Growing differently need opinions


Well-Known Member
I just dont think that if there is snow on the ground where you are at the sun you are going to get is going to give you the results you want....just stick to the cfls look at my grow all cfl!!! from one lite to 2 to 3 like 7$ in cant beat that with a stick..


Well-Known Member
right.. i agree..
CFLs work great! and produce very little heat.. but heat shouldnt be an issue if your in a snow state
(ive never seen snow except when ive done work in chicago)


Well-Known Member
alright you guys thanx so much i think i will start germinating in a few weeks, gonna put in in closet till they sprout then put them in windowsill and just play it by eye, im waiting a few weeks because i need to get lighting suplies, maybe when i go over to my parents house, a seed might accidentily slip into one of her pots nothin to bad i love my parents. any last words before i start (next week)


Well-Known Member
.:-| i was thinking of starting a grow where i use half cfl light and the other half of the time a sit it in the window sill for some natural light. im gona grow the shortest possible plants I can grow so I have some questions
yeah, you can put anything on wheels(kool photos by the way)
I was factoring in the sill,duh.


Well-Known Member
Dont do that to your parents and havent you notice people trip out when you say stuff about them? There are a TON of parents on here. Your parents are just acting on what they believe...Im sure you were teasing about the seed but you have to see that, that type of idea/behavior is probably rooted in a need to be a bit more mature and Im sure thats why your parents freaked out they add all of who you are up and then they see pot plants or whateve and they are like ahhhh this kid he doesnt get it...k off my soap box...sorry but be a good boy ....big smiles


Well-Known Member
yeah;; id like to add some last words for ya...

i know youve heard that natural light is the best and all... but take the following into consideration:

my friend has 4 plants growing that he keeps in his sliding glass window which faces east ( gets the most sunlight) and he has had those plants going for about 3 months now.. they are yet to show sex and are extremely stretched..

also, if you grow out doors it is not as quick to finish as if you were to grow indoors (this is due in a major part to the ability to change light cycles at will indoors )

many grows have been accomplished with the minimum investment ( but a little more attention )

i think you might be better off just giving it ample lighting ( that u can afford ) and buying a $8 light timer from walmart.. there are alot more bases u need to cover and i dont think that having a 8hour in cab/ 8hour in sill/ 8hour in dark regimen is going to help u give your babies the attention they need in aspects aside from lighting...

just my 2 cents


Well-Known Member
ok thanx man maybe a little less natural sunlight, now im thinkin when companies over in the day turn off the lights, stick em' in the window and pull down the blind,


Well-Known Member
grrr.. that comment has really gotten to me.. i am a parent and cant see how u would say some dumb shit like that... you prolly live in a fuckin trailer and have 5 kids with 6 different men or some shit..
Yeah right,i live in a trailer,try more like owning 6 houses :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
well.. helping a fuckin axe murderer would be TELLING THEM ITS WRONG.. and if u raised an axe murderer YOU did something wrong...

if i grow a hermie its because i did something wrong...

if i think that my support in it being a hermie is gonna help it not be a hermie than i am just wrong..

so in retrospect, your parents (who obviously dont condone growing pot or breaking the law ) are just being good parents and trying to lead u the right direction ( growing illegally can lead u to prison ) . . .

so i dont really understand why one would say they would support an axe murderer of a child.. if your axe wielding child every came near my kid id beat the brains out of him/her with the wood end of the axe.. u better wake the fuck up and watch your kids..

that kind of neglective bullshit is exactly why kids are shooting up schools and shit.. u disgust me. fuck! ::needs to roll a joint now::
Normally i dont freak out but your a nut job if you thought i really meant that,it's called a metaphor,you know word association,meaning that every parent should do everything in their power to protect their children,not turn them into the cops.

You can kill all the telephone tough guy crap too,makes no sense & your not scaring anybody,plus you were given no reason to freak right the fuck out, let alone loose your damm mind 3 times,then threaten to beat the shit out of my children over a fukin metaphor.

My children who you threatened to bash just happen to be model citizens,one just happens to be an all state wrestling champion if that matters.

