Watering to Much or to Little?

so i feel like i cant find a happy medium. if i dont give water pretty much every other day they droop realllly bad, and if i give them water every other day the leaves curl and show signs of overwater. i cant find the sweet spot. i am growing in homemade soil, fox farm tiger bloom nutes, the ph is about 6.2 and it is about 3 weeks into flower. little signs of nute burn on tips but have cut back. it just seems like i cant get it right. its under a 400w hps. 80 degrees with 35% humidity. lower leaves have turned yellow but i read thats normal in flower. The plant looks nice and healthy but i cant get the watering right and its driving me nuts. the soil looks dry and i water. if its still moist i dont. help me out


Well-Known Member
water until it runs out the bottom, don't water again until its light, or shows signs of wilting, I would say u got it covered. the 35% humidity is why they are drying out so fast.


Well-Known Member
ya wiseguy is right...i do the same thing. in 3 gallon pots it takes me about a half a gallon of water, and you get about the right run off. may be closer to 20 persent, and i usually keep my humidity at about 35-40, but i am also super paranoid about mold.


Well-Known Member
also, not as accurate as weight judging, but some people have just as much luck if they stick their finger in the dirt, and if the first inch or so is about dry, then they water...but again not nearly as accurate as weight, because the bottom of the pot may still be holding, and you wouldnt know.
since i have a lil nute burn on my tips should i flush or just use water? how often should i water with nutes, i am using tiger bloom. 3 tsp per gallon of water. and help would be great, thanks


Well-Known Member
if the nute burn is minimal, like just at the leaf tips plain water would fix it, 2 or 3 days like new. and cut your bloom nutes in half. i am in flowering as well, and i use about 1 1/2 tsp per gallon of tiger bloom , and a tsp. of big bloom, and about a tsp of molasses, plants are diggin it. but as a general rule always cut nutes in half. you can always slowly acclimate them to more nutes. an extra half teaspoon her or there if ya feel brave lol.


New Member
so i feel like i cant find a happy medium. if i dont give water pretty much every other day they droop realllly bad, and if i give them water every other day the leaves curl and show signs of overwater. i cant find the sweet spot. i am growing in homemade soil, fox farm tiger bloom nutes, the ph is about 6.2 and it is about 3 weeks into flower. little signs of nute burn on tips but have cut back. it just seems like i cant get it right. its under a 400w hps. 80 degrees with 35% humidity. lower leaves have turned yellow but i read thats normal in flower. The plant looks nice and healthy but i cant get the watering right and its driving me nuts. the soil looks dry and i water. if its still moist i dont. help me out
man i know what u mean im havin the same problem

bud nugbong

Well-Known Member
pick up the pots to see if they are feeling light. thats the best way imo...and dont be afraid to till the soil with a toothpick a little bit