New Growth on Colas and Harvest Time


Well-Known Member
Hi everyone, first grow DWC AK-48 flowering day 60 under 240w Blackstar

In last few days have noticed some new growth lengthening out of the top of the largest/top colas... was wondering if this looks normal? Seemed a little weird to me, but what do I know? How close do you guys think to harvest? Don't think I am seeing amber trichs yet, hard to say about cloudy/clear percentage...

Replaced the nutes with only water 3 days ago to begin flush, anticipating harvest next week...

Anyways, any opinions on these pics and how much longer I should let it go before cutting it down would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!



Well-Known Member
im on the 3 week side, and invest in a microscope too look at your trichs,,and a wise man told me it never hurts to wait...


Well-Known Member
Cool. I feared that I was going to need more time when the stems appeared out of the tops of the colas and kept on growing upwards, forming new leaves and bud sites...

It was just pretty strange the way that happened, because it appeared to me that they were "done" lengthening upwards a good 2 weeks back, and the buds were just "fattening up" And that was around 48 days flowering... But then all a sudden lately I was getting this new growth.../shrug I guess even AK-48 could use more like 70 days flowering with only 1 240w Blackstar... I am sure I have other conditions that are not "optimum" as well, so...

I agree that it would be wise to invest in a microscope. I got a 30x lighted loupe, but yea, IMO it's kind of a POS, and no wonder that it only cost like 3 bucks lol

I guess I better drain the water and add fresh water/nutes ASAP and give it more time. Think I will pick up some blackstrap molasses as well.


Active Member
yea u got aat leaast three more weeks friend.. it is even goin to shoot out white psitels when shes done,and begin to foxtail.. so wait two weeks get a radioshak ten buck microscope and begin to check the trichs ever other day or so being sure not to miss the window and over ripen.goodluck!


Active Member
Almost looks like they started to reveg...they have weird growth coming outta the colas and twisted leaves


Well-Known Member
Well here it is 5_10_11... Looks like I'll go another week/two... Been a long time flowering... this is like Day 70 now... I also guess I'm pretty happy with yield of this 1 plant and 1 240w Blackstar LED =)



Well-Known Member
wtf is that growing out of the bud in the first picture? is that a branch? thats weird man lol

buds look great for a led though, im about to go google a blackstar right now,



Well-Known Member
light leaks, thats my guess. same happened to me, they got a bit of nute burn, and light leaks (left the stupid door open like 3 times, cuz i got high....) and i got all this new weird growth. i let it fill in for another 2 weeks before cutting, the tips tasted like shit. didnt even make descent hash. sad but true, better luck next time, and atleast you still got plenty to smoke


Well-Known Member
I'd say you'd be good to go (harvest) within another 2 to 3 weeks man.

looks good!

great job.

Good to see that your flushing your medium out prior to harvest. ;) It's best to always flush.. rather your using organics or not. I am, and I still plan on stopping all nutes a week before I harvest. Just better to be safe than sorry..

good work my man!



Active Member
First thought that came to my head was reveg. I'll will be sure not to use led's. Good luck int the future. I've been at it 1 year now and it is not easy.


