple e pill or two.. this is the stuff that they give you for surgeries and tell you to count backwards from 100 and by the time you hit 95 you're out cold.. try adding that on top of some heroin, and tell me you'd not rather be rolling on some lovely e...

and like someone else has already said, all drugs are about equal.. it's just when you let one or another take control of your life that they can become bad or evil.. even then, it's not so much the drugs, but rather what one allows them to do to them..

Puffer Fish

Well-Known Member
And since we are talking about MDMA .... and there seems to be ... lots of Disinformation .... please allow yourself a watch .... then think about IT !!


HS CREW I apologize for spamming this VID again !

Also ... Time permitting .... please consider watching this feature ...



If YOU have an addictive personality .... It is not the DRUGS .... It is YOU.
If YOU have no Control ....DRUGS R NOT for YOU


Well-Known Member
worst drugs. hmm my wife is a pharmacy technician. top pills filled, hydrocodone aka vicodin, and xanax.
IMO these are the worst because itha prescription they are legal, refillable and highly addictive. they can be easily sold from some who has a script and you never hear of a pill dealer getting busted.

i had a friend who had a steady supply of xanax. and well like anyone who took it knows once your intoxicated you r not aware of what your doing. he continued to reup on his stash never getting sober, within a few days he was spotted in a suburb of dallas walking up and down the street ith a empty shotgun. police arrived and drew there weapons, armando not being in sound mind raised his shotgun to about a 45 degree angle before getting plugged with bullets. so ya. the drugs the pharmacies dish out i find are way more dangerous and distuctive seeing as there so accessible especially to the younger generation who dont know any better.

i middle school student wont try heroin, or cocaine, but a little pill you found in your moms stash. that they will take. and those are the true gateway drug.
Wow Pig Tails ...
No wonder Karma left ... you do not know much in your young age !
You should stop caring what people think ... put a pair of shades on and let yourself enjoy !!
You look worse during your period ... than you look while high on E .... trust me ...
And this 'period' typically lasts how long for you ?? .... (like a week ?)
Plus the mood swings ....
Bahhh ...


Still love You my Canadian Sister !!
hummm.... weird.


Active Member
As far as pills go I would say desoxyn (Meth) or Oxycontin (Heron in a pill) That's pretty fucked up the 2 most addictive drugs in the world have medical value yet pot does not. Fentanyl is the strongest opiate out there but the chances of somebody getting that is fairly low. Unless your just about to die from cancer or AIDS your not gonna get a script.


Well-Known Member
As far as pills go I would say desoxyn (Meth) or Oxycontin (Heron in a pill) That's pretty fucked up the 2 most addictive drugs in the world have medical value yet pot does not. Fentanyl is the strongest opiate out there but the chances of somebody getting that is fairly low. Unless your just about to die from cancer or AIDS your not gonna get a script.
I second what you said about oxy's.
I've seen people buying those with bags full of change.

Some people love themselves some hillbilly heroin.


Active Member
It's hilarious that Dysoxyn is legitimately Methamphetamine HCl. Once in highschool I had to do a project on 2 "Street drugs" and 2 prescription pills. I chose Dysoxyn and Marinol as well as Meth and Cannabis. Probably the most mind's I've changed about weed at one time in my life time. Also, my loophole senses were tingling and I couldn't resist.


Active Member
Damn, they even fucked up the chucky cheese =[[

Lol, in reality though I feel for you, those two are the worst around here too. Detroit used to be such a nice city =[ too bad I've NEVER gotten to experience it that way. Blegh


Active Member
I have to agree that it's not any specific drug, it's how you allow it to control you. Everybody's weakness is different! I had my bout with meth as a teenager and can safely say for me it was the worst. I loved the way it made me feel on it, but when I was off it I felt terrible and just wanted more to get back to that good feeling again. Honestly, I'll never touch the shit again! It was the worst self inflicted time in my life! And it was only over a period of a month or so..... Yay for being 11 years meth free! :lol: Teenagers do dumb shit.....


Active Member
Fantastic that you got over it so quick, could've wrecked terror on your life. Hopefully 1 month was just long enough for it to be an experience (while an excruciating one) to learn from.
Gratz =] (11 years late? lol)


Well-Known Member
Crack and meth.
Crack is so popular, and will be so popular for so long because it's easy as shit to make, your house won't blow up trying to make it like it would with meth, and it's cheap as fuck. It's the poor man's coke, but more addictive, and fucks you up way more. Awesome right! Just look at Oakland, hometown of crack. It's a beautiful city and all, but it's also 90% ghetto... thanks crack!
Meth will literally turn good people into terrible fucking human beings against their own will. I have a friend who used to tweak for a bit. He was able to stop, and now he'll never touch that shit again.
Thizz isn't that bad. Sure if you get bunk pills, you're basically doing meth, but decent thizz is whatever. I think pressies are dumb, but I still enjoy molly or even sass (just found a connect for that... I highly recommend it to anyone that gets the chance). Considering what else is out there, I'm perfectly fine with people doing thizz. At least it makes you love everyone/thing.


New Member
all these drugs u are talking about are really bad they bring tears poverty jail if your lucky if not your going to die in the bathroom at a gas station your mother will cry .... so will i .....kids please.......please