Then you go on to insult me by saying i live in a trailer like trash,not that it maters one iota but FYI i own 6 houses & a cabin all paid for,several harleys,2 classic cars & a home theater system thats worth more than the average american makes in one year.

And to further your insulting spree over my use of a metaphor you go on to insult myself & my wife of 25 years by saying we have 6 kids by different parents.

Then your rant goes on to lecture me about why kids shoot up schools,my wife is a school teacher for 23 years now,i'd say were more than qualified to know what an asshole kid is & why kids shoot up schools,its surely not from protective parents,its from parents neglecting their children & bad parenting.

Then you accuse me of bad parenting,you dont know me yet you accuse me of bad parenting over an OBVIOUS metaphor,where in any of my posts on this site have i spoke of my parenting methods.

Ya know,maybe you should sit down & smoke that joint you said you needed so badly & reflect on yourself as a person & what would cause you so much instant anger to the point you want violence.

Before lashing out at me & making silly threats & condemnations over the use of an obvious metaphor,a metaphor that any sane adult could of spotted right off the bat,think about how great a parenting idea it is to be growing pot in the home where your family lives before you go patting yourself on the back as parent of the year,then condeming me as the root of all evil.


Well-Known Member
any way....
i decided to hold of the grow for a while, in the mean time I'm going to do some growing of other plants, my mom gave me a tiny clipping from a jade plant the is in a shot glass, and she wants me to grow some basil for her, might grow some other herbs are there any that grow like pot, besides hemp, that i could try. I'm just going to get used to growing plants and their needs and stuff. as always thanx guys and happy growing.

PS. why don't you two just calm down, roll a nice fatty and love the world.



Well-Known Member
aww DR.robert, I am so proud of you that sounds like such a great idea!!!!! try tomatoes...I hear that they are pretty close and by doing them inside you will get that same experience of managing height, etc...startem from seeds the nutrients are pretty similar too so that could be really great experience...I killed so many household plants when I first began!!!! You will feel so much more confident growing something that is legal and if you kill it you didnt put the bank or your butt on the line you know?? I would be really interesting if you got a couple of tomatoe plants and pretended like they were pot plants, stick with the forum, model your nutes after them etc...I wanna go get some tomatoe seeds now...if you want Ill do a tomatoe grow with you.....again I AM SO PROUD OF YOU!!!! please keep in contact!!!


Well-Known Member
lol thanks the only problem I have with growing oranges like pot is that my grow room is kinda really visible and my parents are at my house a lot, and after the last fiesco i don't think they would believe me if i told them I went from pot to oranges. maybe sometime though, i will definatly be growing some herbs to get used to it.


Well-Known Member
something about today seems good, i just got back home after a hard day and i opened this site deciding to not grow pot for a while and I'm reading all this good stuff on the forums like this guy found a plant in his gutter, todays a good day love all around


Well-Known Member
i hope so!! i too just got home from a hard day and decided to put my ladies into flower!! i will be taking photo updates tonight when the lights come on .. 4 more hours.. ..

found a plant in a gutter? where did u read that.. sounds interesting..
my buddy who is a plumber just recently had to do this big job for the city in the sewers.. theres these big filter stations that they had to clean out.. he said u find all kind of shit in there that people flush and they found about 6 full sized MJ plants just growing in muddy shit water.. other kinds of plants too but he kept 2 of the pretty/shitty plants.. they found a 20 dollar bill too..

imagine turning that $20 in at burger king or somethin.. haha.. yuck


Well-Known Member
dude that is so funny the guy who found the plant,someone commented on his dirty nails, said he was a plummer! weird i think he was like kickapenguin or something.


Well-Known Member
grrr.. that comment has really gotten to me.. i am a parent and cant see how u would say some dumb shit like that... you prolly live in a fuckin trailer and have 5 kids with 6 different men or some shit..
This whole thing doesn't really seem necessary. It's called overdramatization, and you're not meant to take it seriously. That parent would probably turn their child in if they were a serial murderer, it's simply a statement of that person's passionate protection for their children, and a statement that they wouldn't threaten to turn them in simply for doing something dangerous.