Well-Known Member
light leaks, thats my guess. same happened to me, they got a bit of nute burn, and light leaks (left the stupid door open like 3 times, cuz i got high....) and i got all this new weird growth. i let it fill in for another 2 weeks before cutting, the tips tasted like shit. didnt even make descent hash. sad but true, better luck next time, and atleast you still got plenty to smoke
you must have made another mistake somewhere along the line bro. light leaks and even nute burn won't cause the final dried/cured product to taste bad. You either didn't flush out your medium good enough or at all. If it didn't even make decent hash... then, well sir, you apparently made a mistake or you just had a very crappy strain with shitty genetics. Or you probably made a mistake and didn't dry/cure them correctly.. or you may have not cured them long enough. Curing takes at least 2 to 3 weeks before most of the chlorophyll gets evaporated. As long as you cure for a good 3 to 4 weeks.. it should taste just fine. If you were to cure it even longer than that.. lets say 5 to 7 weeks.. it would taste even that much better because its had more time for the biological events to take place.. such as the evaporation of any remaining moisture in the product.. which is also whats responsible for clearing out the remaining chlorophyll (chemical that gives the product that green taste and the "fresh hay" smell). Which is why you should always make sure you start curing the product before the middle bud stem in the center of the bud.. snaps when bent. The idea, the best way to make sure your product gets the longest possible cure time.. is to throw the product into your curing jars when the bud-stem (the middle inner-stem of each bud) starts its transition. In other words.. its best to start curing (throw the buds into your jars) once the bud-stems have about 50% moisture content left in them. When they're at this level.. or in the ballpark of 50% moisture level, the stem will have "spring like" properties.. which means when you bend the middle stem of the buds.. they should bounce back, kinda like a spring.. back to their prior position (or close to it). This is the prime time to toss your product into your jars and begin the curing process.


Well.. this way, the bud will be mostly dry (not completely dry, around 60% to 70% dry) and the inner middle bud-stems of each bud will have most of their moisture left (around 80 to 90% left). This is important because not only does the curing process need ample (but not too much) moisture in order to take place... but the moisture from inside each inner-stem on each bud.. will slowly evaporate, which will also give the bud/product an even cure/dry.. which in return gives the grower a perfectly evenly dried product that will burn perfectly.. or close to it.. but perfection is what we want here. ;)

Also, during the curing process.. while the remaining moisture from the inner stem inside each bud evaporates, it takes any remaining Chlorophyll with it. This is what you want because as I mentioned earlier, Chlorophyll is the chemical responsible for giving the plant its green color.. but not only its green color, but the Chlorophyll is also responsible for giving the product its "fresh hay" or 'cut grass smell'.. as well as the grassy harmful taste. The longer you cure.. the more Chlorophyll will get evaporated.. the more Chlorophyll that gets evaporated.. the better tasting/looking and smelling the final product will be.

Anyhow, sorry for rambling. Just trying to help educate the new people.. hopefully I succeeded in doing just that. If not, oh well..

you can lead a horse to water.. but ya can't make 'em drink. Ya dig? lol. ;)

everyone have a great and fucked up Memorial Day weekend. I know I will!



Active Member
you must have made another mistake somewhere along the line bro. light leaks and even nute burn won't cause the final dried/cured product to taste bad. You either didn't flush out your medium good enough or at all. If it didn't even make decent hash... then, well sir, you apparently made a mistake or you just had a very crappy strain with shitty genetics. Or you probably made a mistake and didn't dry/cure them correctly.. or you may have not cured them long enough. Curing takes at least 2 to 3 weeks before most of the chlorophyll gets evaporated. As long as you cure for a good 3 to 4 weeks.. it should taste just fine. If you were to cure it even longer than that.. lets say 5 to 7 weeks.. it would taste even that much better because its had more time for the biological events to take place.. such as the evaporation of any remaining moisture in the product.. which is also whats responsible for clearing out the remaining chlorophyll (chemical that gives the product that green taste and the "fresh hay" smell). Which is why you should always make sure you start curing the product before the middle bud stem in the center of the bud.. snaps when bent. The idea, the best way to make sure your product gets the longest possible cure time.. is to throw the product into your curing jars when the bud-stem (the middle inner-stem of each bud) starts its transition. In other words.. its best to start curing (throw the buds into your jars) once the bud-stems have about 50% moisture content left in them. When they're at this level.. or in the ballpark of 50% moisture level, the stem will have "spring like" properties.. which means when you bend the middle stem of the buds.. they should bounce back, kinda like a spring.. back to their prior position (or close to it). This is the prime time to toss your product into your jars and begin the curing process.


Well.. this way, the bud will be mostly dry (not completely dry, around 60% to 70% dry) and the inner middle bud-stems of each bud will have most of their moisture left (around 80 to 90% left). This is important because not only does the curing process need ample (but not too much) moisture in order to take place... but the moisture from inside each inner-stem on each bud.. will slowly evaporate, which will also give the bud/product an even cure/dry.. which in return gives the grower a perfectly evenly dried product that will burn perfectly.. or close to it.. but perfection is what we want here. ;)

Also, during the curing process.. while the remaining moisture from the inner stem inside each bud evaporates, it takes any remaining Chlorophyll with it. This is what you want because as I mentioned earlier, Chlorophyll is the chemical responsible for giving the plant its green color.. but not only its green color, but the Chlorophyll is also responsible for giving the product its "fresh hay" or 'cut grass smell'.. as well as the grassy harmful taste. The longer you cure.. the more Chlorophyll will get evaporated.. the more Chlorophyll that gets evaporated.. the better tasting/looking and smelling the final product will be.

Anyhow, sorry for rambling. Just trying to help educate the new people.. hopefully I succeeded in doing just that. If not, oh well..

you can lead a horse to water.. but ya can't make 'em drink. Ya dig? lol. ;)

everyone have a great and fucked up Memorial Day weekend. I know I will!

Excellant post +rep


Well-Known Member
thanks for the info, i think you misunderstood though. my product tasted spectacular and i did the dry/cure thing pretty well, not perfect, but still damn good. i didnt even taste it until it cured for 3 weeks (wich was very hard)

what i meant was that i also got that new growth coming out of an already fat cola, stems with single blade un-serrated leaves popped up and out of the fat buds, and those parts tasted like shit, i didnt smoke them just cut them off the buds and used them for hash. my genetics were NL from nirvana and G13haze.

thanks for the tips though, always apporeciated!

good luck, and good smokin all weekend to all!


Well-Known Member
...what i meant was that i also got that new growth coming out of an already fat cola, stems with single blade un-serrated leaves popped up and out of the fat buds...
Hey guys, thanks for the posts! I am particularly interested in (and really encouraged by!) the comments about light leaks and re-vegging... This is because YES I was also careless, and at the end of this grow (did I mention it was my first??? lol) on more than one occasion I left the CFL bulb that I have inside of the tent ON during the dark period... How did that happen? Well because I was just being dumb for one reason or another, but mostly because I was getting a little impatient with how long the flowering process was taking, and figured that having the extra light on during the light period would help... So I would turn on the CFL (manual) at night when the LED came on (automatic), and then I would forget to turn it off the next morning when the LED shut off. I know a couple of times that it got left on for a few hours after the LED had shut off the next day... I also know that it got left on for the entire 12 hour dark period once... I stopped turning on the CFL at night after that happened.

Sure enough, the time that my CFL blunders occurred does indeed coincide well with the appearance of the new, strange looking growth coming out of the top of the tallest, central colas... I am going to do some more reading/research on this subject to firm it up in my mind, but yeah... it sure seems this is what happened!

Anyways, as stated, at least I have plenty of good stuff... To avoid confusion, the stuff hanging/drying in the pictures is in addition to the stuff that is actually still growing on the plant in the pictures... I am still cutting it all down and hanging it to dry... so yea... I'm happy! As far as the comments about the LED causing the re-vegging and/or being a technology not worth investing in, I'd have to totally disagree there. Everything you see in the pics is 1 plant, grown with 1 cheap LED. Power bill doesn't see a hit, and I have no need for any heat removal/air flow systems in the tent... I just used a small desktop fan (maybe 8 inch) blowing on the floor of the tent, and a left a couple of small vents slightly open at the top... The questions in my mind about LED are no longer so much about effectiveness/yield/quality of the results, but more "How long will this LED last?"

As far as what I've researched, I should be pretty good to go there too...


Well-Known Member
well now that you've opened this can of worms i gotta know. how much was this LED? where did you buy it? strain is AK48? whats the wattage and specs on that panel? how long did you veg? soil or hydro? nutrients? and most importantly whats the final weight wet or dry? thanks